
Chapter 1254 The battle for the house, the god will come again!

Chapter 1254 The battle for the house, the god will come again!
Although Tong Yan was dizzy, he hadn't completely lost consciousness.He wanted to see the Wuliang Sword Immortal being completely eradicated with his own eyes before he fell into a coma.But he never thought that what he waited so hard for was not the killing of Immeasurable Sword Immortal, but the incomprehensible scene in front of him.

What on earth is Jingbo going to do?Could it be... Could it be that he also took refuge in the Immeasurable Sword Immortal?

Jingbo's actions made Tong Yan feel very confused, and it was precisely because of this that he was clearly dizzy, but now he was refreshed.He wants to see what this uncle is going to do, and whether all his efforts will be in vain.

Time passed bit by bit, and Jingbo, who turned into golden light and penetrated into Wuliang Sword Immortal's body, still did not move, but wisps of faint golden light spread upward from Wuliang Sword Immortal's feet.

Although the golden light was weak, it was still seen by Tong Yan.He tried his best to keep his eyes open, quietly watching the golden light make any further moves.

After another three or two minutes like this, the golden light has spread from Wuliang Sword Immortal's feet to his chest, and will continue to spread upwards.

But at this moment, something puzzling happened.

The golden light originally continued upwards, but unexpectedly, a ray of white light came out from Wuliang Sword Immortal's chest, and began to resist the upward attack of the golden light.

One platinum and one gold, two kinds of light, you come and I don't give in to each other, and gradually formed a stalemate.

They all want to disperse each other, but because the light is equally strong and weak, it may be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

Tong Yan watched intently, and began to think quickly in his mind.What do these two beams of light mean?

He saw with his own eyes that Jingbo turned into a beam of golden light and entered the body of Wuliang Sword Immortal. If he regarded the golden light as Jingbo, then could the other beam of white light refer to Wuliang Sword Immortal?
Suddenly, a bold and extremely possible idea appeared in his mind.That is, the reason why Jingbo entered the body of Wuliang Sword Immortal was for one thing only, that is to seize the body!
Why seize the house?In fact, it is taking the flesh of others.Although Jingbo can call wind and rain in this illusory territory, there is one problem that he can't solve no matter what, that is, the problem of the physical body.He has no physical body, so he can never leave here, and can only live and die with this illusory realm.

He may have guessed that the illusory realm will inevitably be destroyed by the heavens.And it is especially important to be able to find a way to save life before the illusory realm is shattered.How to do it?It would be the best and most effective way to gain the physical body and become a human again.

It was precisely because of this that he set his sights on Wuliang Sword Immortal.Because only Wuliang Sword Immortal entered the illusory realm with his body, and Wuliang Sword Immortal just happened to be drained of his immortal power by Tong Yan, and he was in a weak stage. Taking the opportunity to seize the body of Wuliang Sword Immortal at this time is not only easier, but also possible Also the largest.

To sum up, this is the real reason why Jingbo turned into golden light and penetrated into the body of Wuliang Sword Immortal.Of course, all of this is just Tong Yan's conjecture, whether it is true or not, perhaps we will have to wait for Jing Bo to show up again and listen to his own account before we can know.

With the relationship between Tong Yan and Jingbo, Jingbo should not be in trouble at this time.Because if it makes trouble, it shouldn't be aimed at Wuliang Sword Immortal, it would be easier to get rid of Tong Yan directly.

Thinking about it this way, Tong Yan no longer worried, but looked forward to it.Of course he didn't want Jingbo to be destroyed together with this illusory realm. If Jingbo could successfully capture the body of Wuliang Sword Immortal, not only Jingbo himself would be able to save his life, but he would also indirectly eradicate Wuliang Sword Immortal.

Now it's up to Bo Jing whether he can win the final victory in this battle to seize the house. Even if Tong Yan wants to help, there is nothing he can do. Everything depends on Bo Jing himself.

Tong Yan was staring at the two beams of light on Wuliang Sword Immortal's body, but Kunpeng and the Goddess General, who were fighting fiercely not far away, had temporarily stopped.

The Goddess General almost tried her best, but this Kunpeng was indeed an extraordinary person, and she was still unable to get rid of him.

On the other hand, Kunpeng is not easy now. Although his life is safe, the Goddess General has no intention of letting him go completely, and still stares at him with murderous eyes.

"Ahem... I said girl, you and I know that our strength is on par. It is not easy for you to kill me, but it is equally difficult for me to kill you. If this is the case, why should we fight endlessly? Why don't we just shake hands and make peace and not offend each other, what do you think?"

The Goddess General heard this, and immediately said coldly: "Evil thief, do you think I will shake hands with you to make peace? If you hurt my companion, you are an enemy of the sky. How can I forgive you for a sinner like you? "

Hearing this, Kunpeng laughed and said, "Miss, this is wrong. I just sent your companion back to the heaven. Besides, I didn't know that you were descended from heaven. If so, I would not have time to talk to you." Well, how can I become enemies with you? In my opinion, this is a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, the girl should let me go. But then again, it is better to solve the enemy than to tie it. Maybe in the future I will also have Opportunity to set foot in the heavens, and by then, we will meet again if we can’t guarantee it.”

The Goddess General snorted coldly and said, "A despicable thing like you wants to set foot in the heaven? It's ridiculous! You'd better think about how to save your life. As for setting foot in the heaven, I'm afraid you won't have this chance in your life."

Kunpeng tried his best to make friends with the goddess general, but the goddess general did not give face at all.In any case, he is a divine beast, and it is not difficult to set foot in the heaven, but he is called a despicable thing by the goddess. This kind of irony is really unbearable for him.

"Little girl, I've been patient everywhere, but you've made an inch of it. Do you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed? If you have the ability, why can't you take me down for such a long time? I didn't want to kill you, but you are so ignorant of current affairs. Forget it, I really don't need to talk nonsense to you, a stubborn general. Come on, fight me for another three hundred rounds!"

The Goddess General smiled coldly and said, "Okay, that's exactly what I mean!" As soon as he finished speaking, the Goddess General flashed his figure and rushed towards Kunpeng.

But at this moment, Kunpeng's whole body shone with golden light, and then, his body disappeared out of thin air, without a trace.

Like Tong Yan, he is proficient in the method of transposition. He also tried to use this method to get rid of the goddess general before, but the goddess general took it seriously and never showed any flaws.

Now that he uses this method again, is it also to deal with the goddess general?Actually otherwise, his target this time is no longer the goddess general, but Tong Yan!

He knew that it would be a waste of time to continue fighting with the Goddess General. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he might as well get rid of Tong Yan.

But Tong Yan is exhausted now, how can he still have the strength to contend with it?

But at this moment, another god will enter the realm of illusion.Not only that, this divine general, Tong Yan actually met once.

Who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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