
Chapter 1389 Super growth, resurrection imminent?

Chapter 1389 Super growth, resurrection imminent?
The three of Tong Yan and the others braved the strong wind and walked forward with difficulty. The black wind blowing was not only violent, but also chilly. Fortunately, the three of them were all extraordinary, otherwise, they would have been afraid of taking such a long time. He's about to freeze to death here.

From the gate of Batu Cave to the present, there is only one way forward, and I don’t know if the end of this road is where the spirit of Jupiter is imprisoned. If not, this hard way forward, I am afraid it will be a waste of effort .

Tong Yan really wanted to confirm with the Kuafu tribe, but the wind was too strong, and the whistling wind was harsh enough, not to mention it was difficult to speak, even if he did, no one else would be able to hear him.

Tong Yan couldn't help it, so he could only walk forward like this, maybe through this passage, the wind would be less windy, and it wouldn't be too late to ask the Kuafu clansmen at that time.

The three of them just walked forward step by step. Unexpectedly, the further they moved forward, the stronger the force of the black wind. In the end, let alone walking forward, it would be considered good if they could guarantee not to be blown back.

It is definitely not possible to continue like this, Tong Yan thinks it is necessary to temporarily avoid the edge, adjust and then consider whether it is better to advance or retreat.

But how to temporarily avoid the edge?He turned his head and glanced to the side, and then punched it out.

The punch he punched seemed ordinary, but it was actually a Sky Breaking Fist. Coupled with his current cultivation base, it should be enough to punch out a stone cave enough for three people to shelter from the wind.

He also couldn't hear the sound of the stone wall cracking, anyway, a big hole was smashed out by him just like that.He didn't delay, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab La Qiangliang and the Kuafu tribe, and then rushed into the big hole first.

Seeing this, Qiangliang and Kuafu clansmen also followed in, and this was considered a temporary rest.

After Tong Yan stood still, he immediately asked the Kuafu clansman: "Brother Kuafu, are you sure that this road leads to the place where Jupiter girl is imprisoned? With such a strong wind, it is not easy to pass against the wind? We should not Was it set up by that evildoer?"

This is what Tong Yan is most concerned about at present, and it is also what he is most worried about.If the strong wind was deliberately "dig a hole" by the evildoer, and they walked all the way to the dark, what is the difference between them and idiots.After all, the people of Kuafu clan escaped from that evildoer's hand, and now he is the only one who knows something about this place.

Asked by Tong Yan, the Kuafu tribe frowned slightly, and then said apologetically: "Omen Star, I... I am also a little confused now. This road should lead to the prison cell, but When I fled, there was no such strange wind. Now I am blocked by this strange wind, I also feel that something is wrong. I think it is worse than this. Let’s take a rest for a while and continue to move forward when we regain our strength. If it is true If you can’t rush through, think of other ways. What do you think?”

Hearing the answer from the Kuafu tribe, Tong Yan couldn't help but smile wryly, but it's not good to blame the Kuafu tribe, after all, the Kuafu tribe is also kind.

"Brother Kuafu, since you said that, it means that we were indeed fooled. Maybe this road is not the real road to the cell, and we are just wasting our efforts to go forward. It is impossible to find Jupiter. Miss. From my point of view, we should first determine the real location of Miss Jupiter, and then decide how to rescue her!"

Hearing this, the Kuafu family members were puzzled and said: "How to determine her location? I can't determine her location now, so don't count on me!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "I have my own way, you two rest for a while, I will do it right away!"

The Kuafu people were a little confused, but they still watched what Tong Yan did.As for Qiangliang, he sat down and yawned.

The way Tong Yan said was to use the power of the stars again. Although it was difficult for him to pass through the channel blown by the strong wind, the starlight transformed by the power of the stars was fine. No matter how strong the wind was, how could it blow away the starlight?
Just do what he said, he sat down cross-legged directly, closed his eyes, and began to spread out his star power.

The power of the stars was scattered by him in this way, and dazzling starlight immediately appeared around his body. The starlight became bigger and bigger, spreading out like a halo, and finally turned into small "stars", starting for him. searched.

These little "stars" are like the detectors he released. As soon as the spirit of Jupiter is found, I believe it will come back to report to him soon.

Seeing that Tong Yan had a solution, the Kuafu tribe breathed a sigh of relief, then sat down and waited quietly.

On the other hand, the spirit of Jupiter at this moment is working hard to exert her regeneration power. The reason why she is working so hard is only for one thing, and that is to reunite with Tong Yan as soon as possible.

But the question is, if she does this, can that evildoer let her go?She was really naive, and she just believed in that monster's nonsense.

The evildoer told her that Tong Yan had just experienced a catastrophe, and his life was about to be lost, and the only person who could save Tong Yan was her.But if she wants to save Tong Yan, she must cooperate honestly. When will she resurrect the ancient giant monster, and when will she let her go to rescue Tong Yan.

This is not a threat, but a transaction, but it is more effective than threatening the spirit of Jupiter, just because of Tong Yan.

The spirit of Jupiter is worried about Tong Yan's safety. In a sense, she even pins all her hopes on Tong Yan, because only Tong Yan can take her "home" and return her to her home planet. If Tong Yan really died, then she would completely lose hope, and life would become meaningless.

She also knows that she is resurrecting a very powerful monster, and she also knows that after the monster is resurrected, it is likely to die, but these are nothing compared to her hopes, she just wants to "go home", as for the creatures in the human world How, she is really not in the mood to care about it, after all, this place really doesn't have much to do with her.

But it is not an easy task to revive an old monster that has been dead for thousands of years, and what makes her even more helpless is that the ancient giant monster has no body at all, leaving only a hair!

That's right, it's just a single hair. It's simply a fantasy for her to resurrect that ancient giant monster with just this one hair.

But it must also be said that the regeneration power of the Jupiter Spirit is really amazing. After several hours of hard work, the original hair has turned into a big fluffy black ball. I believe she will work hard for a while, and say Maybe it really revived the ancient giant monster.

But such a high-intensity display of regeneration power also made her extremely exhausted, and she became extremely weak.

As for the evildoer, he was guarding not far from her, just waiting and watching.

Time passed little by little, and the spirit of Jupiter couldn't bear it any longer, but at the same time, there was a "thumping" heartbeat sound from the fleshy ball's body.

what happened?Could it be that this ancient monster is about to be resurrected?But with such a big meat ball, what exactly is the ancient monster?

(End of this chapter)

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