
Chapter 1393 Read into the sky, fight for a friend!

Chapter 1393 Read into the sky and fight for your friends!
Hearing this sound, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart, coupled with the powerful monster energy that suddenly poured into the stone room, it seemed to indicate one thing, that is, the ancient giant monster had been completely revived.

He tried his best to prevent the ancient giant monster from being revived, but in the end he couldn't change anything, but it doesn't matter, since the ancient giant monster has been resurrected, he can get rid of it again, but now he must find a way to get out quickly Otherwise, not only Qiangliang and the others would be in danger, but he might also be in a desperate situation.

But this brings me back to the old question, how can I quickly get rid of the shackles of this illusion?
He needed stimulation, a stimulation that would wake him up suddenly.But how can he stimulate himself?
Yes, since it is difficult to get rid of the hallucination in a short time on his own, he can borrow the magical weapon or the Xuanming Blade on his neck!

With an idea in his mind, he immediately called out to the eight great weapon spirits inside Taishan Blade: "Eight brothers, can you help me?"

Hearing his summons, Xiong Da in Taishan Blade immediately responded: "Master, if you have something to do, just tell us, as long as we can do it, we will do our best."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly called out: "Brother Xiong, I am now trapped by hallucinations, and I have lost consciousness in my lower body. I need to get rid of the hallucinations. I guess it will take some time. If you help, maybe I will be able to soon Get out!"

When Xiong Da heard it, he replied directly: "Brother Tong Yan, what do you say? We will find a way to help you!"

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then replied: "The safest way is to use Taishan Blade to give me a knife. If one knife can't make me get rid of the illusion, then you can give me a few more knife."

Before Xiong Da could respond, Gou Er said first: "Brother Tong Yan, how did this happen? If we hurt you, we still can't help you get rid of the illusion? Then you were hurt in vain? Besides, we are your magic weapon Spirit, how can you do anything to your master? If we do this, we will also be backlashed by the contract!"

Contract backlash?Tong Yan really ignored this point. There is a master-servant contract between him and the spirit of the magic weapon. As a slave, he absolutely cannot do anything to his master.

From this point of view, he might not be able to rely on his own magical weapons such as the Taishan Blade and the Blue Soul Sword. If he doesn't rely on his own magical weapons, what should he rely on?

Yes, Xuanming Blade!The Xuanming Blade is not his magic weapon, but Xuan Mo's magic weapon.Ask Xuan Mo to help him injure himself, under the pain, he will surely wake up in one fell swoop and get rid of the hallucination.

"Brother Xiong, Brother Gou, I don't bother you to attack me. How about it, you leave me now and go to see Qiangliang and the others. If they are in danger, you can help them. Go!"

After hearing this, Xiong Da and Gou two spirits immediately responded in unison.

After Taishan Blade flew away, Tong Yan grabbed the Xuanming Blade on his neck with one hand, and then called out: "Xuan Mo, can you hear my voice? I need your help now!"

However, what was a little depressing was that Xuan Mo didn't give him any response.Only then did he remember that when he was crossing the catastrophe, Xuan Mo stepped forward and helped him with all his strength. He was able to reshape his physical body entirely with the Chaos God Tree, but Xuan Mo, who helped him at the most critical moment, did not know how much he had endured. harm.Perhaps Xuan Mo is still recovering from his injuries, or he has fallen into a coma, this is very possible.

As a result, Tong Yan may not be able to count on anyone at this moment.The only thing he can rely on is himself, there is no other way.

I don't know since when, in many critical moments, he was actually only able to escape with the help of his friends or his magic weapon. He may not be too dependent on his friends, but he is extremely dependent on the magic weapon.Of course, the magic weapon is also his own to some extent, but if he lost the magic weapon and only had this physical body, wouldn’t he be able to do anything?
For a swordsman, the most important thing may be a long sword in his hand. The sword is with the person. This is what swordsmen usually say.But a swordsman who relies too much on the sword is destined not to be a top swordsman.A truly powerful swordsman is the ability to be able to achieve that no sword in hand is better than having a sword, and that every plant and tree is a sharp weapon.

Tong Yan is not considered a swordsman, but why is his magic weapon not the long sword in the hands of those swordsmen?He can't care too much about his magic weapon, and rely too much on his magic weapon. Only in this way can he go to the next level.

Fortunately, at this moment, he seems to have woken up a bit.It's true to use your own magic weapon, even the gods in the sky need magic weapons and fairy weapons to defend against the enemy, but the real strong don't need to rely on anything, they can be proud of the three worlds by themselves, and roam freely beyond the nine heavens up.

"I can no longer rely on others, I need to rely on myself, only when I am strong can I be truly strong!"

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, and then slowly closed his eyes.

He knew that the inability to move his legs was entirely caused by hallucinations, and after such a short period of time, not only could he not move his legs at all, but even his arms became heavier and heavier.

He tried his best not to think about these, to calm himself down, to let himself truly let go of everything.

Gradually, a beam of white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, a beam of white light that was close at hand but could not be touched, but how did he see this beam of white light with his eyes closed?
It's very simple, at this moment, he had an epiphany and completely entered his own "space"!
The words were divided into two parts, at the moment when Tong Yan fell into an epiphany, Qiang Liang and the others really encountered a great threat.

Not to mention anything else, the white-haired banshee is strong enough for them to deal with, and now there is another more terrifying existence, that is the demon ancestor in the mouth of the white-haired banshee, the ancient giant monster in the population of the Kuafu clan!
What is this ancient monster?Until now, no one has been able to say clearly, or even see clearly.

It is hidden in the black air, the black air in the stone room has faded, but the black air on its body is still dark and deep, it is difficult to peek at it.

It stands "side by side" with the white-haired banshee, and is confronting Qiangliang and the others.

The Kuafu tribe stared at the white-haired banshee and the ancient monster in front of them, and then glanced at Tong Yan who was standing still with his eyes closed, and his face soon became serious.

"Brother Qiangliang, it seems that we are in big trouble. Maybe we will have to throw our lives here today, how about it? Are you afraid?"

When Qiangliang heard this, he immediately snorted and said: "Afraid? Am I a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? I should have died a thousand years ago. If I can live to this day and make friends like Tong Yan, I am already I am very content. Even if I die here today, I have nothing to regret."

Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe laughed and said, "Okay, I think exactly the same. If that's the case, then let's fight to the death here. If nothing else, just buy some time for the Omen Star." gone."

Qiangliang smiled boldly and said: "It's exactly what I want! Praise father and brother, let's start the war!"

As soon as the words were finished, the two of them flashed and directly attacked the two evildoers.

It's just the ending...

(End of this chapter)

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