
Chapter 1218 The second heaven, the monster hunter!

Chapter 1218 Second Heaven, Beast Hunting Monster!

Tong Yan stared at the open heavenly gate not far away, then turned to Ah Zi and asked, "Ah Zi, what's going on? Didn't you say that every heavenly gate is guarded by divine generals?"

Hearing this, AhZi frowned and said, "I don't know what's going on, it stands to reason that the god general has always been there, why is his kung fu disappearing now?"

Hearing what she said, Tong Yan dispelled the worries in his heart, and then smiled slightly: "Isn't it better if he isn't here? In this way, we can ascend to the second heaven more easily. Let's go, let's Let's go!"

The reason why Tong Yan asked this question was to prevent Ah Zi from deceiving him, but judging from Ah Zi's tone and expression, it didn't seem like she was lying, so he had nothing to worry about.

The two flew forward, and soon came to the so-called gate of Tianmen.Now that the gate of heaven is wide open, simply pass by.Thinking too much is actually just mediocrity, after all, no matter what, this door has to be passed.

After stepping through the Tianmen, a cloud and mist steps appeared in front of him immediately, like the ladder to the sky.

Tong Yan raised his leg and tried to step on a ball, but it was soft, and there was no chance of stepping on it.It seems that as long as you walk straight up the steps, you will soon reach the second heaven of this illusory realm.

Tong Yan walked in front, and from time to time glanced at Ah Zi who was walking behind from the corner of her eye.

This Ah Zi didn't know what was wrong, after passing through the gate of heaven, not only was she listless, she seemed to have something on her mind.

Tong Yan saw it, and asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Ah Zi, are you not feeling well? Or is there something on your mind? Can you tell me?"

Hearing this, Ah Zi hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "I don't know what's wrong, I just feel scared. You said that the gods and generals usually guard the gate of heaven, why did you open the gate of heaven today to let people come in and out freely? I I don’t think the god general was negligent, but probably did it on purpose.”

AhZi was worried that Tong Yan hadn't thought about it, but it was still the same sentence, even if there was a trap dug long ago waiting for them to jump, they had no other choice now.Once it comes, it will be safe. How can you find tiger cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den?

"Ah Zi, I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful. But have you ever thought that even if there are many dangers ahead, is there any way for us to retreat? Anyway, we decided to give it a go, so we have nothing to fear. Are you right? "

Hearing this, Ah Zi thought for a while, then nodded and said: "My lord, you are right. I am cowardly, I shouldn't be afraid. Walk along this ladder for a while, and you will naturally enter the second heaven." If there is no one guarding the Tianmen of the second heaven, then we don't think it will be long before we can reach the ninth heaven smoothly!"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "It's best for you to think so, just relax, I will protect you."

In fact, Tong Yan's words are a bit exaggerated. He doesn't have a magical weapon, and he has to rely on shifting to protect himself. It's really not that easy to protect others.But he understands that he needs to encourage Ah Zi and give Ah Zi confidence.Only when people are confident can they face everything more calmly.

After AhZi heard this, a shy smile appeared on her face, maybe she was willing to entrust her life to Tong Yan, but what they will face later, I'm afraid they themselves don't know.

Just walking up like this, the surrounding scene also slowly changed.But after a while, they seemed to have returned to the first heaven, because the scenes were very similar.But this is indeed not the first heaven, because Tong Yan saw a new creature here.

What creature?He saw several white dragons moving through the clouds.It has to be said that the divine master who created the illusory realm is quite emotional.He divides each level very clearly, which level should have the things of that level.For example, the first heaven, what is there in the first heaven?There is a large group of female ghosts, except for female ghosts?There are also demons who often harass female ghosts.The status of demons and ghosts has always been extremely low, and it is indeed reasonable to place them at the bottom of the first heaven.

Since the first heaven is full of demons and goblins, it is not surprising that dragons appear in the second heaven.Dragons are divine beasts, and their status is naturally higher than that of demons and ghosts.But if it goes up again, what will appear?Fairy?God?Or something like a fairy?
Tong Yan was quite interested in this, and by figuring out what the creatures in each layer of heaven were, perhaps he could use this to figure out what kind of heart the god master was.

Ah Zi stared at the leisurely white dragons, and immediately whispered to Tong Yan: "This is the second heaven, which is the territory of these white dragons and other beasts. The white dragons are still docile, but if you encounter them Be careful about white tigers or other divine beasts. Most of them are very fierce, and one of my sisters was swallowed by the divine beast."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said with a smile: "These are only divine beasts, and there are no other things?"

AhZi thought for a while, and then replied: "Apart from the beasts, there are the gatekeepers, and the way, there is a weirdo!"

Tong Yan couldn't help being interested when he heard the word "weird", and immediately asked, "Weird? What kind of weirdo?"

Ah Zi hurriedly explained: "The weird man has a spear in his hand and a curved bow on his back. He often appears to hunt and kill divine beasts, but there are too many divine beasts, and he can never finish hunting. But those divine beasts are very Afraid of him, as soon as they heard his whistle, they all ran away in fright."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing.The catfish effect, isn't this the catfish effect?
In the first heaven, there are the most humble female ghosts, but there are demons who often hurt female ghosts.Demons are the natural enemies of female ghosts. With their existence, female ghosts can only obediently hide in their clouds, and only after changing shifts will they come out of the clouds as fairies.If the strange person Ah Zi mentioned really exists, then this strange person is the natural enemy of these divine beasts.The weirdo is more like a hunter. His existence is to hunt and kill these divine beasts, but he can never finish killing them.

Some people may ask, why set up natural enemies?The reason is very simple, it is to let every living creature live in fear.And only fearful creatures don't think about resisting, because it's very difficult for them to survive.

From this, it can be seen that this divine master is really not an ordinary person.He can use this method to consolidate his position and manage the creatures of every level of heaven. He is absolutely extremely smart.

But at this moment, a bold idea sprouted in Tong Yan's heart, if he could disrupt the order of this illusory realm, so that this place would no longer be subject to the despotic power of the God Lord, wouldn't that also indirectly destroy the illusory realm?And as long as this illusory realm is shattered, he will naturally succeed in breaking through.

With this thought in mind, he felt it was necessary to meet the mysterious beast hunter.

It's just that what he didn't know was that, above the Nine Heavens, someone was actually watching his every move.

(End of this chapter)

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