
Chapter 1372 White-haired witch, the confusion of silkworm chrysalis!

Chapter 1372 White-haired witch, the confusion of silkworm chrysalis!
As soon as the sound came out, several monk ghosts showed frightened expressions, and even Qiang Liang frowned deeply, but Tong Yan was different from them, instead of showing any surprise or panic on his face, he showed A confident smile.

I saw him put away his posture, then smiled slightly towards the direction of the voice and said: "Nai Zhan, you are hiding really deep. If I hadn't threatened to set fire, I am afraid you would not show up? Alright, show up Let’s take a look at your original form, so we can see your true face in Mount Lu!”

The position he was facing was actually still a piece of white silk, but as soon as he finished speaking, that piece of white silk slowly changed.

Just look at the piece of white silk slowly protruding, and then swelled into a big bag, and then the big bag began to shrink again, until it outlined a human figure, and then the human figure slowly materialized, until it turned into a living people.It's just quite surprising that this person is not a man, but an extremely beautiful woman.

This woman is wearing a white dress, with fair skin, delicate face, and a perfect figure, but she has long white hair and a pair of white eyes.

Tong Yan stared at the woman, smiled coldly and said, "You must be the owner of this cave, but you are such a beautiful woman, why is your heart like a snake and a scorpion? You have killed so many people, what is your purpose?"

Hearing this, the white-haired woman giggled and said, "What's the purpose? Of course...for fun! What? Do you want to play together too?"

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "I don't have your kindness, and I can't regard human life as worthless. I just want to ask you, where have all my friends been arrested by you? Are they still safe and sound?"

"Your friend? I've caught too many people, how do I know which one is your friend? Maybe I've been played to death by me a long time ago! Hehe..."

Before Tong Yan could speak again, Qiang Liang immediately said first: "Did you play to death? You will pay for their lives if you play to death! Boss, hand over this evildoer to me, and I will kill her now!"

Tong Yan deliberately didn't answer, but let Qiangliang take the shot directly.He wanted to see how capable this banshee was, if he could kill it easily, it would save a lot of trouble.

Qiangliang clenched his fists tightly, rushed to the front of the white-haired banshee with one lunge, then swung his fist, hitting the white-haired banshee's cheek directly.

It may be that Qiangliang's action was fast enough, the white-haired banshee didn't even have time to hide, only heard a "bang", good guy, Qiangliang's punch actually smashed the head of the white-haired banshee smash.

Such an easy success was indeed far beyond Tong Yan's expectations, and even Qiang Liang himself was a little dazed for a while.

But did he really succeed?wrong!He didn't really get rid of the white-haired banshee, what he smashed with his fist was just a head made of white silk.And this white-haired banshee is not her real body, the real banshee is still hiding in the dark, and laughs loudly and unscrupulously.

"Hehe... What a fiery temper! I can gather a thousand or ten thousand fake bodies like this. If you are willing to fight, then I will get a few more for you to play with! Hehe..."

Before the laughter fell, I saw that the pieces of white silk covering the cave appeared strange, each of them was swollen, and each of the white-haired banshees came out. There were hundreds of them in a huge pile. as much.

Qiangliang was furious now, he couldn't manage so much, he clenched his hands into fists, and immediately started the "slaughter".The white-haired banshees condensed by white silk shattered under his fist one after another, but at the same time as they were broken, new banshees were born, and it went round and round, endlessly.

Qiangliang punched frequently and was extremely heroic, but this kind of bravery was just a waste of effort and was of no avail.

Tong Yan stood there all the time, looking around with his eyes, neither making a move nor getting angry.

After a few minutes like this, Qiangliang was still "showing his might", but he sat down slowly.

His behavior is really puzzling, but at the moment Qiangliang doesn't have the heart to understand this at all, and is completely immersed in his own "slaughter".

After sitting down, Tong Yan closed his eyes again.But at the moment when he closed his eyes, a dozen white-haired banshees suddenly attacked him from all around him, with the intention of sneak attacking him.

Seeing that the dozen or so banshees were less than two meters away from him, at this moment, dazzling golden light suddenly burst out around his body.The golden light collided with the banshees who were sneaking up, and there was a "bang bang bang" sound.

This golden light is the power of the stars, and it may not have much advantage against the powerful generals, but it is more than enough to deal with the fake bodies of these white-haired banshees.

With the golden light body protection, these white-haired banshee's false bodies can't get close to him at all, but what is the purpose of him sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and resting his mind?

Tong Yan naturally had his own plans, he knew that the nasty banshee was hiding somewhere in this cave, and as long as he found the banshee, he might be able to ask some questions, and even if he really couldn't ask anything, he wouldn't be able to find anything. At least you can avenge those people who died tragically.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes in order to calm down his mind. Only when his mind is peaceful can he completely dissipate the power of his stars, and then rely on the power of these stars to help him find the real white-haired banshee .

The power of the stars seems to be just a kind of power, but in fact, in his eyes, the power of the stars is composed of countless small stars, and these small stars are like little elves, they surround his The main star, following his orders, is one with him.He is now spreading out these elves and letting them swim around, and as long as one of them discovers the real body of the white-haired banshee, he can immediately understand and take action immediately.

Time passed bit by bit, and suddenly, the lid of his closed right eye twitched unconsciously, and then a faint smile appeared on his face, and he slowly stood up.

I didn't see him open his eyes, but he spoke to Qiangliang.

"Qiangliang, I've found the hiding place of that evildoer, I'm going to capture it now. It's not too late, I'll take a step first!"

Hearing this, Qiang Liang was about to speak, but Tong Yan had already resorted to transposition, and his figure had disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yan still kept his eyes closed, and continued to perform shape shifting, it seemed that he had really locked on to the evildoer.I saw him entering the cave wall covered by white silk for a while, and reappearing somewhere in the cave for a while. After so many transformations, he probably didn't know where he had entered.

However, when he reappeared, he had already appeared in a bone-chilling ice cave, and in this ice cave, there were hundreds of giant silkworm chrysalis standing there, big and small.

What exactly is conceived in these giant silkworm chrysalis?What is the real body of that evildoer?

(End of this chapter)

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