
Chapter 1240 Finally enters 9 days, the mystery of illusion!

Chapter 1240 Finally enters the nine days, the mystery of illusion!
Regardless of whether Kunpeng really has a way to get rid of Tong Yan, he must have made preparations in advance.The grass and trees in the Nine Heavens were full of soldiers, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn, which seemed to indicate that the final battle had quietly come.

With Jing Bo leading the way, Tong Yan and the eight goalkeepers all tried their best.Seeing the light source in front of him getting closer and closer, it finally turned into a light gate.

Everyone flew to the gate of light, without stopping for a moment, they all passed through the gate of light with a flash of their figures, and entered directly into the Nine Heavens.

Yes, they did enter the Empyrean.But just after they entered, they were surrounded by a large army of ferocious beasts who had been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the large herd of beasts in front of him, Jingbo's face was full of anger.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Bo Jing, are these also the beasts you created before? Do you have a way to drive them now?"

Hearing this, Jingbo shook his head and said, "No, I didn't create these, but from the hands of that villain. It seems that the villain has realized something from the treasure book I left behind. .No, I have to find him quickly, and then cut him into pieces with my own hands. If he completely controls the Illusory Realm, then he will be like me, immortal."

Hearing this, Tong Yan looked at the ferocious beasts all around, and then said with a wry smile: "The villain must not dare to see you, so he used these beasts to stop him. Bo Jing, if you want to find the beast earlier You villain, why don't you leave first. As for these beasts, leave them to me to deal with!"

Hearing this, Jingbo quickly refused, "No, it's too dangerous. Although these ferocious beasts are no more than real beasts, they are too numerous. There is a saying that two fists can't beat four hands. I think it's better for us not to separate. That way we can take care of each other a little bit more.”

Of course Tong Yan couldn't wish for this, but he didn't want to be a burden to others, that's why he said it just now.

Jing Bo's strength should be higher than his. From one point, the answer can actually be found, and that is speed.In the dark territory just now, Tong Yan had already used his fastest speed.But it's just to follow Jing Bo closely, so that he won't be thrown off.

Jing Bo must have reservations, if he was a little faster, Tong Yan would definitely be left far behind.

When Tong Yan came to this illusory realm, he was able to save himself from danger again and again, relying on his speed.But when his most satisfactory speed is overwhelmed by others, it means that his strength is already inferior to others.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to deal with the group of beasts in front of you with your own strength.Bo Jing wanted to take revenge on the divine master, if he suddenly used his haste and left first, Tong Yan would be faced with a situation where he was surrounded by enemies.But now Tong Yan was relieved, because Bo Jing had already stated his position and would fight side by side with him. In this way, it seemed that it would be easier to deal with these beasts.

Among the ferocious beasts in front of them were the four fierce beasts and the four elephant beasts. It cannot be said that they are mutually exclusive, but at least one is good and the other is evil. But even so, they still gang up and glared at Tong Yan and the others fiercely.

There is a saying that if the enemy does not move, I will not move; if the enemy wants to move, I will move first.Although there are many ferocious beasts in front of them, they are all standing still at the moment, not attacking Tong Yan and others.

Although Tong Yan didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourds of these beasts, he guessed that there must be some special reason.

Soon, he got the answer he wanted.Because Kunpeng appeared, and walked out of the herd, and came directly in front of him.

The Divine Lord and the Immortal Sword Immortal did not show up directly, but Kunpeng did, and it seemed that he was the one leading the army of beasts.

Seeing Kunpeng approaching with a smug smile on his face, Tong Yan's eyes showed a fierce light, and then said fiercely: "Kunpeng, I really didn't expect that you would enter the Nine Heavens before me. And depending on the situation, you seem to have become that God is a dog of the villain. It’s okay, I want to find you anyway, and you have saved me a lot of trouble by sending it to my door. This time, I will never let you escape again, and prepare to suffer Die!"

As soon as the words fell, he had already held the poisonous dagger Hanyue Blade in his hand, and he was about to strike directly.

Kunpeng saw Tong Yan's murderous look, and hurriedly said: "Wait! Tong Yan, I know you hate me to the bone, and you want to deal with it quickly. But there are some things I think you must want to know. Why don't you give me some For a while, after I finish talking, it's not too late for you to start. How about it?"

To be honest, Tong Yan really didn't want to listen to Kunpeng's nonsense, but Kunpeng obviously knew something, and he didn't care about waiting for a few more minutes after waiting for so long.

Thinking of this, he then said: "Okay, I want to hear what you want to say."

Hearing this, Kunpeng chuckled and said, "What I want to say is not only related to you and me, but also related to this illusory realm. If I guessed correctly, this person should be the original owner of this illusory realm, right? You are here too, why not listen together."

Jingbo snorted coldly and said, "You are dying, what else do you want to say?"

Kunpeng smiled mysteriously and said, "Even if death is imminent, you must always say what you need to say. You must always understand what needs to be clarified. Are you right? Of course, you may not be willing to listen to what I have to say, because this The secret begins with you."

As soon as this remark came out, Uncle Jing couldn't help but frowned, and then said fiercely: "What are you trying to say? What secret started with me?"

Kunpeng laughed and said, "I understand in my heart, pretending to be confused, right? Well, let me explain in detail. Who created the illusory realm? Is it you? Of course you are not weak, but the ability to create things , I’m afraid it can’t be done? Who created the illusory realm? Tong Yan, have you thought about it?”

Asked by Kunpeng, Tong Yan also fell into deep thought.Yes, to open up a space and create creatures, this is the power that only the Creator God can possess.But this is not a real space either. If everything is fake, it should be possible for Jingbo to create them, right?
Tong Yan thought for a while, then turned to look at Jingbo.Anyway, Jing Bo happened to be here, why don't you listen to him speak out and answer everyone's questions.

But Jingbo didn't speak, but stared coldly at the triumphant Kunpeng, as if acquiescing to this matter.

If this is the case, is it true that the people who created the illusory realm were not Jing Bo and the God Lord?Who else could it be but them?

Obviously, Kunpeng hasn't finished talking yet, and what he knows seems to be far more than that.

What Tong Yan didn't expect was that what Kunpeng said next connected him with this illusory realm.

What is the secret that Kunpeng knows?The answer will be revealed soon!
PS: I am sick and need to go to the hospital every day. There are few updates. Please bear with me.Once in good health, I will try my best to renew.

(End of this chapter)

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