
Chapter 1195 Temporarily resting, the mystery of Jianmen!

Chapter 1195 Temporarily resting, the mystery of Jianmen!
Continuing from the above: This white dragon is beautiful and kind, calling the wind and rain for the people. The desolate poor city gradually has good weather and good harvests, and the name of the county is changed from Poverty City to Fengcheng.However, the locals often found that the white dragon looked around the lake in Yanpingjin almost every day, as if waiting for something, and some people saw tears in its eyes.

600 years have passed.By chance, when Lei Huan, the magistrate of Fengcheng County, was building the city wall, he dug out a stone box from the ground. Inside was a sword with the word "General" engraved on it. The famous sword that has been around for a long time is with me.

One day, Lei Huan passed by Yanpingjin Lake, and suddenly the sword in his waist jumped out of its sheath and jumped into the water. When Lei Huan was startled, the water surged, and out came the black and white twin dragons. Then, the two dragons entangled each other affectionately, and both dived into the bottom of the water and disappeared.

People who have lived in Fengcheng County for generations discovered that Bailong, who was said to have existed for more than 600 years, had suddenly disappeared on the surface of Yanpingjin Lake.

But on the second day, an ordinary young couple moved into the county town.The husband is an excellent blacksmith with superb skills, but he only devotes himself to forging ordinary agricultural tools that can not earn much money, but refuses to make weapons that are worth a lot of money. When he is working, his little wife is always by his side to help He fanned and wiped his sweat...

This legend is actually very touching. It talks about the unswerving love between Ganjiang Moxie until death, and the final result is happy for everyone.

Regardless of whether this legend is true or not, the matter of forging a sword with one's body and turning one's soul into a sword spirit is by no means groundless.

Now I heard Zheng Shiqiang say that Kunpeng wanted to use the sword soul stone from Tianshan Jianmen to forge a sword, so he probably wasn't lying.

But where is the sword soul stone now?Maybe only after Ji Qing'er wakes up can she find out.

Tong Yan nodded lightly, and then said: "It seems that Kunpeng has been eyeing the Sword Soul Stone at the Sword Gate of Tianshan for a long time. I will trust you on this matter. But you may not be able to help me with this favor." on, or rather, you may not be willing to oblige."

Zheng Shiqiang said with a chuckle: "I am sincerely joining forces with you. As long as it is not something that puts me to death, I will help if I can."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Okay, since you've already said that, then I'll say it straight. What I want you to do for me is to be my eyes, to monitor Kunpeng's every move for me, and to help me Find out what he is doing now. How is it? Is this difficult for you? "

Upon hearing this, Zheng Shiqiang said in disbelief: "Why? That's all? I thought you asked me to kill someone for you, but it turned out that you asked me to be your spy. Tong Yan, this is nothing serious at all .If you and I join forces, we will naturally be together. As long as it is to deal with Kunpeng, I will definitely try my best to help."

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's great. If that's the case, then tell me now where that guy Kunpeng is and what he's doing now."

After Zheng Shiqiang heard this, he was about to answer.

But at this moment, Ji Qing'er, who was in a coma, slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing this, the seven spirits who took care of her, Xiong Da hurriedly shouted to Tong Yan: "Brother Tong Yan, this girl is awake."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately turned his head to look, saw Ji Qing'er was struggling to sit up, and then said to Zheng Shiqiang: "Friend, you can tell me what I asked you later, I have to go first Take a look. By the way, you should have a way to clean up these monster stings, right? Please clean it up, please!"

Zheng Shiqiang did not refuse, but nodded with a smile: "Okay, leave it to me. You are busy with your work."

Hearing this, Tong Yan stopped talking, and immediately walked towards Ji Qing'er.

Ji Qing'er never thought that Tong Yan would be here, seeing Tong Yan approaching, a happy smile appeared on her face immediately.

"Tong Yan, could it be you? When did you come?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I've come a long time ago, but you've been in a coma and didn't know it. How is your injury? Is it serious?"

Although Ji Qing'er was pale, she still smiled and said, "I'm fine, it's not serious. You... how are you?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "I'm fine, you should take care of yourself. I have a healing elixir here, you can take one!" He said, taking out the elixir from the bag from Ziyi Zhenren , took out two of them, handed one to Ji Qing'er, and put the other into Tan Yu's mouth.

This healing elixir is very effective, it should be enough to control the injuries on Ji Qing'er and Tan Yu.

Ever since seeing Tong Yan, the smile on Ji Qing'er's face has not stopped, it seems that her injuries are almost healed.

However, after seeing Zheng Shiqiang busy driving away those demon stings, she showed doubts.

"Tong Yan, know that villain? I almost died at his hands before...before!"

Worried that Ji Qing'er might misunderstand, Tong Yan hurriedly explained: "I just stopped fighting with him just now. I know that he led people to kill many of your Jianmen disciples and injured you. However, the real mastermind behind the scenes is not He. He was just following orders, not intentionally. Of course, I am not trying to defend him, but I want you to understand that the reason I reconciled with him is to get rid of the culprit. Love, I hope You can understand!"

Ji Qing'er is an open-minded person, and always obeys Tong Yan's words.Tong Yan had already said that, so she naturally couldn't say anything more, so she sighed softly: "I understand, I can understand, you are trying to get rid of the people behind him. If I guessed correctly, you really want to kill me The Tianshan Sword Gate should be the Fengtian League! And all of this is also Kunpeng's idea."

When Ji Qing'er said this, it seemed that she already knew something.

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "You know everything? Then do you already know why the Fengtian League is targeting your Tianshan Sword Gate?"

Ji Qing'er nodded and replied: "Yes, I know it all. I have made a lot of efforts, but unfortunately, my Tianshan Sword Sect failed to escape this disaster after all. It is because of me... because I did not hand over the Sword God Stone!"

The sword god stone mentioned by Ji Qing'er should be the sword soul stone mentioned by Zheng Shiqiang.Although the two are the same item, they are called slightly differently.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said straightforwardly: "Since you know everything, why don't you complete the Fengtian League? In this way, wouldn't the Tianshan Sword Gate be preserved?"

Ji Qing'er smiled bitterly and said, "Preservation? If I can't even guard the tombs of the heads of the past generations, what is the difference between my Tianshan Sword Sect's death and my immortality? And...and this also has something to do with my Tianshan Sword Sect's A secret, a secret that cannot be known to outsiders until death!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was full of doubts and said, "The secret of your Tianshan Sword Gate? Apart from being related to Nuwa's descendants, do you have any other secrets?"

Ji Qing'er nodded and said, "That's right, and this secret is related to the rise and fall of the entire human world!"

Is it related to the rise and fall of the human world?What is the secret that would be so serious?
(End of this chapter)

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