
Chapter 1216 In the realm of illusion, doubts are fading away!

Chapter 1216 In the realm of illusion, doubts are fading away!
Tong Yan was really surprised, what kind of place is this?But heaven!How can there be ghosts in the dense fog of the heaven?This is so unbelievable, it's like finding a fish in the forest, it's completely impossible, isn't it?
But how could he be wrong?Those ghosts were all huddled in the dense fog, motionless, and they didn't know whether it was because of fear, or they had lost their sanity.

What Tong Yan was wondering about now was actually not only that, he also wanted to know why these fairies suddenly got into the thick fog?It can't be for these ghosts, can it?
But the answer is just that, these fairies really entered the fog because of these ghosts.

The dense fog is very strange, from the outside, it is impossible to see the situation inside.But after entering inside, the line of sight was not affected in the slightest.For example, this dense cloud of fog is like a huge balloon. The outside of the balloon is covered with thick white paper, so you can't see what's going on inside, but it's empty inside, and you can see everything. Clearly.

And just after these fairies entered the fog, something that shocked Tong Yan even more happened.

These fairies stopped in the fog, and then took off their dresses one by one.You must know that they have very little clothes on their bodies, and after taking them off like this, everything is still exposed.

Tong Yan was very puzzled, so he hurriedly turned his head away.But for some reason, under the huge temptation, he slowly tried to look at it from the corner of his eye.

It doesn't matter this sneak peek, he was immediately dumbfounded!

It turned out that everything was different from what he imagined. He didn't see a graceful body, nor a holy fairy body, so what did he see?He actually saw those fairies who took off their dresses and turned into ghosts one by one!
Yes, he read it right, these fairies who had lost their dresses had indeed become ghosts.And then, miraculous things continued to happen.The ghosts who were curled up in the corner immediately swarmed upon seeing the faded dresses.

Seeing those original ghosts scrambling to put on their dresses, a new fairy appeared just like that.However, the original fairies now bowed their heads and went to the corner to squat down, replaced by new ghosts, and stayed here.

Tong Yan's mind is really messed up now, and he became a little confused for a while.

What is going on here?

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly understood a little bit.The dense fog he is in now should be a place similar to a shift change.There are some ghosts left here, and these ghosts are not ordinary ghosts, because after wearing fairy dresses, they can transform into the most dazzling fairies.

Some kind of consensus should be reached between the two groups of ghosts, or some kind of rules are being fulfilled.The time for each ghost to wear a fairy dress is limited. When the time is up, they need to come here and take off the dress for another group of ghosts to wear. They can only stay here and wait for the next change of clothes. The time has come.

But if this is the case, another problem naturally arises.Since these fairies are pretended to be ghosts, is this really heaven?

First there were demons, and now even fairies are ghosts in dresses, what else is real here?
I'm afraid that everything is fake, it's a deception.

As for this chess game called Warriors Gate, Tong Yan was getting more and more confused now, but he also developed a great interest in it.The more you don't understand, the more interesting it is.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously, still trying to ask these fairies (oh, no, they should be called female ghosts.) about things here.

"You should have changed shifts, right? Can you cooperate with me now and answer my questions?"

It is gratifying that these female ghosts finally spoke.

One of them stared at Tong Yan, then said in a cold tone, "What do you want to ask?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I want to know, where is this place and who are you?"

This kind of question sounds a bit inexplicable, but it is what Tong Yan wants to figure out most now.

The female ghost seemed to know something, so she replied, "This is an illusory realm. As for us, we are just puppets here, under the domination of others."

Illusory Realm?No wonder everything is false, but where did she start talking about being dominated by others?

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked: "You said that you are all dominated by others, can you tell me, who are you dominated by?"

The female ghost did not hide anything, and immediately replied truthfully: "We are under the control of the God Lord here, he is the god here, and he is the one who rules everything!"

Tong Yan sighed lightly, and then asked again: "If that's the case, then what happened to those big men I saw before? Are they also puppets of this divine lord?"

The female ghost blinked and said again: "They should be, but they are one level higher than us, and they can't live like wood without thinking like us."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Really? I think you have your own independent thoughts. How can you say that you are like a log?"

The female ghost smiled bitterly and said, "There is no difference between living and dying. I'm afraid it's not as good as wood, right? As for why I have my own thoughts, it's because I remembered some things."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

The female ghost sighed softly and said, "I remember some things in my life, but I can't remember why I came here. Instead of remembering, it's better not to remember anything."

Tong Yan could hear the melancholy in the female ghost's words, and felt a little sympathy for her unconsciously.

"Are you really never going to be able to leave here?"

The female ghost shook her head and said: "I don't know, maybe it can, maybe it can't. But it shouldn't be possible, the God Lord will not allow his puppets to resist him. Because in his view, we are just his puppets. Anyone who wants to betray him will be wiped out and turned into dust."

Tong Yan looked at the female ghost, and said mysteriously, "Do you know how I got in? If I can leave, do you think I can take you out with me?"

Hearing this, the female ghost's eyes widened immediately, and then she said in disbelief, "You...don't you belong here? Are you a heaven-defying person?"

Against the sky?This title made Tong Yan puzzled again.

"How do you know so many things? Heaven Defender? Where did you hear that?"

The female ghost hurriedly replied: "I heard it from the mouth of the divine master. The divine master said that someone would give him a big gift to relieve him of boredom. And this big gift is a heaven-defying person!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan fell into deep thought.Things seem to be getting more and more complicated. This place is called the Illusory Realm, and there is a divine master here, and someone has sent a great gift to the divine master.If all of these are connected, it could be... Could it be that Wuliang Sword Immortal did it on purpose.

If this is the case, what is the purpose of Wuliang Sword Immortal?Could it be... Could it be that he is from the heavens and wants to take this opportunity to eradicate the two people who are the most threatening to the heavens in one fell swoop?

(End of this chapter)

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