
Chapter 1242 A thunderbolt from the blue sky, the gods are coming?

Chapter 1242 A thunderbolt from the blue sky, the gods are coming?
Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then confirmed to Bo Jing: "Bo Jing, are you really sure that the person who created this illusory realm is Empress Nuwa? But she is an ancient god, why did she create such an illusory realm?" ? There must be a reason, right?"

Hearing this, Jing Bo shook his head and said, "I don't know why Empress Nuwa created the illusory realm, but it is absolutely true that she created this place. I not only saw the statue of Empress Nuwa in the temple, but also I was fortunate enough to get her inspiration. It was only after hearing her own words that I knew that this place was her masterpiece."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "Didn't Empress Nuwa mention anything about her original intention of creating this illusory realm? She told you that this place was created by her, how could she not tell you why she created it?" Woolen cloth?"

Uncle Jing said helplessly: "I have been lucky enough to see Empress Nuwa for three lifetimes. How can I ask so many things? Basically, Empress Nuwa is talking, and I just listened quietly."

Indeed, ordinary people may not have the courage to speak up when they see such an ancient god as Empress Nuwa, or their nervous minds go blank.So how do you ask questions?
Tong Yan was inconvenient to ask Jingbo any more, but turned to Kunpeng and said, "Jingbo doesn't know why Empress Nuwa created this illusory realm, since you also entered Empress Nuwa's temple, you should know, right? "

Hearing this, Kunpeng laughed and said, "Of course I know. Besides this, I know a lot of things. How about it? Are you interested in knowing?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "Of course I'm interested to know, otherwise I wouldn't waste my time here with you?"

Kunpeng took two steps forward, and then whispered: "The reason why Empress Nuwa created this illusory realm is actually to take refuge. As the so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit, the world created by Empress Nuwa is far more than this illusory realm. There should be more Other spaces that we don’t know about. But no matter which space, as long as it is related to Empress Nuwa, we are obliged to protect it. After all, we are all Empress Nuwa’s people.”

Hearing what Kunpeng said, Tong Yan's furrowed brows not only did not relax, but frowned even tighter.

"Kunpeng, what are you talking about? Empress Nuwa created the illusory realm to take refuge? She is a majestic goddess of creation, does she still want to take refuge? Also, you said we are all Empress Nuwa's people? Nuwa The empress is kind to me, and I have a deep connection with the Nuwa clan, all of these are true. But you are a vicious beast, what qualifications do you have to have a relationship with the empress Nuwa? Do you think you are worthy?"

Regarding Kunpeng, Tong Yan has never had a good word to say, after all, the two of them are in the same situation.This Kunpeng seemed to have gotten used to the sarcastic Tongyan, and he didn't get angry at all, but patiently explained: "At this time, you can't hurt me. Do you think you are the only one who has a close relationship with Empress Nuwa? Let me tell you, I also have a great destiny with Empress Nuwa. In short, she hopes that we can help her guard the illusory realm. As for whether you agree or not, you should think about it yourself."

Of course Tong Yan would not refuse, because he was convinced that this place was created by Empress Nuwa.But the question is, why did Empress Nuwa find Kunpeng instead of him?What's more, Kunpeng said before that the two of them depended on each other and would die together. What basis is this statement based on?

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Kunpeng, do you want to say that your real purpose is to join forces with us to protect this world, right? Then I want to ask, if I die, will you really not be able to live?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng hesitated for a while, and then replied: "I don't know if it's true or not, but this is what Empress Nuwa told me. She said that we are destined to be enemies for life, but if anyone dies early, then The other person will also die with it. Therefore, if we want to live long, we must join hands. This is the advice of Empress Nuwa, I believe her, as for whether you believe it or not, I have no control over it."

It was also related to Empress Nuwa, so Tong Yan couldn't help but feel a little helpless.He also didn't know what Empress Nuwa had said to the bastard Kunpeng, but what Kunpeng said just now should not be false.In any case, I can only agree to it first, after all, the most urgent task is to deal with the God Lord and Wuliang Sword Immortal, but I don't know where these two villains are hiding now.

Tong Yan calmed down his emotions, and then said to Kunpeng: "Forget it, in this illusory realm, I will join hands with you for the time being. But Kunpeng, you'd better not play tricks, otherwise, I will never let you go."

Hearing this, Kunpeng laughed and said, "Playing tricks? If I'm playing tricks, why did I make a special trip here? Why don't these beasts do it directly?"

Tong Yan snorted softly, and then said: "The one who wants to kill me should be the Immeasurable Sword Immortal, right? But who is the one who wants to destroy the Illusory Realm? Is it also him? Or is there someone else behind him?"

Kunpeng put away his smile, and said solemnly: "The Divine Lord and the Immortal Sword Immortal are just small characters, and behind them is a divine king from the heavens. The divine king's strength is extraordinary, and his subordinates are full of strong soldiers and brave generals. Therefore, getting rid of the Divine Lord and the Immeasurable Sword Immortal is only the first step, and defeating the heavenly soldiers and generals who came is the most important thing."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was once again confused. "Kunpeng, how do you know that the other party is a god king? Could it be that Empress Nuwa told you?"

Kunpeng shook his head and smiled, "No, no, not this time. The reason why I knew that the master behind the scenes was the God King was actually from the mouth of the Immeasurable Sword Immortal. That guy wanted to lure me into the gang and become the God King's partner together." Subordinate, working for that god king. But what kind of person am I? How can I become someone else’s slave? So I just listened, and didn’t directly agree. But that guy Wuliang Sword Immortal still told me a lot of things , including the matter of destroying this illusory realm. When I heard it, it was the same as the prophecy of the Nuwa Empress, so I deliberately invited Ying to come to see you, just to tell you these secrets, so that you would not commit any crimes. Big mistake."

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said: "You are quite righteous, but why didn't you have this awareness when you killed innocent people? Kunpeng, I don't bother to argue with you anymore. Just tell me, God Lord Where are Wuliang Sword Immortal now?"

When Kunpeng heard this, he was about to answer.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, there was a thunderbolt in the sky above their heads, and immediately after that, a huge gap cracked in the good sky.After that, a huge head slowly poked in from the crack...

(End of this chapter)

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