
Chapter 1309 Fighting wits and courage, breaking through the door!

Chapter 1309 Fighting wits and courage, breaking through the door!

The main hall suddenly trembled violently, which was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.Even the old thief Bai Yong couldn't help standing up abruptly.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked, "What's the reason for this roar? Could there be other monsters in this ancient tomb?"

Hearing this, the old thief Bai Yong said with some displeasure: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you already know where the passage is, go and open the passage now!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "I said old man, you asked me to open the passage, so I went? What if I opened the passage and you don't let me go? What if you take advantage of my absence, What if I killed my brother? Before a complete consensus is reached on this matter, it's not that easy to ask me to work hard for you!"

Tong Yan's words are not unreasonable. Many things have not been discussed clearly. He went directly to Mount Tai to look for the sea eye. How is it different from a fool?

Hearing this, the old thief Bai Yong said anxiously: "I don't have time to talk to you about this right now. Anyway, you leave the ancient tomb immediately. If not, I'll send your friend to heaven."

Seeing this, Tong Yan secretly laughed in his heart.

The sudden anxiety of the old thief Bai Yong, no need to guess, is related to that terrifying roar.He was anxious to deal with the owner of the roar, so he wanted to get Tong Yan away quickly.

But the more this happened, the more Tong Yan would not easily agree.The opportunity must not be missed and never come again. How could Tong Yan miss such an excellent opportunity?

"Old man, look at you, don't we still have to make a deal? If you kill my friend, do you think I will still make this deal? You'd better explain some details to me clearly. If Otherwise, not only will I not leave, but I will not let you go easily."

Speaking of this, Tong Yan's face showed a serious look, and the atmosphere became dignified at this moment.

The old thief Bai Yong saw that Tong Yan refused to compromise, and after struggling for a while, he finally nodded and said: "Okay, then let's make it clear. You go to Mount Tai to find Haiyan first, and then I will take them to Mount Tai to meet with them." You meet up. When the time comes, you open the passage again, and as soon as the passage is opened, I will let them go. How do you like this?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "It's not impossible for you to say that, but isn't it inconvenient for you to take so many of them on the road? Let me give you a suggestion, you only leave one person behind, and let the others I'll take it away. In this way, you will be more relaxed, and I will also feel more at ease. How?"

Hearing this, the old thief Bai Yong immediately said angrily: "Stinky boy, you are pushing an inch. I have made it very clear. If you still mess around, then I can only let you try my tricks."

Although the old thief Bai Yong showed anger, Tong Yan refused to give in half a step. If he compromises at this time, he will definitely lose the excellent opportunity to rescue Qing Ming and others.

The two glared at each other, as if they were about to strike at any moment.

But judging from the scene alone, the old thief Bai Yong is obviously more active, after all, he has the handle of Tong Yan.No matter how persistent Tong Yan was, he could not ignore the safety of Qing Ming and the others in the end, but Tong Yan still wanted to gamble, betting on this old thief Bai Yong's awe of the owner who just roared, betting that this old thief Bai Yong I dare not fight directly with him at this moment.

Time passed little by little, and the trembling of the ancient tomb became more and more intense, but the roar did not resound again.But no one was relaxed, because everyone knew in their hearts that the owner of the roar hadn't left the ancient tomb, and maybe he was rushing towards here at this moment.

The old thief Bai Yong saw that there was nothing to discuss, and after struggling for a while, he finally made a concession.

"Okay, I promise you to release one person first. You can choose among these five people!"

Of course, Tong Yan didn't come here to save just one person, but the current situation is that if he can save the next one, it's not too late to save the others.But among the five, asking him to choose one was somewhat difficult for him.Which one to save first, he had to think about it.

Among the five people, four were his brothers and friends, but the girl was a stranger.According to the normal situation, Tong Yan has no reason to delay saving his brother because of a stranger.But that girl is an ordinary person, she is unconscious now, if she is rescued too late, her life might be in danger.So from this aspect, he should actually save the girl first, after all, the girl's situation is even worse.

On one side is his brother, on the other side is a strange girl who may die at any time, which is really embarrassing.

But after weighing it over and over again, Tong Yan finally had a choice.

"Okay, I choose that girl!"

As soon as this remark came out, the old thief Bai Yong was obviously surprised.

He looked at Tong Yan suspiciously, and then sneered, "What? Could it be that you have already guessed her true identity?"

Hearing this, the surprised people immediately changed from old thief Bai Yong to Tong Yan.

But even so, Tong Yan didn't ask any questions.If he asked, he might be recruited into the army again by this old Bai Yong thief.

"It doesn't matter who she is. The important thing is that I know she will die soon. You can regard human life as worthless, but I can't. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I am Definitely won't do it."

The old villain Bai Yong chuckled and said, "As expected of Skywalker, she really has compassion. Well, then I will fulfill you. She is yours now."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Yong waved his sleeves, and then, the chains that bound the girl seemed to come alive, and they were released automatically, and fell directly to the ground.

The strange girl fell to the ground as soon as her body became limp because she lost the chains.

Tong Yan didn't delay, and immediately stepped forward, and then helped her up, and transported a bit of star power into the girl's body, opened up her veins, and helped her blood flow faster. Only now did some blood color appear on the pale face, and it seemed that there should be no problem for the time being.

Tong Yan lowered his head and stared at the girl's face for a while, suddenly felt that the girl looked familiar, but that was all, he really couldn't figure out who the girl was.

The girl was already in Tong Yan's hands, and the old thief Bai Yong immediately said: "Man, I have already handed it over to you. Now, you can leave this place according to the agreement."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Okay, then I'll take a step first. See you later!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't pay much attention to it, picked up the strange girl and walked out of the hall.

He had already made up his mind to take the girl out of the ancient tomb first, hand it over to the archaeological team in the village, and then he would turn back and wait for the opportunity to rescue others.

But there is a saying that the plan does not change quickly. Although he has thought of everything, accidents still happen.

Seeing that he had already walked to the door with the girl in his arms, and just as he was about to open the door to go out, unexpectedly, the huge palace door shattered, and then...then a big hand slowly stretched out from the door. Come in!

(End of this chapter)

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