
Chapter 1204 Unbearable to one blow, how can there be a turning point?

Chapter 1204 Vulnerable, how can there be a turning point?

When Qing Ming heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he asked Nangong Yun, "What do you mean? Could it be that what you said to me before was all false?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun chuckled and said: "Qing Ming, you are so naive. The reason why I said that before was to save my life. Now that my life is safe, I naturally have to draw a line with you. Blame it on you You are so stupid that you actually regard me as your father-in-law. You abducted my daughter, and I wish I could tear you to pieces. How can I really treat you as a relative? Wake up, you are going to die today !"

Hearing Nangong Yun's own words, Qing Ming was suddenly furious and murderous.He already regarded Nangong Yun as his family, and even planned to take Nangong Yun to meet his wife and children.But now, nothing exists.Nangong Yun deceived him, played with him between applause, and treated him as a fool.Such deceit is really hateful, such behavior is really hateful.

Qingming gritted his teeth, and then said fiercely: "Nangong Yun, I am so blind that I would believe you. A beast like you deserves to die. Do you think you will be safe when Kunpeng comes? Let me tell you, Even if I fight to the death today, I will take your dog's life!"

Seeing Qingming's murderous aura, Nangong Yun dared not stay by his side, and ran towards Kunpeng in a flash.

When Qing Ming saw it, one hand turned into a dragon's claw, and he directly chased after him. With one claw, he was about to kill Nangong Yun's life.It can be seen from this claw that he has no reservations anymore, and he has made up his mind to completely eradicate this Nangong Yun.

Although Nangong Yun was seriously injured, but when his life was at stake, he still burst out with a strong desire to win, and his speed increased greatly. He escaped Qingming's dragon's claws in a very dangerous way, and came to Kunpeng's side first.

"Leader, I have already brought all the people, and the rest is all up to you, leader."

Hearing this, Kunpeng smiled disdainfully and said, "Nangong Yun, what kind of play are you acting in? Is it a trick? The person who brought Qingming and the others here is the patriarch of Suzaku. What does it have to do with you? I said that just now, but It's just a test, do you think I will still believe you?"

When Kunpeng said this, Nangong Yun immediately fell into a situation where he was not human.But how clever Nangong Yun is, there will naturally be a way to explain it.

Seeing that he heard this, his face changed immediately, and he hurriedly argued: "Master, you have misunderstood me, how could I betray you? To be honest, I did this because of my own difficulties. In the Demon Refining Cave I was already seriously injured, you said if I didn’t pretend to recognize Qingming, how could I have survived until now? Besides, do you think I just brought them here this time? I also brought A secret, a secret about Tong Yan!"

Hearing the word Tong Yan, Kunpeng's eyes clearly lit up, which shows how much he "misses" Tong Yan.

"Secret? What secret?"

Nangong Yun looked at Qingming who was burning with anger and Qiangliang who was full of anger, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Leader, I think you should take them down first, and then I will report to you carefully by myself. What do you think? "

He wanted to trade his so-called secrets for his own way of life. Kunpeng was not stupid, so he naturally understood.

"Okay, since you said that, then I'll trust you just once. You can step back. As for these people, leave it to me to deal with them!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun felt a lot more relaxed, and hurriedly backed away, not daring to get too close to Qing Ming.

When Qing Ming saw it, he was about to chase after him, but he was directly blocked by Kunpeng.

"Qing Ming, your opponent is me. You can kill him, but you have to see if you can pass me. But you are just my defeated opponent, and you will never have any chance today!"

Qingming snorted coldly and said, "Kunpeng, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Since you don't want to live, I'll kill you first, and then kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, Qing Ming raised his head and let out a dragon cry, and immediately transformed into the body of a green dragon, and the powerful Nine Nether Flame also spread all over his body.

Qingming's improvement is very significant. You must know that when he met Kunpeng back then, he was defeated without a fight because of the natural enemy effect between races.But today, the dragon's fear of Kunpeng did not appear in him. He has completely overcome these and has the strength to challenge Kunpeng.

Kunpeng saw it, smiled contemptuously and said, "It seems that you are no longer afraid of me, but I am still the natural enemy of your dragon clan. I have eaten countless dragons, and seeing you really makes my appetite go up. Prepare Die!"

Qingming said coldly: "I'd like to see who died!" At this point, he tried his best to spit out, and a fireball condensed by the Nine Nether Flame immediately hit Kunpeng.

When Kunpeng saw the fireball coming, he didn't intend to dodge at all, but just slapped upwards, and the golden palm print immediately met the fireball.

There was a sound of "poof", and the palm print was directly slapped on the fireball. With this violent impact, the fireball immediately scattered and turned into splashing flames.

Of course the Nine Nether Flame is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot hit Kunpeng, so it is naturally difficult to exert its true power.

As soon as the fireball shattered, Kunpeng didn't hesitate, and immediately turned his palm into a fist, and struck out directly.

Just as Qing Ming was about to breathe fire again, when he saw the shadow of the fist attacking him, he had to dodge.As soon as he dodged like this, Kunpeng's figure flickered and disappeared without a trace. this transposition?Could it be that Kunpeng also cultivated the method of transposition?
Qing Ming stared at Longan, feeling flustered.But at this moment, Kunpeng miraculously appeared above his head, and then kicked him down fiercely.

Everything happened so fast, by the time Qing Ming noticed it, it was already too late.Kunpeng kicked his dragon's head so hard that he felt as if his head had been smashed, and fell directly from the air to the ground.

A loud "boom" was heard, and Qing Ming's huge dragon body directly smashed into the ground.The whole body seemed unable to move any more, and on the part of his dragon head, a long crack had already appeared, and the green dragon's blood gushed out directly.

Qiang Liang and the others saw that they dared not delay, so they quickly came to Qing Ming's side and protected him.

Seeing this, Nangong Yun not far away showed a trace of unbearable in his eyes, but this look was only swept away, and then he showed a look of complacency and a smile.

It's a little strange that Qing Ming has already taken the lead, as long as he makes another move, Qing Ming will definitely die.

But Kunpeng didn't do this, and his face became extremely ugly.What's going on here?

After taking a closer look, he discovered that the foot that Kunpeng kicked Zhong Qingming had turned pitch black.And the reason why it became pitch black was the burning of the Jiuyou flames on Qingming's body.

Looking at the situation, could it be that Jiuyou Lieyan can really restrain Kunpeng?But Qing Ming was already dying, so how could there be any possibility of turning defeat into victory?

Unless...unless a miracle happens!
(End of this chapter)

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