
Chapter 1374 Escaped again?It's hard to guard against!

Chapter 1374 Escaped again?It's hard to guard against!
One humanoid monster is not enough to worry about, but hundreds of humanoid monsters are enough to pose a threat to Tong Yan.

These humanoid monsters all have seven eyes on their backs, and the red light emitted from these eyes is so powerful that it can not only penetrate Tong Yan's star energy, but also penetrate his powerful body.If these hundreds of humanoid monsters attacked him with red light from their eyes at the same time, the consequences would be disastrous.

He had already suffered a loss before, so when he saw these humanoid monsters break out of their cocoons, he immediately stood up for battle.But no matter how much he defends, his disadvantages are very obvious in the face of siege.

Instead of getting entangled with these monsters, it's better to come and catch the thief first.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately resorted to transposition.In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared behind the white-haired banshee.

When the opportunity came, he immediately slashed at the banshee with the Blue Soul Sword in his hand.

His movements were fast enough, even if the white-haired banshee wanted to dodge, she probably would have no chance.

Hearing a scream of "ah", he slashed the banshee's neck with a sword, but failed to completely cut off the banshee's head.If not, he would have won a complete victory in just this round.

I don't know what the body of the white-haired banshee is. The blue soul sword is sharp enough, and Tong Yan's strength is strong enough, but even so, it can't kill it with a single blow. It can be seen that the way of this banshee is also Extremely deep.

A single sword failed to get rid of the banshee, so he immediately used the Potian Fist, hoping to complete the kill with the Potian Fist.

But this banshee almost died, so how could he be given a second chance to make a move.So I saw him punch the banshee's head, but the banshee turned into liquid and fell to the ground with a "crash".

But even though he failed to hit the banshee with one punch, the powerful force of Potianquan still smashed several humanoid monsters that crawled up quickly.

At the same time, several humanoid monsters behind him had already aimed their eyes at him, and a powerful red light also shot out at this moment.

Having made a mistake once, he certainly won't make it a second time.So before those red lights could sneak up on him, he had already resorted to transposition.

It's not that he saw the sneak attack of the monster behind him with his long eyes, but that he knew that he had to move his position continuously to keep himself safe. This was a kind of prejudgment. late.

As soon as his figure disappeared, hundreds of humanoid monsters immediately stopped crawling.Obviously, after losing their target, they also suddenly became overwhelmed. It can be seen that their sanity should not be perfect, and they are more obeying their own instincts or the instructions of the white-haired banshee.

Tong Yan resorted to teleportation, he could only get as close to the edge of the cave as possible, if he could lean against the wall of the cave, he would not be in a situation where he would be attacked from behind.

It's just a pity that he couldn't kill the banshee in one fell swoop. Now that the opportunity is missed, he has to think of other ways.

And after he reappeared close to the cave wall, the humanoid monster he noticed immediately locked him by smell.Not daring to stay, he had no choice but to shift shape again, just sticking to the cave wall and circling with these humanoid monsters.

Just as he was circling with the humanoid monster, the liquid transformed by the white-haired banshee had completely penetrated into the ice surface on the ground, white gas bubbled up, and the whole cave began to become hazy.

Tong Yan didn't think of a way to retreat from the enemy at this time, so he could only think of a way while dealing with these humanoid monsters.

Even though he was tired of thinking, he also realized that continuous use of shape-shifting would consume too much of his demon power, so he decided to give it a go.

If this stalemate continues, it will definitely be bad for him. If all these humanoid monsters can be killed, the crisis will naturally be resolved.

Pulling out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword and Taishan Blade quickly, he directly punched them out.He can manipulate these two magic weapons with his mind, together with his five-finger sword, it should be enough to get rid of these humanoid monsters bit by bit, although it may take a little longer, it is better than blindly dodging much.

Both the Phoenix Heavenly Sword and the Taishan Blade are sharp blades of magic weapons, and they immediately cut randomly among the humanoid monsters.And every time Tong Yan showed up, he would use the five-finger sword, which might result in one or two humanoid monsters.

As time passed, the number of humanoid monsters became less and less. In just a few minutes, all of these humanoid monsters should be eliminated.

Seeing that the victory was in sight, he had overlooked one thing, that is, after the death of these humanoid monsters, the bodies slowly overflowed with foul-smelling mucus.And when these mucus come into contact with the ice surface on the ground, white gas will rise.

Yes, there are fewer and fewer humanoid monsters, but the white gas in the cave is also increasing and thicker.

The disadvantage of this is that his sight is greatly affected, and the visibility of the entire cave is getting smaller and smaller.

But he really didn't have time to think about this right now, he just wanted to get rid of these humanoid monsters quickly, so that he could settle accounts with the white-haired banshee earlier.

With a scream of "嗷", the last humanoid monster finally fell to the ground and died.Tong Yan came out, his forehead was covered with sweat.

With one move with one hand, the Taishan Blade and Phoenix Heavenly Sword, which had made great contributions, immediately flew back into his hands.

After putting away the two magic weapons, he raised his legs and walked towards the place where the banshee disappeared.

The cave was already foggy. As he walked forward, he waved his arms vigorously, hoping to disperse the white mist.But the white mist was too thick, and it couldn't be dispelled by waving his arms a few times.

After walking like this for a while, he finally came to the place where the white-haired banshee turned into slime.

But what he didn't expect was that an ice cave appeared here unexpectedly.There was also a thick white mist floating under the ice cave, and it was impossible to see the situation below clearly.

Don't think about it, the white-haired banshee probably escaped from this ice cave.After finding it here, he naturally wouldn't go back home.No matter what is under this ice cave, he must go down to see it.

After calming down, he no longer hesitated, and jumped down directly.

But how did he expect that there was water under the ice cave, and it was cold water that could freeze people to death in an instant.

With a sound of "Plop", he just jumped out of the ice cave and plunged into the icy water.

The threatening cold air poured into his body instantly from his pores, making him almost choke.Fortunately, there are two streams of energy in his body, the power of the heavenly demon and the power of the stars, to invigorate his blood, otherwise, he would be considered a capsized ship this time.

The white-haired banshee must be in the icy water. He had just used the star power to push back the icy water around his body, so he looked around carefully.

It's just disappointing that he didn't find the white-haired banshee, but a huge monster approached him quietly, making him hard to guard against!

(End of this chapter)

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