
Chapter 1183 The Treasure of Life, Ghost Talisman Reappears!

Chapter 1183 The Treasure of Life, Ghost Talisman Reappears!

Tong Yan has experienced resurrection from the dead, so he believes in the existence of resurrection from the dead.But the problem is that bringing others back to life and bringing yourself back to life are completely two concepts.

There are countless miraculous doctors in the world, but how many miraculous doctors can control the life and death of others?Maybe none.Besides, those corpses had been soaked in the river for so long, and he even chopped off their heads.If this can bring the dead back to life, then this Longyang Mausoleum is really more divine than a god.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Longyangling, I know you are proficient in the art of refining demons, and you are also quite accomplished in this. But do you think it is realistic to bring people back to life? Do you know what those corpses look like now? Most of them have already been decapitated, tell me, how do you bring them back to life?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man transformed by white qi smiled slightly and said: "No matter what they become, as long as they don't leave here, they can be brought back to life. To be honest, they have already merged with my Demon Refining Cave. If you believe me, they will surely survive."

Although Tong Yan still had some disbelief, he said, "Okay, I believe you. Then tell me, what do you need to do to bring them back to life?"

The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled and said, "You're wrong. It's not what I do, but what you do. I'm just a wimp now, and it won't be long before it dissipates. What else can I do? But don't worry, I will tell you what to do, as long as you cooperate, as long as you want to save them, you can definitely do it."

After a long time, he put the matter of saving lives on Tong Yan, and Tong Yan was really speechless about it.But when he thinks about being able to save people, it doesn't matter if he suffers a little bit.

"Yes, I can help you. Now you can tell me, what should I do?"

The middle-aged man pointed to the inside of the sarcophagus, and said, "The answer is in this coffin, go and see for yourself!"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, although he was worried about whether the Longyang Mausoleum was fraudulent, he still walked towards the coffin step by step, and tried to look inside.But because of the distance, he didn't see anything at first glance.In desperation, he could only move on.

As soon as he stepped forward, the Blood Crystal Beast who was kneeling on the ground also stood up, it seemed that he wanted to see what was in the coffin with him.

Only when Tong Yan walked to the side of the sarcophagus did he finally see the inside of the coffin clearly.

There is no danger in the coffin, just a box inside.

The box is pure black, but it is not made of stone or refined iron. It should be wood. As for what kind of wood it is, it is unknown.The box is engraved with patterns like waves, and it still looks very beautiful, but I don't know what is in the box.

Tong Yan thought of the secret book of demon refining, maybe the secret book of refining demon is in this box.

"Take it out, it's yours now."

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Tong Yan no longer hesitated, and immediately grabbed it with one hand, using his ability to fetch objects from a distance.With his current cultivation base, it is not difficult to fetch things from a distance, and the box is not big, so it shouldn't be heavy.

After such a grasp, the box inside the coffin moved slowly, and after he increased his strength, it slowly floated up until it floated out of the coffin and finally fell into his hands.

The box is indeed not heavy, not even ten catties. It seems that there is a great possibility that it contains the cheats of refining demons.

"You must really want to know what's inside, right? Then open it and have a look!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "You want to give it to me so impatiently, so there won't be any problems in it?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately replied: "With your cultivation base, even if there are problems inside, it shouldn't hurt you, right? Don't worry, if I want to harm you, I don't have to wait until now, are you right?"

Tong Yan nodded, said no more, grabbed the lid of the box with his other hand, and opened it abruptly.

A "click" sound was heard, and the lid opened.But when he looked inside, he couldn't help showing doubts.

What exactly is inside the box?

It was not the so-called secret book of refining demons, but a key, a golden key.

Seeing this, he immediately asked, "What did you give me the key for? Did you leave XZ elsewhere?"

The middle-aged man nodded and smiled, "That's right, I really didn't put anything here. The reason is very simple, before I can't be sure whether the destined person is good or evil, I will not give away all the things I have treasured in my life. If you just get the key and don’t know where the treasure is hidden, you won’t be able to get my treasure. I think you should be able to understand why I did this, I want to benefit the world, not help the evil, this is my original intention.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said: "You, a villain with blood on your hands and countless murders, still want to test whether others are good or evil. How ridiculous! Then I have to ask, do you think I am good or evil?" evil?"

The middle-aged man did not refute or get angry, but said truthfully: "I think you are a good person, if not, I would not be willing to hand over the key to you. Now that you have got the key, it is time to find me Treasure."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked straightforwardly, "Where is the treasure?"

"It's at the bottom of the river, under the bridge. As long as you're careful, you can find it."

I have to admit that this Longyang Mausoleum really knows how to choose a place.Who would have thought that the treasure of his Longyang Mausoleum would be hidden at the bottom of the river?If he hadn't told him personally, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to find it if he had turned the demon refining cave upside down, right?

But now that I think about the box containing the keys, it is also a hint. The waves engraved on the box refer to water, doesn't it?
Knowing where the treasure is, Tong Yan doesn't seem to need to stay here anymore.Maybe the so-called method of bringing people back to life is in that treasure.

"You sure you didn't lie to me, did you? You really can bring people back to life, right?"

The middle-aged man nodded and replied: "Everything I said before is true, you can go treasure hunting now. I hope that after you get my treasure, you can benefit the world. I have to go, what I should do has been done I hope this can alleviate my sins!"

Seeing his body dissipate slowly, Tong Yan didn't say anything more.

Tong Yan would certainly not forgive this sinful demon refining master before he really brought those dead people back to life.

Without staying any longer, Tong Yan left the place with the key in hand, and ran straight towards the creek full of dead bodies.

Is the treasure of Longyang Mausoleum really hidden in the river?Is there really a way to bring people back to life in there?

Tong Yan's heart is still full of doubts, and the answer will be revealed soon.

But what he never expected was that in the so-called treasure, he actually discovered the former Mozong's supreme treasure!

It's nothing else, it's the famous Nether Ghost Talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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