
Chapter 1315 I can't bear it anymore, why should I bear it anymore?

Chapter 1315 I can't bear it anymore, why should I bear it anymore?
Descendants of the Kuafu clan?Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned deeply.

He had made such a speculation before, but it was only a speculation. Now that the old thief Bai Yong said it himself, how could he not be shocked by it, how could he not feel uneasy.

The Kuafu family is descended from ancient times, and they have long since disappeared. Could it be that this giant is really from the Kuafu family?If this is the case, how did this old thief Bai Yong find him?How did this descendant of the Kuafu clan become the servant of this old thief Bai Yong?

One question after another appeared in Tong Yan's mind, but if he wanted to solve all these mysteries, he might only find the answer from the mouth of the old thief Bai Yong.

But now, he didn't have time to think about it at all, because the descendants of the Kuafu clan had already set their sights on him, and they might launch an attack at any time.

It is impossible to expect the descendants of the Kuafu clan to change their minds.Perhaps the only thing he can do now is to fight, after all, he can't drag Qing Ming and the others down.

Taking a deep breath, he was already ready to fight.

Seeing that the descendant of the Kuafu clan got the order, he immediately raised his head and let out a roar.As soon as the roar came out, people's scalps went numb.

After the roar, the descendant of Kuafu finally locked his eyes on Tong Yan, and after another two or three seconds, the descendant of Kuafu suddenly strode forward, and a confrontation kicked off.

If Tong Yan was alone, he wouldn't have to go all out with such a big guy, and he could easily leave here just by using teleportation.But now there are Qing Ming and others behind him, if he leaves, what will Qing Ming and others do?
It was precisely because of this that he had no choice but to fight at this moment, so he had to give it a go.

The old thief Bai Yong didn't do it himself, he must have wanted to use this descendant of the Kuafu clan to consume him, so he had a plan in mind, and that was to make a quick decision.

The speed of this descendant of Kuafu is not fast, but every time he lands, the ground trembles, and his power is unparalleled. If he wants to get rid of such a big guy, Tong Yan naturally cannot confront him head-on.If we can find out the weakness of this descendant of Kuafu in a short period of time, we can also solve this battle in the shortest possible time.

Seeing that Kuafu's descendant was getting closer, Tong Yan immediately turned to the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast and said, "Take Qing Ming and Qiang Liang's physical bodies and step back, I will deal with this giant!"

After hearing this, the horned dragon and the blood crystal beast immediately took one with them, and retreated as fast as they could.

Tong Yan saw that everyone had retreated a little further, so he didn't delay any longer, and immediately shot up into the sky, and the pair of demon bone wings behind him beat continuously, and the height was already higher than the descendants of Kuafu who rushed forward.

This descendant of Kuafu's eyes were bloodshot at the moment, seeing Tong Yanfei flying high in front of him, he immediately jumped up and slapped him hard at the same time.

If you are caught by this slap, the consequences can be imagined.Although Tong Yan could be called copper-skinned and iron-boned, he couldn't afford to let himself take such a risk.

So at the moment of the slap, he resorted to shifting his shape, his figure flashed, and in the next second he was directly above the head of the descendant of Kuafu.

For such a puppet manipulated by villains, he can't feel any compassion. If there is a chance to eradicate this descendant of Kuafu, he will naturally not hold back.

And now, there is actually an opportunity.

The descendants of Kuafu obviously haven't noticed that Tong Yan has come above his head, so they are still looking around carefully.

Holding the sword in one hand, Tong Yan immediately mobilized the power of the star source in his body and poured it into the Blue Soul Sword. Then he saw his sword formula turn around and formed a beautiful five-pointed star seal. He struck the seal forward, and the other Holding the sword in one hand, he stabbed at Fayin fiercely.

With the sound of "呯", the seal immediately shattered into dots of starlight, but above the Blue Soul Sword was a radiant light, and the light of the sword soared to the sky.

"Sword of the Stars, lore style! Sinister, die for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised the Blue Soul Sword high, turned around magnificently, and slashed down with his sword.

When this sword strikes, it is like a bright moon sinking into the sea. Not only is it dazzling, but its power is unparalleled.

The descendant of Kuafu finally noticed the strangeness above his head at this moment, and immediately looked up, it didn't matter, he just happened to be chopped down by the huge light blade emanating from Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword, and he couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

Tong Yan only wanted a quick victory, so when the opportunity came, he tried his best.The killing style of the Xingchen Sword Jue is one of his most powerful supernatural powers. Even if he can't kill this descendant of Kuafu with a single sword, it is enough to make him lose the ability to fight again.

But the result was slightly beyond Tong Yan's expectations. He never thought that this descendant of the Kuafu clan would be so vulnerable.

He only heard a scream of "ah", the light blade of Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword slashed the face of Kuafu's descendant as if it were on tofu. into two halves.

Although Tong Yan was not afraid of this descendant of Kuafu, it was hard to accept such an easy victory.

The descendant of Kuafu who was split in half shook his body, and then fell to the ground with two "booms".

Tong Yan stared at the descendant of Kuafu whose body had been divided into two halves, and saw that this big guy had no intention of reorganizing his body, so he was a little relieved.

Now that the descendant of Kuafu has been eradicated, it is natural to deal with this old thief Bai Yong who is neither human nor ghost.

After clearing up his mood, he directly looked at the old thief Bai Yong who was floating in mid-air at the moment.

And the seven eyes of that old thief Bai Yong were also looking at him in unison, as if he had been impatient for a long time.

Eyes collided, Tong Yan showed no fear, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the old thief Bai Yong.

"Evil thief, where did you get the souls of my brother and friends? I advise you to hand them over honestly, otherwise, that descendant of Kuafu will be your fate!"

Hearing this, the old thief Bai Yong suddenly burst out laughing.After the laughter, the big mouth on his stomach opened his mouth and said, "Tong Yan, are you talking to me? Since you know that Qing Ming and the others' souls are in my hands, you quickly begged on your knees. You dare to talk to me like this, I think you are not saving them, but trying to harm them."

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Old man, do you think that I will be captured without a fight? If I compromise now, I will fall into your trap, right? I only ask you, are you going to hand over their souls or not?"

The old thief Bai Yong raised his seven heads high, and then responded: "Why do you need to ask more, of course I will not hand over their souls to you before my purpose is achieved. So, you should be honest Really listen to my orders, or collect their corpses!"

Tong Yan has endured to the extreme, and now he decides not to bear it anymore, no matter whether Qing Ming and Qiang Liang can be saved this time, it is best if they can be saved, if they cannot be saved, then he will avenge them and kill Bai Bai. The brave old thief's body was broken into thousands of pieces!

"Old thief Bai Yong, you have done all kinds of bad things, and your crimes are extremely heinous. Today, no matter what, I will completely eradicate you. Prepare to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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