
Chapter 1274 Go deep underground, the pain of the stars!

Chapter 1274 Go deep underground, the pain of the stars!
Tong Yan is a nosy person, but most of the time it is his nosy who finds him on his own initiative, which makes him a little caught off guard.

Just like this time, the Dark Clan found him suddenly, knew him so well, and brought him here quietly.Everything seemed to be a coincidence, but within the coincidence, everything seemed to be planned. This feeling of being calculated really made him unhappy.

It is precisely because of this that he has to be on guard and try his best to understand this dark race as much as possible.

Next, he continued to ask the old woman some questions.The more he asked, the more thorough his understanding of the Dark Clan became.

For example, people of the Dark Clan are generally about one meter tall. Tong Yan's height is definitely a giant in the Dark Clan.In addition, people of the Dark Clan generally have dark skin like ink, and they don't like sunlight.Only the long-lived clansmen in the clan can travel in the sun, and what Tong Yan sees now are the long-lived Anzu clansmen.

The people of the Dark Clan were extremely bloodthirsty at the beginning, not only eating wild animals, but also eating people. If they hadn't met an old monk later and enlightened everyone with the supreme Dharma, they might still exist like monsters now.Because they were afraid of the sun, the Dark Clan moved their homes from above the ground to below the ground, and lived a truly dark life.

Of course, being like this is not all bad, and it also brings them some benefits.What good?Their lifespan has been greatly improved. A normal clansman can live for three to two hundred years without any problem; what's more, they are closer to monsters, possessing the speed of surpassing wild beasts, and gaining the powerful power to tear apart tigers and wolves; what's more, The control of the power of the five elements, yes, it is the power of the five elements, they can manipulate the power of the earth in the power of the five elements, not only can instantly build a wall of earth, but also can walk freely in the earth, although there is no earth escape technique So fast, but actually more advanced than the technique of earth escape.

All in all, this dark race is like an elf living in the soil, a ghost traveling through the night, a swift and powerful beast.If anyone offends this ethnic group, the consequences will be dire, deadly, and even devastating.

Besides, why Tong Yan was brought here, last night, seven members of the Dark Clan quietly came to the broken house where Tong Yan and Daoist Sanshi were resting.

Although Daoist Sanshi noticed something strange, he really didn't expect these guys to be able to walk freely in the soil.It was precisely because of such carelessness that he could only watch Tong Yan being dragged into the soil by these guys and brought here.

What's more, there are two most important questions.These two questions are, who told the Dark Clan that Tong Yan could help them?Also, how did they find Tong Yan?

For such an important question, Tong Yan would of course ask clearly.It's just the old woman's answer, but it doesn't satisfy Tong Yan.

The old woman's answer was that the person who told them that Tong Yan could help them was a hermit, but they didn't know who it was.As for how they found Tong Yan, it was all because of feelings.

Feel?That's right, it's the feeling!
Tong Yan possessed the power of the stars, and the reason why the people of the Dark Clan can obtain various abilities is actually related to the fallen stars.The so-called extraterrestrial stones are actually fallen stars.As long as Tong Yan is close enough to them, they will definitely be able to detect it.

In fact, Tong Yan and Daoist Sanshi flew over here once while searching for traces of Qing Ming and the others.After the members of the Dark Clan noticed it, they immediately chased him all the way, and they were able to capture Tong Yan here in the dead of night.

The above is the truth of the matter, which may not completely solve the doubts, but it is generally clear.

After asking all kinds of questions, it was time for Tong Yan to make a decision.

In fact, he had already made this decision long ago, because besides this, he had no other choice at all.

"Boy, I beg you to help us again, and I hope you will agree. Will you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "If I have no intention of helping you, why would I ask such a thing? Let's go, take me to your home. If possible, I also want to see that piece of land outside the sky. stone."

When the old woman heard this, she immediately said excitedly: "Okay, I will take you there right away. Our home is actually on top of the foreign stone, and we dug a passage to reach the surface of the foreign stone directly. .Thank you for promising us, without further ado, let's start now!"

Tong Yan was about to nod his head in agreement, but after thinking about it, he said: "Wait a minute, I wonder if you can do me a little favor, mother-in-law?"

The old woman is in a good mood now, and immediately said cheerfully: "You say, as long as we can do it, we will definitely help."

Tong Yan was also not polite, and said straightforwardly: "You took me here last night and didn't tell my friend. I think he will be worried about me. I hope you can send him a letter for me, so that he will be here immediately." That deserted village is waiting for me. When I finish dealing with the matter here, I will go to the deserted village to meet him. Is that okay?"

Without hesitation, the old woman nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, I will arrange it now."

After the old woman arranged everything, Tong Yan, with their help, really walked through the soil.

In less than half an hour, Tong Yan had already penetrated deep into the soil, and as his body lightened, he had already arrived in an underground city.

Coming here, Tong Yan unconsciously thought of the old house of the Wu family.

The old house of the Wu family is underground. Although it is not so deep, it is somewhat similar to this place.

However, the scale here is very large, and there are many houses. The most eye-catching one is actually a huge Buddha statue.

What is carved in this Buddha statue is not the common Sakyamuni Buddha, nor a few Bodhisattvas, but an old monk holding a Zen stick.

One can know without guessing that the old monk engraved may be the eminent monk who influenced the Dark Clan and helped them regain their sanity.In order to thank this eminent monk, the Dark Clan built a Buddha statue for him, worshiped him as their faith, and worshiped him forever.

Looking at it this way, the Dark Clan can be regarded as a kind repayment.If Tong Yan can really help them, maybe they can leave this place safely.

After a while, Tong Yan landed safely on the ground.A large group of members of the Dark Clan rushed over quickly, surrounding him like watching a giraffe, watching him endlessly.

Tong Yan was certainly uncomfortable being stared at like this.

But the most uncomfortable thing is not this, but the sharp pain from the center of the eyebrows.

Taking a closer look, he discovered that the imprint of the stars on the center of his brows... was strangely glowing red!
(End of this chapter)

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