
Chapter 1232 It's really hateful, it's worse!

Chapter 1232 It's really hateful, it's worse!
Ah Zi was really careful, Tong Yan just called her name, and she guessed Tong Yan's identity.Of course, Tong Yan did this on purpose, but if Ah Zi hadn't thought of this, Tong Yan's painstaking efforts would have been in vain.

As a fox, Tong Yan and the vixen could be said to be unimpeded all the way, and they arrived at the seventh heaven of this illusory realm in just one hour.As long as they pass through two more heavenly gates, they will be able to enter the Nine Heavens, and once there, they will be able to fight to the death with the Divine Lord.

I thought everything would go smoothly like this, but unexpectedly, an accident still happened.

Tong Yan and the vixen moved forward all the way, and soon saw the heavenly gate that entered the eighth heaven.

But here, they saw three goalkeepers.

From the fourth heaven to the sixth heaven, there are gatekeepers, and without saying much to them, they opened the gate of heaven and let them pass.But here, I suddenly saw three goalkeepers, which made people a little confused.

Could it be that the gatekeepers from the seven, eight, nine and three heavens are all gathered here?Or is it that the gatekeepers of the first heaven and the third heaven, who have never been seen before, have come here to guard? (To explain, the gatekeeper of the ninth heaven guards the entrance, which is different from the other eight gatekeepers guarding the exit. So there are nine gatekeepers in total!)
What is the truth, Tong Yan is not sure now, as long as the three gatekeepers don't block the way, it will be fine. If they do, I'm afraid they will have to force their way.After all, no matter what, they have come here, as long as they break through two more doors, they can enter the Ninth Heaven smoothly.

Tong Yan was determined, but the vixen beside him was a little timid.Looking at the three generals holding long spears not far away, it whispered to Tong Yan, "Daxian, could it be that the God Lord already knows your identity? That's why... that's why he sent three generals to guard here." ? I think it’s okay, let’s go separately, or...or go there later. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "I think you are afraid? Where are your previous ambitions? Don't you yearn for freedom? Freedom is ahead, but now you are timid. How do you have freedom like this?"

Hearing this, the vixen said in embarrassment: "I... I'm just worried, but I really long for freedom. Daxian, I think we don't have to fight head-on with them. You may not know that the skills of the general are all Not weak, the three god generals are together, and their strength is extremely strong. If we collide with them head-on, we will definitely not get the slightest benefit. Great Immortal, you understand what I mean, right?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said: "Understood, of course I understand. You are afraid that I will drag you down, right? On the one hand, you long for freedom, but on the other hand you are afraid. You want me to kill the God Lord, but I'm worried that if I can't kill you, you will be implicated instead. In the final analysis, you are just a selfish villain. How? Am I right? "

What Tong Yan said was ugly, but it was the truth. This was what the vixen was thinking now.

The vixen was a little embarrassed by Tong Yan's direct explanation, but it still didn't change its mind, and still insisted: "Daxian, I know you look down on me. I actually look down on myself quite a bit, but think about it, if I really have Will it still become like this? Daxian, I know you are a good person. You asked me to help you look like a fox, and I did as well. But for this death thing, you...don't pull me .I beg you, please?"

What else could Tong Yan say, don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others, although this vixen had wanted to harm him before, but with the courage of this vixen, if it wasn't ordered by God, it would definitely not dare to do it.And after all, it helped Tong Yan, from the third heaven to the seventh heaven, it can be said that it is all thanks to it.

Tong Yan is indeed a good person, at this moment, he can't forcefully push the vixen forward.He is the only one who really wants to get rid of the God Lord. Whether it is life or death, let him bear it all.

"Okay, then you can stay here. I will meet the three generals by myself. If I pass smoothly, you can come and meet me again. Of course, if you have the heart."

The vixen was a little embarrassed, but still readily agreed: "Daxian, don't worry, as long as you can pass the test, I will definitely meet you. Thank you, I will be here to watch you."

Tong Yan nodded lightly, and then walked towards the three generals not far away in the posture of a fox.

These three god generals can be described as majestic, dressed in golden battle armor, red cloaks on their backs, and golden spears in their hands, standing in front of the door, motionless.

Because he was going to become a fox, Tong Yan just hid a poisonous dagger, Hanyue Blade, as for the fake Zhanlu Sword, which he saw as useless, he threw it away, because he couldn't carry it with him.

Now facing three seemingly brave and unstoppable goalkeepers, Tong Yan was still a little nervous.After all, in the final analysis, there is no magic weapon available, which affects his combat power a lot.If these three generals are also copper-skinned and iron-framed, it will be troublesome.

But Tong Yan was still very calm on the surface, because he knew that the more cowardly he was, the less these gods would take him seriously.

But after a while, he came to the front of the three goalkeepers.The bearded general standing in the middle saw this, and immediately yelled: "Bold and evil, you are also from the seventh heaven? Get out of here quickly, if not, I will make you suffer."

Hearing this, Tong Yan rolled his eyes, and then he said: "The three generals, the younger one has something to report to the Lord God, so he left the third heaven and came here. Please forgive me, three adults. Let the little ones go and report."

Hearing this, the bearded general snorted coldly and said, "Anything to report? What's the matter? Why did we receive the order to guard this place and not let the intruder get in?"

As soon as the bearded god said this, Tong Yan suddenly understood.It seems that the divine master was worried that he would not be eliminated by the vixen, so he set up a block here.This also means that the Divine Lord probably doesn't know that he has become a fox at this moment, which adds a lot of convenience to him.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Three generals, you also said that the Lord God asked you to stop the intruder, but I am not an intruder? And what I want to report to the Lord God, I will deal with the intruder. related!"

When he said this, the three gods immediately looked at each other, as if hesitating whether to let them go.

Tong Yan saw that they were a little shaken, and said again: "My lord, if there is any news about the intruder, I will report it to him immediately. If there is a delay, I am afraid that the god will blame me. Until then... until then I am afraid that the three generals will also be implicated, right?"

This fire was extremely effective. After hesitating for a while, the bearded god general finally nodded and agreed: "Okay, since that's the case, then you can pass!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly expressed his thanks: "Thank you three adults, the little one will take my leave first!" With that said, he bypassed the three generals and was about to step into the gate of heaven.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Three idiots, aren't you looking for the intruder? He is the intruder!"

Hearing this, the expressions of the three god generals changed drastically, they turned around abruptly and rushed towards Tong Yan...

(End of this chapter)

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