
Chapter 1345 A small show of supernatural power, rampage!

Chapter 1345 A small show of supernatural power, rampage!
Tong Yan had already fought with the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, but the old monk's painstaking efforts to dissuade him were in vain.

And Qiuqiu also decided to come to help after seeing Tong Yan fighting all the heavenly soldiers alone. So far, a melee between humans, gods, and beasts has completely kicked off.

Tong Yan did not directly mobilize the power of the heavenly demon in his body, but relied on the power of the stars to fight with these heavenly soldiers and generals.As for Qiuqiu, in order to share the pressure on Tong Yan, it directly launched a fierce attack from the outside.

In order to avoid being attacked by Tong Yan and Qiuqiu, these heavenly soldiers and generals only divided into two groups, one team dealt with Tong Yan and the other team dealt with Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu's super strength has been revealed before, so the heavenly soldiers and generals who fought against him did not dare to attack rashly, and they mostly defended.

Different from Qiuqiu's situation, these heavenly soldiers and generals who deal with Tong Yan are fierce and hard to deal with. They all think that Tong Yan is easier to deal with, but they don't know that Tong Yan is worse than Qiuqiu. If you really try your best, he is much more terrifying than Qiuqiu.

No, in the face of the siege, Tong Yan directly resorted to the killing style in the Star Sword Art.

Seeing his sword art turning around, a beautiful five-pointed star sign was formed, and he struck the sign forward, while holding the blue soul sword in his other hand, he stabbed at the sign fiercely.

With the sound of "呯", the seal immediately shattered into dots of starlight, but above the Blue Soul Sword was a radiant light, and the light of the sword soared to the sky.

"Sword of the Stars, lore-killing style!" Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised the Blue Soul Sword high, and slashed out with a single stroke.

This sword can be said to be very powerful, a half-moon-shaped light blade burst out from the blue soul sword, and slashed towards the dozen or so heavenly soldiers on his right in a fan shape.

Before the dozen or so heavenly soldiers could respond, he repeated his old trick and once again used a lore move, but this time it was the heavenly soldiers on the left that he slashed at.

The strength of heavenly soldiers is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary monsters. Even if Tong Yan's lore-killing power is strong enough, it can't reach the level of instant killing.But even so, it is still possible to seriously injure these heavenly soldiers.

I saw two light blades whizzing towards the left and right, and a group of heavenly soldiers hurriedly raised their weapons to stop them.

But it’s okay if you don’t block it. With this blockage, the two light blades shattered instantly, and immediately after that, you saw the fragments of those light blades turn into a little bit of starlight, and turned into thousands of small swords the size of a wheat awn. Pounced on these heavenly soldiers.

This scene is like a thousand arrows, almost covering all these heavenly soldiers inside, and these heavenly soldiers are probably just delusional if they want to be safe.

Thousands of small swords seemed to hit the target, "clinking" all over the bodies of these heavenly soldiers, followed by the screams of howling ghosts and wolves.

Tong Yan's two swords can be said to be a display of divine power. The wounded and uninjured heavenly soldiers and generals all retreat now. They are no longer willing to fight, because they know in their hearts that the person in front of them is definitely not something they can deal with .

After Tong Yan's complete awakening of the star soul, he can use the power of the stars at will, and being able to use the power of the stars more easily also allows him to purify his own power of the stars to a certain extent. The purer it is, the more powerful it will be when using the Star Sword Art.

Yes, his strength has indeed improved a bit, if not, how could he repel these heavenly soldiers so easily?But his strength is far from enough, because he knows that these heavenly soldiers in front of him are far inferior to the group he met in Asura Dao, otherwise, he might still be in the bloody battle now.

As his side showed his sharpness, Qiuqiu's side was not far behind. After such a back and forth, the heavenly soldiers and generals were injured and died, and they had no intention of fighting again.

Seeing this, several leaders of the heavenly soldiers and generals gritted their teeth angrily.But they didn't want to take any chances. A ball was already difficult to deal with, and now that there was another Tong Yan with unfathomable strength, they became more cautious.

And just when these heavenly leaders were hesitating, the old monk came to dissuade them again.

He squeezed through the gap between these heavenly soldiers, and walked quickly to Tong Yan.

"Benefactor, do you know what you are doing? Don't you know that you are in a catastrophe? Listen to the poor monk and leave this place quickly. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave if you want to."

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Master, are you worried that reinforcements will come from the heavens? If that's the case, then I won't bother you. To be honest, even if there is no such thing today, you Do you think the heavens will let me go? Let me tell you, they have long wanted to get rid of me and hurry up. So if I don’t fight now, I’m afraid I won’t have such a good chance in the future. You treat me Yes, so I don't want to be disrespectful to you, but I still hope that you can understand me and stop blocking me."

Tong Yan has already talked about this point, so he naturally hopes that the old monk will give up the idea of ​​blocking him, but the old monk is so stubborn that he even tries to stop him.

"Almsgiver, you must trust the poor monk. Don't try to snatch any strange treasures. That strange treasure will only harm you and will never bring you any help. As long as you are dedicated to goodness, I believe that the heavens will not treat you Kill them all. It is man-made, how can you give up on yourself? Going against the heavens is just a dead end, why do you bother? Go with the poor monk, this is really not the place you should come to."

Tong Yan was really depressed, the old monk had to swallow the sky to leave here before, but now he let him leave here again.He really didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the old monk's gourd. Could it be that the old monk was a lobbyist invited by the heavens?Is it just to let the heavens get the rare treasure smoothly?

Seeing the anxious look on the old monk's face, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "Master, you don't need to persuade me any more, I've made up my mind. I've made up my mind about this strange treasure! I think the strange treasure is right in front of me. Just go ahead!"

As soon as the words were finished, he directly performed the transformation, and appeared behind everyone in the next second.

The purpose of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals descending to earth is for the rare treasures hidden here, and now that Tong Yan is about to take the lead, they naturally refuse to give up.Just now, he was full of fear and apprehension, but now he has forgotten all about it.

"You bastards, what are you still doing? Stop him quickly! We must not let him get the treasure!"

The one who spoke was a leader of the heavenly soldiers and generals, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead in chasing after Tong Yan with several other leaders.

Tong Yan didn't pay any attention to this, and resorted to shifting his shape again, directly opened the distance, and walked forward quickly.

He didn't know exactly where the strange treasure was, but he guessed it should be at the very front of the gap.But what he didn't expect was that while he was running so fast, a red door of light appeared inexplicably in front of him.

There were heavenly soldiers and generals chasing after him, and he didn't care about so many, he gritted his teeth and went straight into the light gate.

And just after he entered the light gate, the light gate disappeared out of thin air!
Where exactly did he enter?

(End of this chapter)

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