
Chapter 1199 Leaving with heartache, impulsive price!

Chapter 1199 Leaving with heartache, impulsive price!
Ji Qing'er failed to stop Tong Yan in the end, but it was really difficult for Tong Yan to turn the tide.

The rescuers he was talking about were actually Qing Ming and Qiang Liang.But besides them, the person he most wanted to find was Nangong Yun.

Why are you looking for Nangong Yun?Because of the Nether Twin Treasures!Now it is very difficult to keep the Sword God Stone with only these people.But if they can find a way to activate the Nether Twin Treasures, with the ghost soldiers and ghost beasts from the Nine Nether Lands, they can compete with the Fengtian League, and even reverse the defeat.

But now among these people, Nangong Yun is probably the only one who knows the affairs of the Jianghu and the affairs of the world the most.

After all, Nangong Yun really wanted to get the Nether Ghost Talisman back then, otherwise, he wouldn't have imprisoned Xiong Qingcang and planned so many things.

But what is going on with Qing Ming and the others now, Tong Yan doesn't know.

It stands to reason that after such a long time, the duel between Qing Ming and the patriarch of the Suzaku clan should be over.But Qingming and Qiangliang did not go to Tianshan Jianmen.Maybe it was delayed by something else.

Tong Yan was worried about Tan Yu, but compared to the common people in the world, he had to leave Tan Yu temporarily. After all, without everyone, how could he come to Xiaojia?

His speed was very fast, he immediately showed his wings after leaving the Tianshan Sword Gate, and flew straight towards the old nest of the Seven Star Palace.

In less than half an hour, he had arrived at his destination.But looking around, he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

No one, no one is here.

"How did this happen? Where did everyone go? Could it be that they followed Qing Ming back to the Azure Dragon Palace? It shouldn't be, even if I want to leave, Brother Qing will come to tell me, so how could he leave without saying goodbye? "

He thought to himself, and finally floated to the ground.

Perhaps some clues could be found on the ground, perhaps they could discover Qing Ming's whereabouts.

The charred corpses on the ground were still lying here and there, and no one buried them in peace.

And a large area of ​​the ground has been scorched by the flames, mixed with the smell of those corpses, it is extremely unpleasant.

Tong Yan walked on the ground like this, while examining it carefully.Soon, he made a discovery.

Nangong Yun used stones to divination for Tan Yu here before, so the stones arranged according to the Jiugong Eight Diagrams are still not disturbed.

Tong Yan walked up to him and looked into the gravel, and then two lines of small characters came into his sight.

This character should have been scratched out with a fingernail, and it said: "Qing Ming is chasing towards Kunlun, and we will follow. If you see it, you can go to Kunlun to meet us!"

"Kunlun? They all went to Kunlun? Kunlun is the old nest of Fengtian League. Could it be that Qing Ming refused to let the patriarch of the Suzaku clan escape, so he chased him all the way?"

Tong Yan was a little depressed, but he really knew Qing Ming too well.Although Qing Ming is not an impulsive person, if it is for the great hatred of the Qinglong clan, he will do anything.

The patriarch of the Suzaku clan is Kunpeng's minion, and the headquarters of the Fengtian League is in Kunlun. Qingming chasing after him like this is tantamount to seeking his own death.And Tong Yan had told Qiang Liang and the others before that they must protect Qing Ming's safety.Perhaps it was precisely because of this that Qiangliang and the others followed.

Tong Yan was at a loss for a while, he wanted to find Qingming and the others, find Nangong Yun, and then rely on the strength of everyone and the power of Youming Twin Treasures to help Tianshan Jianmen escape from disaster.But the current situation has undergone such a huge change.

Tianshan Sword Gate is in trouble, Tan Yu's life and death are also uncertain, and now even Qing Ming and the others are going to go to the tiger's mouth, what should Tong Yan do?What else could he do?

Whether it's Tan Yu, Tianshan Jianmen or Qingming, these are very important to Tong Yan, and in this way, he naturally fell into a situation where it was difficult to make a choice.

"I have to calm down, I have to calm down now! Calm down... calm down..." He repeated it over and over in his heart, trying to take a deep breath and calm down.

After five or six minutes like this, he finally made up his mind.

Kunpeng will definitely send people to Tianshan Jianmen again, and the people he wants to send will definitely start from Kunlun.And now Qingming and the others are also heading to Kunlun. If they can meet them halfway, they may be able to temporarily keep the Tianshan Sword Gate safe.

But what if you don't meet?Or did the people sent by Kunpeng start from elsewhere?Kunlun Mountain is a large mountain range, covering a wide area and spanning a long span, how can it be touched if you want to?If they staggered by mistake, the consequences would be disastrous.

Another point is that if Tong Yan is going to Kunlun Mountain now, if Tan Yu has a problem at this juncture, he may lose his beloved forever.

But Tong Yan really has no choice, he has only one way now, which is to leave for Kunlun Mountain immediately.It's really risky to do this, and he may not care about the left and right, but he can only think about things in the best direction.

First, Qingming and the others happened to run into someone sent by Kunpeng, or they arrived at Kunlun Mountain before Kunpeng sent someone, and they fell into a bitter battle with Kunpeng's Fengtian League, holding Kunpeng back and leaving Kunpeng with no time to care about Tianshan Jianmen; second, Qing Ming and the others are safe now, and can wait until he arrives at Kunlun Mountain in time; third, during this time, Tan Yu has woken up and is safe and sound.

If the above three assumptions can be formed, then there is no problem.But if there was anything wrong with it, he might never see them again.

Looking in the direction of the Tianshan Sword Gate, Tong Yan said with guilt: "Yu'er, please forgive me for not being by your side. For the sake of the world and to stop Kunpeng's plot, I can only leave you temporarily. Wait I'm back, you must wait for me to come back. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

After saying this, he immediately flew up and flew towards the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

For him, the most important person must be Tan Yu.But compared with the common people in the world, he can only choose to leave, not because he doesn't love, but because he has no choice.

There are many helpless and difficult choices in the world. The Buddha said that we should love the world at the same time, and there is no distinction between big love and small love.But many heroes, many martyrs who died for their country, they finally chose great love.This is dedication, but it is also a kind of torture and suffering.This is the state, but it is also accompanied by guilt and regret.

Tong Yan went to Kunlun Mountain without hesitation. What he had to do was to save Qing Ming and the others, and what he had to do was to prevent the minions of the Fengtian League from invading the Tianshan Sword Gate.

I only hope that everything will not be too bad, I only hope that the sky will follow the wishes of others.

Fortunately, Qingming and the others did reach Kunlun Mountain one step ahead of Zheng Shiqiang.

But unexpectedly, they fell into a heavy siege, and it was difficult to get out!
(End of this chapter)

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