
Chapter 1211 Go to Tianfu, all the gods!

Chapter 1211 Go to Tianfu, all the gods!
Tong Yan's speed was very fast, and he finally returned to Kunpeng and the others within an hour.

Seeing Tong Yan's return, the head of Tianfu Palace immediately laughed and said: "It seems that you are still a person who keeps your word, that's all, hurry up and go to Tianfu Palace with the old man!"

With that said, he flew up first.

Daoist Sanshi also quickly showed his flying sword, stepped on the flying sword and followed.

Tong Yan and Kunpeng did not leave directly, but looked at each other with hatred.

"Kunpeng, I think it's time to end the grievances between us. You took my body, took the light of my baptism, and killed my brother and friends today. I will keep these enmities firmly in mind. I just wait until the end of Tianfu Palace." At the end of the line, I will definitely tear your corpse into thousands of pieces to honor the heavens!"

Facing Tong Yan's appointment, Kunpeng was surprisingly calm at the moment.

"Tong Yan, we are doomed to be unable to coexist. Either you die or I die. After the trip to Tianfu Palace, if you don't look for me, I will never let you go. Let's wait and see!"

Tong Yan said with a cold smile: "Okay, I hope you won't be a coward again, I'll wait for you!"

As soon as the words were finished, the two flew up, followed behind Taoist Sanshi and his senior brother, and then galloped away into the distance.

It goes without saying that the Kunlun Mountains are long and wide. Kunpeng seems to occupy the Kunlun Mountains, but in fact it is just a saying.The Kunlun Mountains are so big and occupy such a vast area. Does it mean that they can be fully occupied if they are completely occupied?

Not to mention anything else, just this Tianfu Palace is beyond the reach of the Fengtian League.

The first seat of Tianfu Palace flew very high, straight into the sky, maybe he enjoyed this feeling of "flying through the clouds".

Of course, those who can fly hope to fly higher, but there is still space above the sky, when they can fly into the heavens, maybe when they will be considered as the end.

Along the way, none of the four said a word.Daoist Sanshi is not as high as Feifei. After all, he is Yujian Feitian. Compared with his senior brother, there is really a huge gap in strength.

Looking down at Kunlun in the air, an indescribable sense of awe can't help but well up in my heart.

Kunlun Mountain is like a giant dragon, with silver dragon scales, holy dragon body, and the aura of heaven and earth that exudes, it is indeed worthy of being the mountain of the ancestors and the ancestor of the Chinese dragon veins.

But even if you are in a high place, you can't see the whole picture of this sacred mountain. You can only see spring from a flower, autumn from a leaf, a leopard from a glimpse, and the sea from a drop of water.

It kept flying like this, and after about an hour or so, the first seat of Tianfu Palace poked out from the clouds, and then flew down quickly like a flying stream.

Seeing this, everyone had to quickly follow.But after a long time, everyone has arrived at the peaks of the Kunlun Mountains.

It is covered with snow and ice, and there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.Logically speaking, it should fly directly to Tianfu Palace, so why change it to walk?
Seeing both feet of the first Tianfu Palace land on the ground, Tong Yan and Kunpeng were puzzled.

Daoist Sanshi's speed was the slowest, but he also fell after three or two minutes.

Seeing that Tong Yan was full of doubts, he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Tong Yan, we will soon arrive at our Tianfu Palace. Because this is the fairy dojo, so you can't fly into the palace. Except for my master, everyone must Go up the mountain on foot, otherwise you will startle the fairy beasts on the mountain, and you will have to walk away without food."

Immortal dojo?Out of the gods, it can indeed be called a god dojo.There are many people who practice immortality and ask questions in the Jianghu, but how many people have truly attained the Tao and become immortals?A mere celestial being is already a master in the rivers and lakes.Earth immortals, gods and the like are just listening.As for the famous Celestial Immortal, maybe only this Tianfu Palace has it, and it is hard to see it from the side.

According to this standard, this Tianfu Palace may be regarded as the real fairy gate!

Each sect has its own rules, and it is understandable not to let them fly up. It is only respectful to go up the mountain on foot.

The head of the Tianfu Palace walked all the way without saying a word, and I don't know if he disdains to talk to Tong Yan and Kunpeng, or if he has other plans in mind.

Seeing him striding forward, Tong Yan felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, how can the immortal sect make things difficult for me?"

He comforted himself in this way, and his pace quickened a little.

After walking through this vast expanse of white snow, I did not expect that there was a mountain road paved with ice in front of me.The mountain road stretches upwards, perhaps the road leading to Tianfu Palace.

The first block of Tianfu Palace went straight up the steps, just like before, with striding strides like walking on flat ground.

Tong Yan and others are also extremely strong, so naturally they will not lag behind him.

After walking up for more than ten minutes, the steps disappeared inexplicably, replaced by a thatched cottage on the mountainside and the rising smoke.

There is smoke, it seems that there are people living in this hut.But how can people live in such a place without even food?Could it be that he is also a fairy?

That's right, that's exactly what happened!

The head of Tianfu Palace walked to the thatched hut and shouted directly: "Fifth Junior Brother, the guests have arrived, are you ready?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the thatched cottage was pushed open from the inside out.Then a plump, fat man walked out with a waddle.

Looking at the attire of this fat man, it is quite similar to the clothes of the head seat of Tianfu Palace. From the looks of it, he should be the fifth apprentice of Wuliang Sword Immortal.

It's just that the appearance of this fat man is really funny. He has a fat head and big ears, and his face is still red. The most ridiculous thing is that he actually has two buns on his head. He is simply a big fortune boy.

But still the same sentence, a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured.Although this big fat man looks funny, the aura emanating from his body is not something that ordinary people can have.Although he is not the number one, his strength is not weak in comparison.

Before the big fat Taoist could introduce himself, Taoist Sanshi whispered in Tong Yan's ear: "This is my fifth senior brother. Don't look at him as easy-going, but he is actually very cunning. I When I was young, I refused to cultivate hard, but I suffered a lot from him. In addition, his cultivation base is extremely high. I heard that he is not inferior to my senior brother. But I also heard from other senior brothers. With my three-legged cat It's impossible to spy on these with enough time."

Hearing Taoist Sanshi's words, Tong Yan became even more puzzled.Not to mention that all the disciples in Tianfu Palace flowed like gods, of course, except for Taoist Sanshi, it would be too motivating to say that they were greeted by a master on the way.

But Tong Yan didn't know that this was not a welcome, but a slap in the face!

As for why you did this, you have to ask the mysterious and unpredictable Immortal Sword Immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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