
Chapter 1318 Creepy, what is it?

Chapter 1318 Creepy, what is it?
Tong Yan finally found Qing Ming's dragon soul, no need to guess, Qiang Liang's soul should also be in the compass.But how to release their souls is probably not that easy.

Shatter this compass?This is indeed a solution, but who can guarantee that the broken compass will not implicate Qingming and Qiangliang inside?If the compass was broken and they were scattered, Tong Yan's actions would become harm instead of saving people.

Tong Yan knew that he had to exercise restraint at this time, and he must not act rashly. Although he desperately wanted to rescue Qing Ming and the others, as the so-called caring would lead to chaos, the more anxious it would be, the more counterproductive it would be.

So he took a deep breath, decided to comfort Qing Ming, and asked Qing Ming about the situation in the compass by the way.

Without further hesitation, he immediately took a step forward, then leaned close to the compass, and said, "Brother Qing, is it really you? Can you hear my voice?"

The dragon-shaped afterimage in the compass rotated a few more times before it was considered a response. "Little Tong, it's's me! I can hear your voice, but can you save us? Qiangliang and I can barely hold on, our souls are about to disperse..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked: "Brother Qing, if I break this compass, can you and Qiangliang be saved?"

"No... no! Don't do this! We are trapped in this compass. Although we are not completely integrated by it, we are still as one. Once the compass is destroyed, Qiangliang and I will... never again Can't get out!"

Qing Ming's answer didn't surprise Tong Yan too much, and in fact, it was because of such concerns that he didn't act rashly.

According to this point of view, I am afraid that it will not work if you want to break the compass hard, but you don't need a hard one. How can you use this soft one?

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that this compass belongs to the old thief Bai Yong, and the person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell is probably only the old thief Bai Yong who can control the compass.

But if the old thief Bai Yong is removed, will this compass become a thing without an owner?At that time, if Tong Yan finds a way to refine it, it will be much easier to release Qing Ming and Qiang Liang who were imprisoned inside.

But obviously, the old thief Bai Yong is not completely dead, otherwise, the compass would not be so repulsive of his blood.

After making a big circle, Tong Yan finally re-locked his eyes on the red particles that were still in mid-air.

These red particles are the incarnation of the old thief Bai Yong. If all of them can be removed, the old thief Bai Yong will be completely eradicated.

But the principle is such a principle, how to do it is still a difficult problem.

Tong Yan knew that there was not much time left for him, Qingming and Qiangliang were in danger now, he had to rescue them in the shortest possible time, if it was too late, it would be too late.

He gritted his teeth, then turned his head and said to Qing Ming in the compass: "Brother Qing, you must persevere, I will rescue you soon, persevere, don't give up!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head directly and approached the incarnation of the old thief Bai Yong again.

There is a saying that there are no towering trees in the world, but one thing descends one thing.He doesn't believe that this old thief Bai Yong is really immortal. This guy must have some weakness, and this weakness will be the key to saving Qing Ming and the others.

It's useless to think so stupidly, and the power of Venus in his body may not be able to last for too long.As long as the power of Venus is exhausted, the small red particles in front of him will turn into blood mist again and regain their freedom.

"Blood mist... Blood mist? Wait! What is blood? Isn't blood just water? What is mist? Fog is just small drops of water. Since they are all water, can I use fire to disperse the blood?" Burn them clean?"

He finally thought of this point in his mind, and it was at this critical juncture.He couldn't delay any longer, and he could only know if the fire was useful or not after trying it.

There was no fire talisman on his body, so he immediately tore off a piece of his shirt, bit his fingertips and drew on it with his own blood.With his current cultivation base, drawing Zhang Fu is naturally easy to grasp.In just over ten seconds, a fire talisman was drawn.

He raised his head and glanced at the countless small red particles in front of him, and then shot out the fire talisman without saying a word.

As soon as the fire talisman left his hand, it turned into a fireball with a "hoo".The fireball continued to move forward, burning into the red particles in the blink of an eye.

And those red particles, the moment they came into contact with the fireball, also "crackled" and burned.The fire spread, and from the initial fireball, it suddenly became an existence like a fire cloud.

Tong Yan watched intently, now is definitely not the time to be optimistic.Those red particles are burning, but the old thief Bai Yong can live for thousands of years, and still act like an ordinary zombie, so he is afraid of fire and light?It's not a time to be happy until the last pellet is burned out.

Tong Yan just watched and stared, time passed bit by bit, the flames were still surging, the flames were still so high.Except for a scorching smell in the air, those red particles didn't seem to have changed much.

But the more this is the case, the more uneasy it is.The fire was burning, but nothing was consumed.What is that burning?What is the fuel that supports the burning of the flame?It can't be air, can it?
Tong Yan frowned unconsciously, he seemed to feel that things were getting more and more complicated.For some reason, a trace of uneasiness arose in his heart, as if he had missed something, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After another two or three minutes like this, the fire was still fierce, and the red particles in the flames were still so densely packed.

Tong Yan carefully stared at those small red particles for a while, and suddenly found something, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

At this moment, he was a little shocked, and for some reason, cold sweat broke out on his back.

What did he discover?What did he see clearly?

It turned out that he found signs of rebirth on the particles in the flames, but what rebirth?It's very simple, those red particles turned into black dots again and again, the black dots exploded, and turned back into red particles again.

And it is precisely because of this cycle again and again that these red particles have not been completely removed.

This is nothing, under his careful observation, he also found another thing, that is, these small red particles are not real particles.

They are not dead objects, or the existence of flesh and blood. Their essence is actually small red worms.

This also means that these thousands of red particles are thousands of red bugs.

But these tens of thousands of red bugs formed another person, that old thief Bai Yong!

In this way, an old question will inevitably be brought up again, that is, what is this old thief Bai Yong?

(End of this chapter)

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