
Chapter 1347 The blood pool is frightened, the stone is alive!

Chapter 1347 The blood pool is frightened, the stone is alive!

For normal people, after hearing such a piercing laughter, they would definitely not move forward easily.

But Tong Yan did the opposite. Maybe he was really fearless, maybe he came prepared, but no matter what, he strode into the blood mist, completely obliterated in this area. In the "Red Ocean".

Maybe it was the laughter that guided him. Although he couldn't see everything in front of him clearly, his steps didn't slow down at all.In this way, he walked forward for more than five minutes, only to stop when he felt that there was liquid under his feet.

Similarly, the place was still filled with blood mist, and he couldn't see anything except the blood-red patch in front of his eyes.

But in order to identify what the liquid under his feet was, he had to bend down and touch it with his hands.With such a touch, he can be sure of one thing first, that is, the liquid is definitely not water, because the liquid is a bit viscous.He put his liquid-stained hand under his nose again, and suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

He was almost certain that the liquid should be blood, because the smell of blood was too obvious.

The blood is enough to cover (mo) his feet, how much blood does it take?But it seems reasonable to think that there is such a thick blood mist floating here, and there is a large amount of blood hoarding.

Of course he doesn't want to walk in places where blood gathers, not only sticky feet, but also difficult to walk.But if he tried to go around here, I'm afraid he would deviate from that voice.

But it doesn't matter, he can fly, since it's not easy to walk, there should be no problem flying there.

Released the bone wings of the demon, and he flew straight up.But he flew forward like this for less than ten seconds before his body hit some hard object firmly.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to stabilize his body in time, otherwise he would have to fall headfirst.

But what is blocking his way?Unable to see, he could only reach out and touch again.

Well, it turned out to be a big rock with uneven surface.

He thought in his heart that since the stone blocked the way, he had no choice but to go around.However, what broke him a little was that the boulder was hundreds of meters wide, let alone how high it was.He didn't dare to continue exploring the edge of the boulder, so he obediently flew back to the original place.

With such a boulder blocking the way, could it be that this is a dead end?But if it was a dead end, what about the laughter he heard before?

He pondered for a while, and finally had to think about the pool of blood under his feet.

"Maybe I should continue to walk with my feet, maybe the passage that can continue to move forward is in this puddle of blood."

Thinking of this, he immediately landed down, but in order not to let the blood soak his feet, he purposely used the power of the stars to create a thin film to cover his feet.

After falling like this for a while, his feet first touched the bloody water below, but the bloody water was obviously not as deep as before, so he could be more sure that there should be a blood pool below, a blood pool that gets deeper as he goes forward.

He was on the periphery of the blood pool before, so the blood only covered his feet, but now he should be closer to the center, so the blood is getting deeper and deeper.

He was a little hesitant, whether to dive into the blood pool completely, if there were any monsters in the blood pool, then his move would be too risky.After all, fighting on the ground is completely different from fighting in blood. For example, he has [-]% of his abilities on the ground, but he might not be able to use [-]% of them in the blood pool.

But the question is, what other options does he have?
And just when he was hesitating, that piercing laughter sounded again, and the source of that sound was indeed in the depths of the bloody water.

It's all here, and he can't just stand still like this. Although it's a risk, he decided to go down and have a look.

Making up his mind, he didn't delay any longer, and immediately used the power of the stars to construct a transparent light film to wrap himself, and then plunged into the pool of blood with a fierce force.

Indeed, as he expected, the pool of blood was really bottomless. He almost dived more than 20 meters, but he still didn't get close to the bottom of the pool.

That laughter came from the blood in the blood pool, so he was sure that there must be something hidden under the blood pool.Maybe he just had to dive a little deeper to find something.With such self-encouragement, he dived down for more than ten meters.

The further you go down, the stronger the buoyancy of the blood water will be. If you dive too deep, the suffocating pressure will become stronger.Of course he is not an ordinary person, but diving down like this still makes him a little uncomfortable.

He could only bite the bullet and continue down, but what he didn't expect was that at this moment, the blood pool that was originally calm suddenly rolled violently. In the blood pool, he could only try his best to keep his balance and try his best to keep his balance. Don't be dizzy by the churning of blood.

But it's a pity that even though he tried so hard, he was still not spared. The blood was like a giant hand holding him tightly, shaking him from side to side and pulling him up and down several times, he finally became a little confused , In the end, he passed out somehow.

After an unknown period of time, a gust of cool wind suddenly blew, and under the stimulation of the cool wind, he suddenly opened his eyes.But what puzzled him was that he was no longer in the pool of blood, but in a cave-like but extremely spacious place.

He glanced around, and then began to check his body. When he was sure that his body was fine and that the magical artifacts had not been lost, he began to carefully look at everything around him.

It's empty here, as I said before, like a huge cave, there is nothing.

He stood up, stared at it for a while, and finally focused on a stone on the edge of the cave.

This stone is not small, as tall as a person, and it is the same color as the surrounding stone walls, so if you don't look carefully, it will be easily overlooked.

It seems that there is nothing in the cave except this stone, which seems to be enough to explain the special nature of this stone.

Tong Yan walked slowly to the stone that was as tall as a man, and after a careful look, he didn't find anything unusual.

"Am I thinking too much? Is this stone just an ordinary stone?"

He thought so, then shook his head helplessly.But for some reason, he just felt that there was something wrong with the stone.Immediately afterwards, he did something that seemed very "stupid".

He took a step forward, hugged the stone tightly with both arms, and then exerted all his strength.Good guy, he wants to move this stone away.

But I don't know if it was a mistake, or a coincidence, before the stone was moved, there was a sudden cry from inside the stone.

"Go away! Why are you holding me? You pervert!"

(End of this chapter)

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