
Chapter 1238 Thunder Fury, Complete Collapse!

Chapter 1238 Thunder Fury, Complete Collapse!

Swallow eight generals?Yes, it is devouring!The eight clones of Jing Bo appeared in less than three seconds, all of them turned into monsters with huge mouths, and then fiercely pounced on the eight gatekeepers.

Seeing this, the eight gatekeepers waved their weapons to greet them.But they didn't know what was wrong with their bodies, and they just froze inexplicably.

The monsters transformed by the eight Jingbo avatars showed no mercy, and they bit them with big mouths. Some were swallowed in one bite, while others bit off half first, and then the remaining half.In short, in less than 1 minute, the eight gatekeepers had disappeared, and they were all swallowed up!

After the eight monsters ate the eight gatekeeper generals, they did not change back to Jing Bo, but turned into those eight generals.Although they are exactly the same as the previous eight generals, Tong Yan is very clear that they are all part of Jingbo, or in other words, they are Jingbo's real servants.

The eight goalkeepers were easily eliminated, and eight were recreated.There was no joy on Jing Bo's face, on the contrary, he felt a little bit unbearable.

He turned to look at Tong Yan, and sighed softly: "I regard them all as my children, because I created them bit by bit. But there is no way, they have lost their original memory, The only way is to take them back and create them again. Little brother, do you think I am cruel? Tiger poison does not eat children, but I..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly comforted him: "Jingbo, I know you don't want to. But I don't think there is anything wrong with you doing this. It's them who are wrong, although they don't know it themselves. You take them back and create a new one." , This is actually giving them a new life. If you make a mistake, you should be punished. This is an eternal truth. You didn’t really let them go to ashes. In fact, this is also a kind of kindness. Are you right?"

Hearing Tong Yan's explanation, a relaxed smile appeared on Jingbo's face.

"Little brother, you are right. Although I have known you for a short time, I know that you are a good person and a smart person. It is my honor to have a friend like you. I just hope you don't let me down, Don't be like that villain, secretly assassinate me."

Tong Yan faintly felt that there was something in Jingbo's words. Although he seemed to regard him as a friend on the surface, he was defending everywhere. Maybe it was because he had suffered from the divine master, so he didn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Bo Jing, don't worry, I will not betray you, nor will I harm you behind my back. I just want to leave here and return to my world. I still have a lot of things to do in this world." , so everything I do is to leave. As for the others, I really haven't thought about it, and I won't do it. I hope you understand!"

Hearing this, Jingbo laughed and said, "Little brother, I'm just talking casually. You don't have to be too nervous, well, we have come to the gate of heaven, and we can enter the ninth heaven through this gate. But I think, there must be something waiting for us on the ladder behind this door. You have to be prepared!"

It can be said that there is no one who understands the realm of illusion better than Jing Bo, so he must have his reasons for saying this.

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Thank you Bo Jing for telling me, I will be careful."

Jingbo smiled in satisfaction, and then said to the eight re-trained generals: "You also go with me, it will be a fierce battle later, you should also be more careful."

When the eight gatekeepers heard this, they immediately responded in unison: "Yes, master!"

Without further words, Jingbo faced the gate of heaven and was the first one to walk in.

The eight gatekeepers didn't hesitate, and followed quickly.Tong Yan was the only one left now, he turned around and glanced at the distance behind him, and then said to himself: "I hope Brother Weird and Ah Zi are safe, but I don't know if I can take them away Here. Let’s take a step and see everything!” After saying this, he raised his legs and stepped into the gate of heaven.

Different from the ladder Tong Yan had seen before, the ladder between the eighth heaven and the ninth heaven was not upward, but horizontally forward like a long corridor.

This may also mean that the eighth heaven and the ninth heaven are independent, but they are not one above the other below, but equal spaces.

Tong Yan didn't know why Jing Bo made such an arrangement, but naturally he had his reasons.

Before entering, Bo Jing reminded Tong Yan to be more careful.But walking on such a clean and stable corridor, what danger would there be?Maybe Jing Bo was a little nervous, or maybe everything was not as peaceful as Tong Yan had seen.

This promenade is really long, how long is it?Let's put it this way, Tong Yan and Jing Bo should be faster than ordinary people on bicycles, but after walking for half an hour, they still haven't reached the end.He raised his eyes and looked forward, but still couldn't see the side at a glance.

Tong Yan faintly felt that something was wrong, and immediately asked Jingbo, "Jingbo, is this corridor really so long? How come we have walked for so long and haven't reached the Nine Heavens yet?"

Hearing this, Bo Jing immediately stopped in his tracks, and then said with a serious expression: "Little brother, if I say that this corridor was not made by me, would you believe it? To be honest, this should be a corridor full of It’s a rough and dangerous road, but I don’t know what the villain did to turn this Tiantian Road into what it is now. According to my previous memory, it is no more than a cup of tea to complete this road. But now that I’ve been walking for so long, I’m still a little confused. Sigh..."

The ancients said that the time for a cup of tea is equivalent to the current quarter of an hour and 15 minutes.At this moment, Tong Yan and the others walked for about half an hour, which meant that they had spent twice as long but hadn't reached the end point that should have appeared earlier.

If what Jing Bo said is true, it is very likely that Tong Yan and his group have entered the ecstasy circle without knowing it.

Tong Yan's attainments in battle techniques are still very deep, but this place is different from the world, and everything that exists is illusory and unreal.In this way, if there is really an ecstasy array set up here, it will not be easy to break it.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Jingbo, do you think we are going in circles? Or, this corridor looks straight, but it is actually a circle. No matter how long we walk, it will be difficult to leave in the end." .You know about this place, do you think this is going to happen?"

When Jingbo heard this, he immediately frowned and said, "How is it impossible? Of course it is possible. It seems that the villain played a trick in advance and didn't want us to reach Jiuchongtian so easily. But it doesn't matter, since he can If I can create it, I can destroy it. As long as I can kill him, even if I destroy the entire illusory realm, I will not hesitate!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Tong Yan could dissuade him, he suddenly slapped the ground with his palm.

Then there was a loud bang, and a bottomless black hole was directly chiseled out by him on the ground.At the same time, this stable long corridor suddenly burst into cracks, and in less than ten seconds, the long corridor just... just collapsed like this!
And in this way, wouldn't Tong Yan and the others face the danger of falling into the bottomless abyss?
(End of this chapter)

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