
Chapter 1295 The sword breaks the seal, are you crazy?

Chapter 1295 The sword breaks the seal, are you crazy?
The further he moved forward, the thicker the white fog in front of him, which made Tong Yan gradually uneasy.

Although the monster who led the way said good things, Bao Buqi was flattering on purpose, in fact, to lure him into the trap set by the old thief Bai Yong. If this is the case, he has to be careful, at least not completely. Trust the monster in front of you.

"Wait! What's the matter with these white mist?"

He finally opened his mouth to ask questions. If he didn't ask clearly, he was really worried that he would sink deeper and deeper.

Hearing this, the monster stopped immediately, turned around and replied, "Master Tianmo, these white mist have always been there. I don't know exactly what it is. And it's not only here, but also in front!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked Shi Ling in Taishan Blade about this matter with his mind, and after getting Shi Ling's answer, he was slightly relieved.

"Well, since this is the case, let's continue on our way!"

The monster let out a light sigh, turned its head away and continued to move forward.

Although Tong Yan said this, he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

The two walked like this for about 10 minutes, and the monster in front finally stopped by itself.

"Master Tianmo, Qinglong and his companions you are looking for are imprisoned in the tomb beside this side. But the tomb has been sealed by that distinguished guest, and you have to rely on yourself to open it."

Tong Yan nodded, then followed the monster's gaze.

This so-called tomb is actually very hidden, and the reason why it is said to be hidden is because there is no door at all, just a wall.

However, this wall also has some special features. For example, the blue bricks on the top are obviously darker than the ones next to it, and they are of different sizes. It looks like it was done on purpose.The main purpose of using bricks of different volumes is to dazzle people. Combined with the white mist floating in the tomb passage, it forms a special form like a blindfold.

After looking at it normally, the first glance must be blurry. Since it is blurry, I will not take another look. In this way, it will not be discovered. It turns out that there is a tomb hidden here.

Fortunately, there was a monster leading the way, otherwise, Tong Yan might have missed it too.

Now that the entrance to the tomb is here, it is time to investigate whether it has really been sealed.

The monster backed away wisely, and Tong Yan immediately raised his legs and walked to the so-called "tomb gate".

Staring at it like this, he couldn't see anything special, so he stretched out his hand to press it, and injected a ray of demonic power into it.

As soon as the power of the heavenly demon was injected, a layer of gas shield was formed on the wall of the tomb that he saw, and it expanded rapidly, and suddenly Tong Yan was ejected a few steps away.

With this discovery, Tong Yan can already confirm that there is indeed a seal on the wall of the tomb, and it is a powerful seal that is not easy to deal with.

Seeing that Tong Yan was bounced away by the tomb wall, the monster hurriedly asked, "Master Tianmo, are you not hurt? This seal is powerful. I tried it once before, but unfortunately, my knowledge is too shallow, and I almost passed the seal." I paid for my own life."

The monster's casual remark made Tong Yan a little puzzled. "Have you tried once? Do you want to open this tomb door?"

Hearing this, the monster nodded and replied: "That's right, in fact, I wanted to get acquainted with the Qinglong God inside. After all, Qinglong is the guardian god of the East. If I let him speak a few words to the underworld for me, maybe I will The wish of being reincarnated as a human can be fulfilled. But there is no way, I can’t even open this door.”

Tong Yan didn't know if what the monster said was true or not, but there were no flaws, so let's just assume it was true.

"Okay, you can rest assured that if I leave here, I will definitely help you reincarnate as a human. But I also hope that you will help me sincerely and don't turn your back on it!"

As soon as the monster heard this, he immediately replied firmly: "Master Tianmo, as long as you can let me reincarnate as a human, I will obey you in everything, and I will never dare to betray you."

Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction, and continued to focus on the tomb wall in front of him.

Under the current situation, it is actually not easy to crack the seal on the wall of the tomb.So Tong Yan decided to change a method, what method?It is to find the critical point where the seal covers, and then use the method of thunder to forcefully break through the wall. In this way, a lot of time for hard thinking and meditation can be saved.

But where the critical point of the seal is, it cannot be discerned by vision. It needs to be tested bit by bit with the power of the demon. Where the rebound force is smaller, the so-called critical point is actually there.

With an idea in mind, Tong Yan stopped delaying and immediately began to try brick by brick.But this experiment is not without side effects.The rebound force of this seal was strong and sometimes weak, the weak one was okay, it directly bounced him away, while the strong one actually damaged his meridians.

But in order to be able to open the tomb door as quickly as possible and rescue Qing Ming and the others, he could only grit his teeth and endure.

In this way, he has been searching for half an hour.

But fortunately, he finally tried out the weakest part of the seal, and drew a mark on it with his fingernails.

The critical point has been found, and now it's time to break the wall with all our strength.Judging from the experiment just now, this seal is not simple, and it may not be enough to break it with ordinary supernatural powers.Moreover, this seal is covered in a spherical shape, that is to say, it completely encloses the tomb. If it can be hit with one hit, the entire seal will collapse in an instant, and naturally it will not be difficult at that time.

Tong Yan put away the Tai Shan Ren and took out the Blue Soul Sword instead. He decided to use the third form of the Star Sword Art, the lore form.

The lore style is his strongest supernatural power at present, but the consumption of the power of the star is also very huge.The power of the star source is the same as the power of the sky demon, it is not inexhaustible, so he often does not dare to use it lightly. If the power of the sky demon and the power of the star source are exhausted, he may You can only practice again and restore your true energy.

But now there is no other choice, and it is definitely the best and most effective way to use the Star Sword Art.

Taking a deep breath, he saw that he was holding the sword in one hand, and quickly formed a seal with the free hand. In the blink of an eye, he successfully formed a beautiful five-pointed star seal.

Fayin Yicheng was struck forward violently by him, and the other hand held the blue soul sword and instantly stabbed Fayin.

With the sound of "呯", the seal immediately shattered into dots of starlight, but above the Blue Soul Sword was a radiant light, and the light of the sword soared to the sky.

Without further delay, I heard him yell loudly: "Sword of the Stars, lore style! Break it for me!"

As soon as the words fell, he stabbed out with a sword.Only a loud "boom" was heard, and the Blue Soul Sword lived up to its mission, piercing fiercely into the wall, and the scattered star power immediately exploded in all directions, and a big hole appeared like this.

Unexpectedly, just as he raised his eyes to look into the wall, a bloody scene appeared in his eyes.

"Brother Qing, are you... are you crazy?"

What exactly did he see?

(End of this chapter)

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