
Chapter 1276 Eating all the flesh and blood, the bones are mutated!

Chapter 1276 Eating all the flesh and blood, the bones are mutated!

Run, he has been running desperately.Perhaps, he knew why he was running, because he wanted to get rid of these horrible blood corpses.But...but where could he go?Where is his home?

Yes, it appears safe ahead.But there were also many blood corpses lying on the ground in front of him. If he didn't get close, those blood corpses would lie there all the time, but as soon as he approached, those blood corpses would open their eyes, get up, and attack him.

In this way, he seemed to have fallen into a strange circle.

If he doesn't show up, the blood corpse just lies quietly. Once he appears, the blood corpse will turn into a bloodthirsty monster.In order not to be overtaken by the blood corpses, he could only continue to run forward, and this way of running would awaken more and more blood corpses.

This is his current situation. In order to live, he must run, but he has no idea how long he will run, nor how many blood corpses he will wake up.

In fact, Tong Yan also felt very incomprehensible to this kind of himself. He thought that he was not a cowardly person, and he would not be chased by a group of blood corpses.But in the dream, he ran away with no future in this way. He had some doubts, was this still himself?Is it my own soul that manipulates this body?

But he has no choice, because he can't control his body at all, he can only let his body continue to run forward, endlessly.

It went on like this for a long time, and it was strange to say that his running speed was just a little faster than those blood corpses.So the current situation is like this, he seems to be being chased by the blood corpse, which is extremely dangerous, but in fact, he is also safe.As long as he is not exhausted, these blood corpses will never be able to catch up with him, and he will always be safe.

For such a dream, he was really confused.How can you have such a dream?

He was a little speechless, since he knew it was a dream, it was better to find a way to get out of the dream.

But things were not as simple as he imagined, he was in a dream, and everything was completely out of his control except that he was still conscious.

His body continued to rush forward, and more and more blood corpses were awakened. In the end, there were dense crowds behind him, and the scene was terrifying.

But at this moment, a wall suddenly appeared in front of him, directly blocking his way forward.

If it has been safe before, on the one hand, it is because he runs fast enough, and on the other hand, it is because of the flatness ahead.But now, with a towering wall standing in front of him, he will also face a danger from which he cannot escape.

It was not his intention to escape.The number of blood corpses that can be awakened is already overwhelming, and the difficulty of fighting against them has increased by more than a hundred times.

Bind yourself in a cocoon, and paint the ground as a prison?It is not an exaggeration to use such an idiom to describe him now, but when he thinks that this is a dream, even if he dies, it is only a dream at most, and when he wakes up from the dream, he will be fine.

But how did he know that this was not an ordinary dream. If he didn't want to escape, he might be trapped here forever and become a living dead.

The flesh body continued to disobey his orders, but the flesh body automatically clenched its fists and turned to face the countless blood corpses.

The blood corpses were getting closer and closer, one by one with bloody mouths and waving bloody hands swarming towards them. They seemed to have regarded Tong Yan as prey and food.

Facing so many blood corpses, there is no need to say how bad Tong Yan's situation is.And the worst thing is not that, but his hands are empty, does he want to deal with these blood corpses with bare hands?

If it was a real Tong Yan, because of the power of the gods entrenched in his body, he could no longer use his magic power, and he was no different from a disabled person.Relying on fists to deal with these blood corpses is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

But this is a dream after all, maybe he in the dream was not affected by the power of the celestial being, if so, it might not be that difficult to deal with these blood corpses.

He can only comfort himself like this, can only fantasize like this.

But soon, his illusion was shattered.

The group of blood corpses rushed forward, and he clearly watched as he waved his powerless fists and hit the blood corpses that rushed forward.But his fist was powerless at all, hitting the blood corpse's body was like hitting a hard rock, not only failed to push back the blood corpse, but was grabbed by the blood corpse's arm and pressed up like that.

He struggled vigorously, but his fists were no match for four hands. More and more blood corpses pressed him to the ground, biting him fiercely with their bloody mouths.

Although he didn't feel any pain, his uncontrollable body let out a horrible cry.

The cry lasted for a while, and then it became weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker.

The blood corpses really regarded him as food, and every blood corpse stepped forward to take a bite. After a while, there was no flesh and blood on his body.His body was gnawed clean by the blood corpses, leaving only the bone, lying alone on the ground, facing the sky in despair.

Tong Yan almost saw his own flesh and blood being gnawed off bit by bit, and now only bones remained, as if death was approaching gradually.

He suddenly felt very tired, and suddenly his spirit was a little listless. He wanted to sleep, and he really couldn't hold on anymore.

But he is obviously already sleeping, does he want to sleep again in this dream?

"No, I can't sleep. If I fall asleep in a dream, who can wake me up? Am I going to sleep here forever?"

He suddenly thought of this, and suddenly became sober.But how to get out of here, out of the dream?

In fact, the best way to get out of the dream is to be awakened by people or external sounds and other factors.But Tong Yan was in the Buddhist hall, there was no one else but him, and the Buddhist hall was quiet, so it might take a lot of time to use the outside world to get him out of the dream.

But besides this method, what other methods does he have?

He thought about it, and decided to get rid of this body that had been devoured of flesh and blood first. Since this body is not under his control, it is better to get rid of it directly.

But when he was trying hard to get out, he never thought that a golden light would inexplicably glow on the skeleton he was attached to.

The golden light lasted for about 5 minutes, and when the golden light dimmed, Tong Yan realized that the original white bones turned into golden bones.Not only that, but there seemed to be some small characters faintly engraved on the golden skeleton.

He was a little puzzled, and then tried to look at it.

But after seeing it, he couldn't help being shocked.What did he see on the golden skeleton?

What does this dream of his indicate?The answer will be revealed soon!

(End of this chapter)

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