
Chapter 1387 The name of the cave is Black Wind, the killer of monsters!

Chapter 1387 The name of the cave is Black Wind, the killer of monsters!
In a catastrophe, instead of being killed by the thunder, Tong Yan was reshaped by Shenmu by chance.For him now, it is not as simple as raising his cultivation level to a higher level. The strength of his physical body is his biggest gain.

At this time, his strength has increased by at least ten times. Although he is only in the realm of immortals, he is confident that even a master in the realm of immortals can fight.

If his cultivation level is further improved, and he reaches the realm of immortals in one fell swoop, can he compete with the king of gods?

He couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, he really wanted to compete with a god to see how strong he is now.But soon he calmed down again. After all, he had just crossed the tribulation not long ago, his cultivation was not stable, and this body was equivalent to a new body, and he still needed to get used to it to fit 100%.So what he should do most at this moment is to retreat and practice.

But if the retreat time is too long, if something happens to the spirit of Jupiter, it will be too late for him to regret it.

The spirit of Jupiter must be saved, but he can't go now. After thinking about it, he decided to practice for a day. No matter whether his cultivation level can be strengthened during this day, and whether he can fully fit with his new body, he will not be able to do it right now. Go rescue the spirit of Jupiter.

After making a decision, he immediately said to the Kuafu tribe: "Brother Kuafu, I need to practice for a day. I'm afraid I have to trouble you to protect me for this day. We will go to rescue Miss Juxing tomorrow. What do you think?" "

The Kuafu tribe nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will protect the law for you. You can practice with peace of mind. I think Miss Juxing should be safe at the moment. After all, there is no movement in this cave."

Tong Yan said gratefully: "I've troubled you so much, then I'll start practicing right away!"

As he spoke, he sat down cross-legged, and soon entered into cultivation.

The Kuafu tribe didn't tell Tong Yan about the gods coming to hunt and kill them. On the one hand, he wanted Tong Yan to practice with peace of mind. On the other hand, he didn't want Tong Yan to be grateful to him because of this. It's all voluntary, without asking for anything in return.

Tong Yan cultivated with peace of mind, while the Kuafu tribe put all the magic weapons they had collected for Tong Yan by his side.

Because I didn't look carefully at Tong Yan's magic tools before, now nothing happened, just happened to be seen clearly by the Kuafu clan.

Many of Tong Yan's magic tools have actually been seen by the Kuafu clan, but not all of them.Among these magic tools, there are two magic tools Tong Yan has never used, and the eyes of the Kuafu tribe just fell on these two magic tools at the moment.

What are these two artifacts?It's nothing else, it's the Nether Twin Treasures that Tong Yan obtained by chance!
Among them, the Nether Beast Talisman was a gift from Situ Santong of the Wuji Palace, which can attract ghost beasts under the Nine Nethers; the Nether Ghost Talisman was obtained by Tong Yan in the "Xian Mansion" of Longyang Mausoleum, and can dispatch the ghost soldiers of the underworld. , Nether ghosts.Putting the two magical artifacts together, it becomes the Nether Twin Treasures.

It's a pity that Tong Yan has obtained these two treasures a long time ago, but he doesn't know how to manipulate them. Otherwise, even the heavenly soldiers and generals will have to weigh them up when he dispatches the ghosts and beasts under the Nine Netherworld.

The Kuafu family members stared at the Nether Twin Treasures for a while, then chuckled and said, "I never thought that these two treasures have already been taken into your pocket. It seems that everything is God's will, so that way, you can If we can have more backup players, maybe we can really change something.”

Putting these magic weapons carefully beside Tong Yan, he got up and walked tens of meters away. Tong Yan is practicing now, and what he fears the most is being disturbed. If he stays far away, Tong Yan can be less outside interference.

With him protecting the law, as long as he is not a difficult and ruthless character, there should be nothing to disturb Tong Yan.

But the facts proved that even some little demons did not come to cause trouble, so Tong Yan's cultivation this day can be said to have gone smoothly.

By the time Tong Yan opened his eyes again, it was already the second day.This point can be seen from the big hole blasted by the sky thunder.Tong Yan had already made a decision yesterday, that is to rescue the spirit of Jupiter today.

Now the hour has come, and it is finally time to go.

Seeing that Tong Yan stood up directly, regardless of his naked body, he moved his body briefly, and then said to the Kuafu tribe: "Brother Kuafu, we are still leaving. I don't know how Miss Juxing is doing now, I just hope we It's better not to be late."

Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, she must be fine. But you, are you going to save her with this appearance? You should wear some clothes, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan regained his composure.But how can there be any clothes to wear in this cave? You can't go out of the cave to find the clothes first, and then come to rescue people, right?
But after he thought about it, he found a solution. He has no clothes now, but he has the demon armor. As long as he casts the demon armor, he will naturally avoid the trouble of not having clothes.

Thinking of this, he immediately transformed, and the demon armor immediately appeared on his body.He bent down again and put his magic weapon close to his body, and then said to the Kuafu tribe: "Brother Kuafu, it's okay this time, let's go! You should still be able to find the place where Miss Juxing is being held?"

The Kuafu tribe said confidently: "Trust me, we will see her soon. Let's go!"

The two stopped talking, and raised their legs and rushed towards the place where the spirit of Jupiter was imprisoned by the banshee.

It's strange to say that ever since Xuan Mo helped Tong Yan overcome the catastrophe, he has been speechless.Tong Yan was busy practicing and saving people, so he didn't ask in time.Maybe Xuan Mo was injured when he helped Tong Yan cross the catastrophe, so he is recuperating right now.Maybe so, maybe not, but what is certain is that Xuan Mo is still alive, after all, the Xuanming Blade on Tong Yan's neck is intact.

Closer to home, under the leadership of the Kuafu tribe, Tong Yan and him walked through several seemingly non-existent passages, and finally stopped in front of a stone gate deep underground.

This stone gate is really not small, it is six to seven meters high and four to five meters wide, all cut from a single block of stone, not only looks smooth and flat, but also extremely heavy.

And the most eye-catching ones are the three big characters on the door, Batu Caves!
Tong Yan stared at the stone gate, and then asked the people of Kuafu's clan: "Brother Kuafu, is Miss Juxing imprisoned in this black wind cave? If so, let's break through the door directly!"

Hearing this, the people of Kuafu tribe replied: "That's right, Miss Juxing is in this Black Wind Cave. But in my opinion, we should not break in. Why don't we call out that evildoer and force him to let him go?" "

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Forcing that evildoer to let go? We didn't catch that evildoer, how could he agree?"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said, "That depends on your ability. You know, you are the nemesis of that evildoer. You just need to scare it out of its courage. Are you afraid that it won't listen to you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan suddenly became confused, how did he become the nemesis of evildoers?How could that evildoer listen to his orders?
(End of this chapter)

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