
Chapter 1272 Strange ethnic group, what purpose?

Chapter 1272 Strange ethnic group, what purpose?
Tong Yan's practice is actually very difficult. Although the power of the celestial being in his body didn't explode, it became a nightmare that he couldn't get rid of.

As long as he mobilizes a little devil energy, the power of the fairy will be ready to move, and as long as the power of the fairy moves slightly, it will bring him heart-piercing pain.

Fortunately, he was patient enough, even though the pain was terribly painful, he still gritted his teeth and continued to try.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that this was a hurdle he had to overcome. If he hesitated because of the pain, then he would be a useless person for the rest of his life.

Only by enduring the pain again and again can he re-mobilize the power of the heavenly demon in his body, so that he will not be able to do anything like a waste like now.

Such an attempt is painful, but he has no choice.In just a short while, his body was already drenched with cold sweat, and his face was as pale as paper because of the pain.

Time passed little by little, maybe because the pain was too frequent, he fell asleep unconsciously.

Although there was a bonfire in the house, the cold wind still blew in through the broken windows.

The wind howled, the trees rustled, the night completely engulfed the abandoned village, and there were disharmonious and disturbing sounds everywhere.

In this way, after about an hour, several black shadows quietly approached the house where Tong Yan and Daoist Sanshi lived.

These black shadows are not tall, about one meter in length. As for the figure, because the night is too dark, they can only be vaguely seen. They are a bit thick, so they should not be people, but more like orangutans or burly monkeys. .But what it is, it is not clear now.

There were seven black shadows in total, almost the same in size, they formed a row and quietly walked to the door from under the window.

Tong Yan and the house they were in had all the doors and windows in dilapidated condition.All the glass on the windows was shattered, and the hinge of the door was also off, so it could only be removed artificially, or put in place.

When the black shadow came to the door, he tried to open the door. Several black shadows moved at the same time, and they moved the door completely without making a sound.

At this time, the bonfire in the room had already been extinguished, and the dry branches obviously couldn't help burning, leaving only the sparks still struggling to flicker.

The black shadows entered the house on tiptoe, and quickly locked on Daoist Sanshi who was practicing in the house and Tong Yan who had fallen asleep.

They just hesitated for a moment, then divided into two teams and walked slowly towards Tong Yan and Daoist Sanshi.


This time, Tong Yan didn't know how long he had slept.But after waking up, I feel full of energy.

But when he opened his eyes and looked around, he couldn't help but froze.

"How did this happen? Why am I here? I clearly remember that I was in a house in a deserted village, right?"

He was a little dumbfounded and a little confused, how did he come to such a place so well?Where is this place?
Following his gaze, I saw that this was a valley.Unlike the valleys we are used to, there is no vegetation here, and there are red soil everywhere, as well as a few small stones.

In addition to these, there are several upward-facing caves scattered throughout the valley.But I don't know what is in this cave and what is it for.

Tong Yan looked around for a while, then slowly stood up, not caring about patting the dust off his body, he directly shouted loudly: "Hey, is there anyone? Is there anyone? Brother Sanshi...Brother Sanshi? Are you here? Hello..."

But his cries did not receive any response, and even Daoist Sanshi was nowhere to be found.

He was a little puzzled, and suddenly thought of something, so he hurriedly checked the things on his body.

After this inspection, he felt a little relieved. All his magic weapons and treasures were there, and there was no injury on his body, so it was almost certain that the "person" who brought him here should not have any malicious intentions.

But is it really as he imagined?

Although he didn't know where it was, he knew that he had to leave.

Daoist Sanshi will never leave without saying goodbye, if Daoist Sanshi brought him here, there should be no sign of him now.

He made a lot of assumptions, and after integrating these assumptions, he naturally came to the conclusion that someone else brought him here. The purpose is not clear, but it is absolutely correct to leave here early.

He stopped thinking about it, raised his legs and tried to climb out of the valley from one side.

But just a few steps away from his side, a piercing cry suddenly sounded not far from him.

Hearing this sound, he immediately turned his head to look.Seeing this, he couldn't help frowning deeply.

What did he see?He saw a head coming out of the hole, staring at him.

This head is by no means a human head, but like a human head, it has eyes, a nose, a mouth and ears.But why do you say it is not a human head?The head is as black as ink, the eyes are bright red like blood, the nostrils are upward, and the ears are round like shells. Besides, the mouth has sharp fangs, each of different sizes, but if it is bitten, It is estimated that a piece of meat has to be torn off.In addition, there is no hair on the head, and there are some very conspicuous wrinkles on the forehead.In short, this head feels very uncomfortable, I don't know, I thought I saw a ghost.

It should be this thing that made that ear-piercing scream, but Tong Yan couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

But with this scream, the same head came out of other caves.

Being stared at by several pairs of blood-red eyes, Tong Yan couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

He wanted to ask, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it would be better to leave quickly, who knew whether these strange things would hurt him?

With an idea in mind, he raised his legs and ran quickly towards the top of the valley.And when he ran wildly, all those strange things jumped out of the cave.

He also didn't care about looking at the images of these strange things, and almost used all his strength.

But without the help of the power of Heavenly Demon, he might not be much faster than ordinary people.

In less than 2 minutes, the way ahead of him was blocked by strange things, and he was also surrounded.

He has to look at it even if he doesn't look at it now, the appearance of the strange thing has completely entered his eyes.

I saw that these strange creatures were no more than one meter tall, each of them was very thin, their bodies were pitch black, and they were wearing shorts made of animal skin, with their upper body exposed.

Their nails are extremely sharp, just like their teeth, giving people a sense of danger.

It was the first time Tong Yan saw such strange things, and it might be them that brought him here.

But if this is the case, several new questions will arise, where is Daoist Sanshi?Why was he the only one brought here?

Also, what is the purpose of these strange creatures bringing him here?

(End of this chapter)

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