
Chapter 1370 Who laid out the black hole under the coffin?

Chapter 1370 Who laid out the black hole under the coffin?

First, the old lady's head exploded suddenly, and then the two celestial children mysteriously disappeared into the coffin. These consecutive blows increased Tong Yan's pressure, but at the same time, it also aroused his anger and fighting spirit.

Those white silks were still relentless towards him and Qiangliang, he was stimulated and immediately used the power of the stars in his body, leaped high with both feet touching the ground, and then shouted loudly: "Star Sword Jue, Shattering Style! "

As soon as the words fell, he slammed down with a sword.With this sword cut, thousands of lightsabers condensed by the power of the stars shot down like countless silver needles, and with the continuous sound of "bang bang bang", within three seconds, all those white threads It was chopped into powder by the lightsaber, and the big coffin was smashed to pieces.

When the north wind hit, the white silk and the coffin fragments were blown aside, and at the same time, a downward black hole appeared.

This black hole is located where the coffin used to be, and those white threads of emotion came out of this black hole, and the two celestial children might not have been eaten by the white thread, they were probably dragged into the black hole by the white thread Among them, the illusion of mysterious disappearance was created.

Tong Yan floated to the ground, glanced coldly at the black hole, and then said to Qiang Liang: "It seems that things are not that simple, the two celestial children may have been dragged into this black hole, and Jupiter girl and Brother Kuafu is probably in this cave too. Without further ado, let's go down and have a look!"

With that said, he was about to go down the hole first.

But I never thought that at this moment, the souls of those monks flew into the courtyard.

"Master, slow down down the cave. The poor monk has something to tell you!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately turned his head to look at those monk souls, and then asked in puzzlement, "Where did you go before? Why did you come here now?"

The older one in the monk's soul said, "Master, you have come here in a hurry to find clues, and we are in the village thinking about where the villagers of this village have gone. Now I have basically figured it out. know?"

Tong Yan said depressingly: "My two friends are missing now, and they must have something to do with the disappearance of the people in this village. If you think of something, why bother talking nonsense, come quickly!"

Seeing the Tongyan, the monk soul was a little angry, and quickly replied: "Master, we may have been deceived before. The poor monk thought that the one who killed us was a nine-tailed demon fox, but in fact it was someone else who killed us." .”

Tong Yan was puzzled, and immediately asked, "How do you say that?"

The monk's soul immediately replied: "The poor monk told you before that the poor monk and all the juniors would not be the enemy of that evildoer with one move. The evildoer is a vixen, or a nine-tailed demon fox. But after thinking about it carefully, the poor monk suddenly realized that we were all deceived. What really killed us was not the demon fox, but the invisible needles. Between us and the demon fox Before we start, in fact... in fact, we are already dead."

This monk Ling talked too much, but Tong Yan still understood.

"So what you mean is that you died before you saw the demon fox. Then why do you think it was the demon fox that killed you?"

Monk Ling said with some shame: "Actually, we didn't know that we were already dead at that time. Everything was so sudden that we didn't even know how we died. It was when we came here with Qiangliang benefactor to check it out again. We only thought of this after seeing our own corpses. Master, we clearly remember that when the demon fox appeared, we shot together and rushed towards the door. But look at our corpses, they are still there around the coffin, and at that time we were still saving the dead in the coffin."

Tong Yan nodded lightly, already understanding everything.The main reason why these monks regarded the murderer as the demon fox was the time difference.When a person dies, the soul does not leave the body immediately, but it takes a short process to leave the body.

These monks were originally saving the undead in the coffin, but unfortunately, during the process of saving them, they were attacked by those invisible filaments.It may be that the filaments attacked too fast and destroyed their sensory nerves just right, so that they neither felt pain nor realized that they were dead.

But just at this time, a demon fox came, and the monks saw the fox coming, and immediately wanted to drive it away.But just as they rushed to the door, they realized that they were dead, so they fled here in a hurry.In this way, they took the demon fox as their murderer in their impression, and ignored the fact that they had already died before the demon fox arrived.

If they hadn't returned to this place and found the slight trauma on the head of their corpses, they might still think that it was a demon fox that killed them.

The spirit of Jupiter had previously discovered that on the corpses of these monks, their heads were pierced by a filament that even Tong Yan and the others could not see, and the source of the filament was this coffin.So it seems to be clear that the murderer who killed these monks was not the demon fox who happened to come, but the thing inside the coffin.

And under this coffin is a bottomless black hole, so it is even more certain that the murderer who killed the monk was the same person as the murderer who took away the two celestial children, and even the spirit of Jupiter and the Kuafu tribe. In this way, the murderer is under this black hole at this moment.As long as you enter the black hole, everything will come to light.

Qiang Liang is still confused now, but it doesn't matter, as long as Tong Yan understands everything.

"Boss, they talked a lot of nonsense, what shall we do next? Shall we go down and have a look?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Go down, you must go down! Let's go, I'll go down first!"

When Qiang Liang heard this, he was the first to jump off the black hole, regardless of Tong Yan's objection.He didn't want Tong Yan to take risks, so he voluntarily became a "pioneer".

Seeing this, Tong Yan had no choice but to follow closely, but he valued Qiang Liang more and more.

Seeing that Tong Yan and Qiang Liang suddenly fell into the black hole that appeared out of nowhere, several monk souls hesitated for a while and then jumped down.

No one knows what is inside the black hole, but all doubts can be solved only by entering the black hole.

However, what Tong Yan and the others didn't know was that not long after they got down the black hole, two figures, one black and one white, appeared in the midair of this small courtyard.

Both of them were wearing thick cloaks, and their faces could not be seen clearly at all, but judging from their figures, they should be men.

After a while, the man in the black cloak spoke first.

"Shenjun, they have already gone down, aren't you afraid that they will find something?"

Hearing this, the man in the white cloak chuckled and said, "Don't you see that this is what I let them find out on purpose? I need a pawn, and this Omen star, which is as powerful as the heavenly realm, will be an important one." Two candidates. Alright, you should go back to Hades, and I should go back to heaven!"

Hearing this, the man in the black cloak hurriedly bowed and said, "Yes, this subordinate will leave!" After speaking, his figure flashed, and he disappeared without a trace.

The man in the white cloak stared at the black hole below again, before it turned into a beam of white light and shot straight into the sky.

Who are these two people?What kind of conspiracy do they have?

(End of this chapter)

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