
Chapter 1197 Can't move, what is pressing down?

Chapter 1197 Can't move, what is pressing down?
Hearing what Zheng Shiqiang said, Tong Yan was very annoyed, because many things that Kunpeng owns now were actually taken away from him.Not to mention the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, Demon Slayer Stick, and the Shennong Cauldron embedded in the teeth, etc., even his previous physical body, including the Skywalker Armor and Skywalker's baptism divine light, were all taken away by Kunpeng. snatch away.

These are the main reasons why Tong Yan hated Kunpeng so much. How could Tong Yan let go of an enemy who almost took everything away from him?

He has already made plans, as soon as Tan Yu wakes up, he will go to Kunlun Mountain.He couldn't tolerate Kunpeng living in the world, let alone using his body and things that belonged to him to act recklessly.

He wanted revenge, and he longed to tear Kunpeng into pieces.

Seeing the fierce light in Tong Yan's eyes, Zheng Shiqiang hurriedly said, "Brother Tong Yan, I know that everything about Kunpeng should belong to you. Therefore, we should work together to eradicate this villain earlier. You Calm down first, let's talk about what we should do next. I have to leave later, let's go as fast as possible, are you right?"

Tong Yan took a deep breath, then stabilized his emotions, and then said: "You know, the person I love is still unconscious. I have to take care of her now until she wakes up, until she is safe. As for you, after you go back, do your best to find out the situation in Dengtianlou. It should not be difficult to deal with Kunpeng alone, but if he has helpers, then our difficulty will increase a lot. As far as I know, Baihu He and the Suzaku clan have already taken refuge in him, plus the heaven-defying beast he made, these will become stumbling blocks for us to get rid of him. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will never lead you to a hundred battles. This requires a perfect strategy, and before that, what we can do Yes, it is to understand as much as possible, to find his weakness, to find a suitable time. Brother Zheng, you have worked so hard on this. In addition, we must keep in touch, and if there is a situation, we must communicate in time. I How about this, let's leave a drop of blood for each other, and then use the sound transmission method of thousands of miles to communicate. What do you think?"

Zheng Shiqiang nodded and said: "What brother Tong Yan said is very true. It is true that getting rid of Kunpeng is not something that can be done overnight. It is not too late. Let's leave each other's blood. After that, I will leave first. By the way , there is a sentence, I have to remind you, and it should also be a reminder to Tianshan Jianmen. That guy Kunpeng didn't get the Sword Soul Stone this time, and he definitely won't let it go. If I return this time, maybe it won't be long before he sends someone else Come here. So my suggestion is that the people of Tianshan Jianmen might as well retreat from here temporarily. If the people sent by Kunpeng fail again, I think Tianshan Jianmen will be completely safe. Of course, how to deal with it is still up to you and The head of the Tianshan Sword Sect discussed it. What I said is only a very likely thing, just a reminder."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I have thought of this too, don't worry, I will discuss it with the head of Tianshan Sword Sect."

After finishing speaking, the two left each other's essence and blood, and they said goodbye to each other like this.

On the surface, the relationship between Tong Yan and Zheng Shiqiang has become extremely harmonious.But the relationship of this alliance is not unbreakable, because it is entirely based on each other's interests.After Kunpeng is completely eradicated, this alliance will probably be dissolved.At that time, it is really not certain whether it is an enemy or a friend.

But Tong Yan is not in the mood to think about this, he still has a lot of things to do.One is to take care of Tan Yu. If Tan Yu can't wake up for a long time, maybe it has something to do with the demon life that Longyangling said; The curtain came to an end, but in the end, who will win the game, whether Qing Ming was injured, etc., he still hasn't heard the news.These two matters are more urgent matters.

In addition to these two urgent matters, he also had to send someone to the Wu family's old house to inform the Wu family that his patriarch had returned safely.There is also the Tiandao League, he has been to the Ashura Dao for so long, and he doesn't know what the Tiandao League is doing now.Maybe the members of the Tiandao League have already dispersed, and to deal with Kunpeng, they must be regrouped. After all, the Tiandao League is also a force that should not be underestimated.

After all these are said, there is one last thing, and that is how to use the Nether Twin Treasures.The Nether Twin Treasures are supreme treasures. If they can be activated smoothly and attract ghosts, beasts and ghost soldiers from the Nine Nether Lands, they will naturally be invincible against Kunpeng when they deal with Kunpeng.

So when he thought about it this way, he had too many things to do. Fortunately, his mind was not messed up, and he could finish them one by one.

After sorting this out, he took a deep breath, and then returned to the room.

Tan Yu is still in a coma. This kind of coma is really scary. If the breath suddenly disappears, Tan Yu's life may also be lost.

Holding Tan Yu's jade hand tightly, Tong Yan's eyes were full of tenderness, "Yu'er, why have you slept for so long? Wake up quickly, do you know how worried I am about you? Don't scare me, wake up quickly , okay? Wake up quickly..."

But unfortunately, his voice did not receive any response.Tan Yu still fell asleep peacefully, and she didn't know how long she would sleep this time.

At this moment, Ji Qing'er's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.The Tianshan Sword Sect encountered such a catastrophe, and as the head of the sect, she really had to take care of it.Maybe it's taken care of now, so check it out.

"Tong Yan, are you in there? Is sister Yu'er awake? Is it convenient for me to come in?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan let go of Tan Yu's hand, adjusted his emotions, and said, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

"Okay, then I'm in!"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Qing'er had already opened the door and walked in.

She glanced at Tan Yu who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed tightly, and sighed softly: "Sister Yu'er's injury seems serious, otherwise, she wouldn't have been in a coma for such a long time. Tong Yan, you don't have to." Too worried. Auspicious people have their own destiny, she might wake up in a while."

Tong Yan did not tell her about the "Tale of the Fate of the Demon" he had read in the letter from Longyang Mausoleum, but asked her directly: "Is everything in the door settled? What about the corpses of those monsters?" Is it burnt?"

Ji Qing'er was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked in puzzlement: "Does it need to be burned? It's just that people buried the corpses of those monsters. What? Is there anything wrong with doing this?"

Tong Yan already knew how those heaven-defying beasts were produced, so he suggested to Ji Qing'er: "I think it's better to burn them. In addition, you Tianshan Jianmen may not be able to stay. Maybe, as soon as tomorrow comes , Kunpeng sent people here again."

Ji Qing'er said helplessly: "Why don't I know this? But Tianshan Jianmen is my home, and it is also the home of many of our disciples. Would you give up your homeland to others? One more thing, the Sword God Stone I must protect it, even if I lose this life, I will keep it!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said in puzzlement, "Why are you doing this? Just take away the Soul Sword Stone and leave together, wouldn't it be all right?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Ji Qing'er said excitedly: "No! You don't even know that the Soul Sword Stone cannot be moved at all."

"Can't move? Why?"

"The Soul Sword Stone suppresses something, and that thing will bring unimaginable disaster to the world!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately frowned.

What exactly is suppressed under the Soul Sword Stone?

(End of this chapter)

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