
Chapter 1236 Revenge can be reported, it is best to fight!

Chapter 1236 Revenge can be reported, it is best to fight!
In the main hall of the Nine Heavens in the Illusory Realm, the high and mighty Lord God Master was pacing back and forth with an extremely dignified expression at the moment.Clearly, something was bothering him.It turned out that he had discovered that the imprisoned mysterious man had escaped his control, and saw the mysterious man and Tong Yan leave together.

This was the last thing he wanted to see, and it was something he didn't expect at all, but it happened anyway.He will inevitably face a fierce battle, and it is precisely because he has no confidence in this battle that he is so sad.

"Trash, it's all trash! That brat ran away like this. It's good to let that old thing out now. What should I do? The old thing would definitely want to tear me apart. It was so hard back then. I just tricked him into being fooled. This time it’s okay, all the hard work is in vain! Wuliang, you bastard, you want me to kill this kid for you. Without you, I can at least be my God Lord here safely. No way , I have to call him, I can’t let me take risks here alone.”

Having said that, he stopped pacing, turned around and walked to a golden pillar in the main hall, and then saw him slapping it with a palm, and said loudly: "Fellow Daoist Wuliang, the big thing is not good, hurry up!" Come quickly to help!"

After finishing one sentence, he said another sentence: "Skywalker is about to break through, if you don't come, I will be hard to stop."

In fact, where did Tong Yan come to break through?It's just that he was worried that Wuliang Sword Immortal would not come, so he said that on purpose.

But with this alone, could it really be possible to summon the Immeasurable Sword Immortal?

Sure enough, in less than 10 minutes, the Immeasurable Sword Immortal appeared, and floated out of that golden pillar.From the looks of it, this golden pillar is likely to be the passage connecting the outside.But who would have thought that the passage to the outside world would be set up on an inconspicuous pillar?

As soon as Wuliang Sword Immortal appeared, the divine master couldn't wait to say: "Fellow Daoist Wuliang, big things are bad, big things are bad."

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal hurriedly asked: "My lord, don't worry, just speak slowly, what happened?"

The divine master said helplessly: "Do you know who did the little boy Xingzhe see that day?"

Wuliang Sword Immortal was puzzled and shook his head to express his ignorance.

The Almighty replied immediately: "He saw the old man and saved him. I can't see that one day they will kill me."

Immeasurable Sword Immortal frowned slightly and said, "The old thing you mentioned is the original owner of this illusory realm? But hasn't he been eliminated by you long ago? How could he have anything to do with Skywalker again?" ?”

The God Lord sighed softly and said: "I just said that that day. That old thing is one with this illusory realm. If the illusory realm is not destroyed, he will also be immortal. I want to kill him. How easy is it? I just want to kill him. I imprisoned him on the Flame Mountain. Unexpectedly, that day, Xingzhe Xiaoer bumped into him and rescued him. Brother Wuliang, this is the person you want me to kill, and now he has made such a big mistake , you can't ignore it!"

Hearing this, Wuliang Sword Immortal laughed and said, "My lord, if I ignore this old man, why would I come here? Don't worry, I will definitely stay here with you. The child's physical body did not enter that day, and his strength was not at all. It can’t be played out. With the strength of you and me, plus those good goalkeepers, it should be enough to deal with them.”

Hearing this, the God Lord smiled wryly and said: "I hope so, but those old things are much more difficult to deal with than that day Xingzhe's children. I really don't know if I can get rid of them. But no matter what, there are countless Taoist friends With the help of this celestial being, I don't think they will be able to overthrow this sky!"

The two then began to discuss how to fight against Tong Yan and the old things they said, but at the moment Tong Yan and the others were drinking tea leisurely.

In a thatched hut somewhere in the Yachongtian, the mysterious man had already made tea for Tong Yan, and the two of them sipped it leisurely.

Some people may ask, what is going on in this thatched cottage?In fact, it is very simple, this thatched cottage was created by the mysterious man with a wave of his hand.

As he said before, everything here was created by him, and he is the real master here.If you can create a world, you will naturally be able to create such a small house.For him, this is really nothing to worry about.

Tong Yan took a sip of tea, and then asked, "Senior, have we been drinking tea here all the time? Didn't you say you want to recover your strength? Don't you need to practice?"

Hearing this, the mysterious man chuckled and said, "I am one with this illusory realm, so what do I need to cultivate? I was trapped in the Flame Mountain for too long, and I have some barriers from this illusory realm." .Now that I have regained my freedom, I just need to stay here for a while, and then I can recover my body naturally. By the way, little brother, I don’t know what your name is, can you tell me?”

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course, junior Tong Yan, I don't know what to call senior?"

Hearing this, the mysterious man let out a sigh, then thought for a while and said: "I have long forgotten my name, if you don't mind, just call me Uncle Jing!"

"Jingbo? You are a senior, so it is only natural to call you so. But Jingbo, I don't understand why you would think of creating such a world? Isn't this world bad?"

Hearing this, Jingbo sighed softly and said, "This is all in the past. If you want to talk about it, it will be a long story. I will tell you after I get rid of that villain. Let me tell you about it. How did you enter here from the chess game? Who is the person who let you enter the chess game?"

Tong Yan didn't hide anything, and said directly: "The person who let me enter the chess game is Wuliang Sword Immortal. He is a master, and even ascended to the heaven to become a fairy. But this time he descended to the mortal world again, and invited me to meet him." He. It is not easy to see him. The first thing to do is to break a chess game called Warrior Gate. Unexpectedly, this chess game is the entrance to your illusory realm. After that, I experienced here All kinds of pursuits, all kinds of entanglements. Come to think of it, isn't this all thanks to the immeasurable sword fairy?"

Hearing this, Jing Bo frowned slightly and said, "You said that Wuliang Sword Immortal is a celestial being? How could a celestial being come down to earth so easily? Could it be that he has some mission?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "Mission? What kind of mission could it be? Could it be... Could it be that he came to harm me for the heavens?"

Jingbo smiled casually and said: "Don't worry about it, I think you will understand everything soon. Little friend, I think it's getting late, we can leave now. Repay your wronged, revenge your revenge! Let's go!" !"

In this way, Tong Yan and Jing Bo embarked on the journey to Jiuchongtian, and in this way, the final battle in this illusory realm also kicked off!
(End of this chapter)

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