
Chapter 1278 Stepping into the lair, who will regret it?

Chapter 1278 Stepping into the lair, who will regret it?
Upon hearing the old woman's voice, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over.

Sure enough, the old woman of the dark clan had indeed come outside the door, which was exactly what the old monk said in the dream.

In this way, it means that what the old monk said is true, so isn't he really in the dragon's pool and tiger's den?
He hesitated for a while, because what the old monk said was true, if he went with the old woman now, he might never return.

But at this time, if he said no, could he not go?As the saying goes, people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes.In this territory of the dark clan, how can he be by himself?

Go, seems to have to go.But if you go without any preparation, it is basically no different from seeking your own death.

Fortunately, Tong Yan's magic weapons are all there, except Taishan Blade for Qiulong, his Phoenix Heavenly Sword, Divine Dragon Gloves and Blue Soul Sword are all there.

With these three types of magical artifacts close by, even if the power of the heavenly demon cannot be used, the spirits of these magical artifacts should be able to be summoned.

The Dragon Fist is always in his hand, and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is held in his palm. As for the Blue Soul Sword, although it is in the cloth bag, it can be taken out at any time, so it shouldn't be a problem.

This is all the preparations he can do now. As for whether he can save his life, it depends on his own good fortune.

He took a deep breath, and then shouted outside: "Grandma, I will kowtow to the Buddha, and I will come out immediately."

After saying this, he turned to look at the golden Buddha statue, and then bowed deeply: "Master, thank you for your reminder. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. If I have a life, I will return. I will definitely take you with me." The Buddha statue leaving here will also save you from sitting in the depths of the ground and being harassed by demons all day long. I will take the first step, and there will be a period later!"

Without any further hesitation, he turned around and walked out directly.

What should come will always come. If you want to hide, you can't hide. The only thing you can do is to face it bravely. Only in this way, maybe you can have a chance.

As soon as he opened the door, he immediately saw a large number of members of the Dark Clan, as well as the ugly old woman in a cloak and holding a cane.

At this time, looking at the members of the Dark Clan, he suddenly discovered that perhaps they were not just looking at him out of curiosity, but because they were eager to eat his body, so they were impatient.

But even knowing this, he expressed it very naturally and easily.

"Grandma, I'm out, I slept well last night. This Buddhist hall is really quiet!"

Hearing this, the old woman smiled and said: "It's good that you sleep well, it's not too late, you just go with your old body!"

Tong Yan nodded, walked up to the old woman's side, and said to those members of the dark clan who had been coveting for a long time: "Everyone, I will definitely save you. Don't worry! Please go back, don't send me away." Already!"

But those members of the Dark Clan are still refusing to leave, just like a lion staring at its prey, how can they just leave?

Tong Yan's heart was full of sneers, if it wasn't because he couldn't mobilize the power of the demon, he really didn't pay attention to this group of animals.

But don't push him too hard. At that time, even if he can't survive, he will never let these beasts infect his body.

Following behind the old woman, the two of them walked along the stone road on one side. After walking for about ten minutes, a dark hole appeared in front of them.

The old woman pointed to the hole and said, "As long as we enter through that hole, we can see the extraterrestrial stone that entrapped our Dark Clan."

Tong Yan said lightly: "It's really hidden, but it's also very yearning. I really want to see what kind of stone it is that has such a powerful ability. Grandma, you must let me Let me look at that stone, otherwise I will die with regret."

He said that on purpose, just to find out what the old woman said.

Hearing this, the old woman smiled awkwardly and said, "Why, the old man brought you here just to let you meet the foreign stone that day, how could he not let you see it? Young man, you are really joking."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "I've always spoken out loud, and I'm used to talking nonsense, mother-in-law, please don't take it seriously, please forgive me."

The old woman nodded with a smile, didn't say any more, and led Tong Yan to continue walking forward.

Tong Yan deliberately walked slowly, knowing that there was a dangerous situation ahead, so he didn't need to be so anxious.Furthermore, he shouldn't be the one who should be anxious, it should be the old woman, or the patriarch who is waiting to eat his flesh.

Although the old woman was a little depressed, it was not good to urge Tong Yan. After all, Tong Yan had said before that he was not much different from a useless person now, and there was nothing wrong with walking slowly.

But no matter how slow you walk, there will always be a moment when it ends.

After dawdling for half an hour, they finally came to the dark cave entrance.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Tong Yan could smell a strong smell of blood.If what the old woman showed him was really a rock from outside the sky, it would definitely not have such a strong smell of blood. I have never said that there is a smell of blood on meteorites.

In this way, he was even more sure that this was probably where the so-called head of the dark clan lived.

But why did the patriarch stay in this cave?Why not go directly to the Buddhist hall to take his life?
After a little thought, he came to a conclusion.That is, the patriarch of the Dark Clan couldn't leave this cave for some reason.

It is precisely because of this that the old woman took pains to lure him here.

Of course, there are actually doubts here.That's why the old woman didn't just let those clansmen tie up Tong Yan and send her directly into the cave?Why did Tong Yan come over by himself?

Maybe they have their own considerations, maybe the patriarch likes to eat living people, if Tong Yan is tied up, Tong Yan is likely to choose to commit suicide, and then the gain will outweigh the loss.

But having said that, these are actually not important, the important thing is that the patriarch's lair is already close at hand, Tong Yan will be in danger anytime he steps in.

So at this time, he must cheer up.Anyone who is a little sloppy will probably be doomed.

Clenching his fists and the Phoenix Heavenly Sword in his hand, he thought that everything was ready.

Now, it's time to go in and take a look.

He wants to see, what kind of thing is the patriarch of the Dark Clan? If he wants to eat a living person, isn't he afraid of losing his teeth?
"Young man, let's go in. Remember, try to keep as quiet as possible after you go in, otherwise... otherwise the foreign stone will be angry that day!"

"Angry? A broken rock can be angry? Mother-in-law, are you kidding me?"

The old woman said with a serious face: "Young man, I didn't joke with you. You'd better do what I tell you, otherwise...or you will definitely regret it!"

regret?Tong Yan secretly laughed in his heart, let's see later, who will regret it!
(End of this chapter)

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