
Chapter 1193 Let's kill, the Lord is coming!

Chapter 1193 Let's kill, the Lord is coming!

Severe pain came from behind, and he woke up instantly.How did the originally good situation evolve to this point?He was suddenly a little annoyed, and even more regretful.But nothing will help, what he can do is to reverse the defeat and get rid of the shackles of these demon stinging auras.

"Haha... Brat, aren't you crazy? It's beyond our control to kill all of us on our own. As I said, today I will kill you with my own hands. Now you have been beaten by me Bone hit, let me see how you survive! Haha..."

Hit the soul bone?Hearing this, Tong Yan really felt a little heavy in his head and a little weak in his legs.It seemed that he had indeed underestimated this Zheng Shiqiang.Although I don't know if this guy is a god, but this soul bone is really powerful.

He shook his head vigorously, the power of the heavenly demon in his body suddenly dissipated, and directly shook the soul bone away from his body.

"Huh...huh..." He panted heavily, trying hard to stabilize himself.But the more he did this, the more dizzy he became, as if everything around him was spinning.

Zheng Shiqiang walked towards him proudly step by step, and with one move with one hand, he took back the falling soul bone in his hand.

"What? Is it suddenly a little powerless? Let me tell you, your three souls and seven souls have been turned upside down after being hit by me. The only thing you can do is to wait for death!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't respond, but just knelt on the ground on one knee.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Zheng Shiqiang was even more proud. He was fiddling with the soul bone in his hand, as if he had already seen the scene of Tong Yan's tragic death.

But is Tong Yan really powerless to fight anymore?
In just two or three seconds, Zheng Shiqiang came to Tong Yan.He slowly raised the spirit bone in his hand, his eyes were full of killing intent.

"It's getting late, I'll send you on your way right away!" As he spoke, he slammed a bone down.

Although the seven spirits had been protecting the unconscious Tan Yu and Ji Qing'er, when they saw Tong Yan's life was in danger, two of them flew forward immediately.

But their movements were obviously still a beat slow, Zheng Shiqiang was too close to Tong Yan, he could smash Tong Yan's head in an instant, and took Tong Yan's life.

But what I didn't expect was that at this critical moment, an unbelievable scene suddenly happened.

Zheng Shiqiang slammed down his bone hard, but unexpectedly, he smashed it to nothing.

Tong Yan, who was kneeling on one knee in front of him, unexpectedly... just disappeared inexplicably.

Zheng Shiqiang couldn't help but widen his eyes when he expected such a thing to happen.

Suddenly, he sensed that something was wrong, and he was about to back away quickly.

It's a pity that although his movements are fast, they are not as fast as Jianmang.

All he saw was a beam of sword light passing by in an instant, cutting directly from his neck.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his head was cut off like this.

With a plop, he immediately fell heavily to the ground with his head in a different place.

But a robust young man appeared behind him, this person was none other than Tong Yan!

Looking at Zheng Shiqiang who fell on the ground, Tong Yan had a slight smile on his face.

"Evil thief, do you really think I'm afraid of your soul bone? That's right, your soul bone may really be effective for ordinary people, but I forgot to tell you. I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a star Soul! Now, it's time for you to taste the feeling of being cut into pieces."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately swung his knife and slashed frantically on Zheng Shiqiang's body.

Seeing Zheng Shiqiang's body being chopped into pieces like pork on a chopping board, everything seemed clear.

The reason why Tong Yan knelt on one knee just now and pretended to be powerless to resist was actually a deliberate play.But this is not to say that hitting the spirit bone is really ineffective for him, in fact, he also felt dizzy for a while, but soon this feeling disappeared without a trace.

Zheng Shiqiang thought that he was affected by the beating of the soul bone, and the three souls and seven souls had already left their original positions, so he relaxed his vigilance, became complacent, and sent them to the door automatically.

The moment Zheng Shiqiang swung the soul bone with his hand, Tong Yan resorted to shifting shape, and quickly drew out his sword, which cut off Zheng Shiqiang's neck and his head.

In fact, Tong Yan was able to succeed so easily, thanks to Zheng Shiqiang, if it wasn't for his previous blow that woke Tong Yan up.It is estimated that Tong Yan is still immersed in the killing and cannot extricate himself.

Fortunately, it was not too late to make up for it, which made it easier for Tong Yan to win the duel.

It's just that Zheng Shiqiang is not human at all, after Tong Yan chopped off his head and chopped up his body.Unexpectedly, his body slowly condensed like a liquid.

Looking at this situation, it seems to be re-condensing the body and resurrecting.

Tong Yan sees it in his eyes, how can he do what he wants?
Tong Yan directly reached into the pocket, groped inside for a while, and finally came across a crumpled fire talisman.

Although this fire talisman is a bit shabby, it can still be used if you make do with it.

Without further delay, he injected a ray of devilish energy into the fire talisman, and slammed it towards the condensed mass of minced meat.

There was only a "huh" sound, and as soon as the fireball touched the minced meat, it immediately burned.Immediately afterwards, the pungent burnt smell immediately filled the air.

Seeing the crackling of the fat in the minced meat, Tong Yan had a sneer on his face.

"Evil thief, still want to be reborn? I will burn your body to ashes, let me see how you can be reborn!"

After about two or three minutes like this, Zheng Shiqiang's body was completely reduced to ashes under the engulfment of the fireball.

Resolving Zheng Shiqiang does not mean that the battle is completely over. There are still a few red-haired monsters still alive, although they are too frightened to take another half step forward.

Tong Yan is kind-hearted, but his kindness is towards ordinary people, innocent people, and such a monster who kills without blinking an eye, he really can't be kind.

No more hesitation, he immediately flashed his figure and rushed over with the weapon in hand.

In less than a minute, all the remaining red-haired monsters were eliminated.

Tong Yan felt a little more relaxed now, but the matter was not over yet, and there were still these demon stings that were still entangled.

With Zheng Shiqiang and the red-haired monster out of the way, it's time to deal with the stuff.If they are allowed to harm people everywhere, it is uncertain how many people will suffer from it.

But how to deal with them?This is really nerve-wracking.

It can't be broken up when you hit it, and it can't be messed up when you blow it. It's really troublesome.

He thought for a while, but still couldn't come up with a solution.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded at the door.

Immediately afterwards, something unbelievable happened.

"Haha... Tong Yan, you killed me as a puppet, did you really think you'd defeat me? The fun has just begun!"

(End of this chapter)

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