
Chapter 1206 Playing with applause, who will turn the tide?

Chapter 1206 Playing with applause, who will turn the tide?
The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was the strongest magic weapon before Tong Yan, and it was also the magic weapon of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the past.The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is said to be invincible, and its power is unparalleled.

It's a pity that such a magical weapon has now fallen into Kunpeng's hands, just like Tong Yan's physical body, it is all taken over by Kunpeng.

But it stands to reason that even if Kunpeng captured Tong Yan's body, he shouldn't be able to use the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.Could it be that he was also recognized by the golden body Shura Zhantian?And then became the current owner of this Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle?
It's hard to say these things now, but judging from the current situation, Kunpeng showed the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, probably because he has mastered the method of using it. If this is the case, Qiangliang is really in danger.

Just after Qiangliang roared, he immediately punched Kunpeng again fearlessly.

Kunpeng held the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, smiled cruelly, and then slammed the pestle to meet him. He heard a "cracking" sound, and Qiangliang's other arm was also broken.This is not over yet, taking advantage of the moment when Qiangliang roared loudly, he once again resorted to the ability of shifting shape and position, his body flashed, and the next second he was on top of Qiangliang's head.

Seeing him holding up the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, Qiangliang's situation became worse and worse.If he hit Qiangliang in the head with a club, the consequences would be disastrous.

But now that Qiangliang's arms are broken, and he is in a state of confusion caused by the pain, if he wants to escape this catastrophe, I'm afraid there is not much possibility.

He only sighed that not long after he left the Asura Dao, he was about to face the danger of his life again.

The horned dragon and the blood crystal beast not far away saw this, but what could they do?Even strong men like Qingming and Qiangliang couldn't defeat Kunpeng, and they had no chance.

And if Qiangliang really died at the hands of Kunpeng, the next one to die would probably be one of them.

It's not that they don't want to save them, but that they really don't have the strength to save them, which makes them helpless.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, only to hear a scream of "ah", Qiangliang's head was directly smashed by Kunpeng's pestle, his eyes closed, and then he fell to the ground with a bang.

Did Qiang Liang really die like this?Maybe, maybe not.

Kunpeng didn't even look at Kunpeng who was lying on the ground, but looked at the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast.

"Have you seen it? This is what happens when you fight against me! Now, I will also give you a chance. If you don't want to die, you can serve me as master immediately. If not, you will soon follow in his footsteps!"

Hearing this, the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast were all stunned on the spot.It is really hard to choose whether to live without dignity or to die for morality.

However, after a brief hesitation, Qiu Long still made his decision.

"Evil thief, you want me to serve you as my master, so you deserve it? Let me tell you, even if I die today, I will never become your slave. You should give up your heart!"

When Kunpeng heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "What a little dragon, he is not afraid of death. Alright, then I will fulfill you. I haven't eaten dragon meat for a while, so I will reward my stomach with you today!"

Having said that, he took a leap forward, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the Horned Dragon and the Blood Crystal Beast.

Not everyone is strong and strong, Qingming is, Qiangliang is, and horned dragon is too, but this blood crystal beast is not.

When he saw Kunpeng approaching, he trembled in fright, then knelt down without any hope, and begged loudly: "God, spare me, spare me! I am willing to serve you as master, as long as you don't kill me, You can ask me to do whatever you want. I beg God to forgive me, and please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Qiu Long immediately said ruthlessly: "Blood Crystal Beast, you are so spineless. Your benefactor spared you, and you don't want to repay it. Are you going to betray the enemy now?"

Hearing this, the blood crystal beast responded immediately: "Qiulong, what do you know? It's better to live than to die. Your benefactor didn't kill me, but this is not a big favor. Besides, I have the right to choose to live. I don't want to die, I don't want to die like this. You are not afraid of death, so go ahead and die, what I decide has nothing to do with you!"

Kunpeng seemed to enjoy others begging him hard, seeing the blood crystal beast like this, he couldn't help laughing.

"As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Instead of dying in vain, why don't you live a good life? You are called a blood crystal beast, right? Your choice is not wrong. From now on, I am your master. But should you be your master? Do something?"

Hearing this, the blood crystal beast hurriedly asked, "Master, what do you want me to do?"

Owner?This call is so natural, it can be seen that this blood crystal beast really has no bones, and is completely a slave.

Kunpeng chuckled and said, "It's very simple, this horned dragon doesn't want to serve me as master, so you killed him for me. How about it? This matter shouldn't trouble you, right?"

The Blood Crystal Beast never thought that Kunpeng would let him do this.But in order to live, what else does he have to worry about?

"Okay, master, I'll kill him for you now!"

Having said that, he immediately turned his head to look at Qiu Long, his eyes full of killing intent.

Seeing this, Qiu Long asked loudly: "Blood Crystal Beast, you... are you really going to kill me just to survive?"

The Blood Crystal Beast stood up slowly, then shook its head and sighed: "Hurred Dragon, I don't want to, but I can't help it. I can only live if you die. I'm sorry, and I hope you don't blame me."

Qiu Long understood that it was useless to say anything now, the blood crystal beast was already ready to kill, all he could do was fight.

The Blood Crystal Beast didn't say any more. Although it lost both arms, it still had its head and legs. It was seen that he strode forward, showing the sharp horns on his head, and rushed towards the horned dragon.

The sharp horns of the blood crystal beast are extremely sharp, if it is hit by the body, it is like being pierced by a spear, which is completely fatal.

Qiulong saw it, didn't dare to delay, immediately backed away, then raised his head and let out a dragon cry, revealing his true body.

One corner of the blood crystal beast hit the air, and then revealed its body, and charged towards the horned dragon again.

Just a moment ago, they were comrades who fought side by side, but at this moment they fought for survival.In the final analysis, isn't it for living?
Kunpeng folded his arms, with a smug smile on his face.The fight between the blood crystal beast and the horned dragon may have greatly satisfied his perverted psychology.It's just that he just treats these two alien beasts as playthings. There are so many alien beasts in the Fengtian League, so how can he really care whether they will regard him as their master?

Because the bloody battle had been going on for a long time before, the blood crystal beast and the horned dragon just fought for a while, and the situation became fierce. It probably won't be long before the winner.

Qingming was dying, Qiangliang's life and death were uncertain, and now the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast were fighting again.Everything is moving in the worst direction, are they really doomed today?
No, Tong Yan is here!Tong Yan finally came!
(End of this chapter)

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