
Chapter 1442 Psychological Offensive, Dual Cultivation of Demonic Dao!

Chapter 1442 Psychological Offensive, Dual Cultivation of Demonic Dao!
With the Blue Soul Sword in one hand and the other behind his back, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword was hanging in the air above. At this moment, Tong Yan was like a righteous knight, staring ahead coldly, looking like a hero.

He looked at the two demon kings who were eager to fight, and immediately said coldly: "If you want to make a move, why hesitate? If I make a move first, you will have no chance."

What he said was full of contempt, but did he really have the heart to win?Of course not, he knew very well in his heart that the two sea monsters in front of him were extremely powerful, let alone two, even one was enough for him to keep busy.But the more this kind of time, the more he understands the importance of aura. If you lose, you don't lose. At least on the psychological level, he has to gain the upper hand.

And as long as these two sea monsters have even the slightest fear of him, they will not be able to exert their full strength. In this way, not only will he be able to take the initiative, but he may even have the possibility of winning.

Facts have proved that the arrogance and disdain he deliberately showed has indeed had a certain effect.Although the two demon kings were usually pampered and aloof, they were more or less nervous about the arrogant man in front of them.And it was precisely because of this little nervousness that they did not dare to act rashly.

Tong Yan saw that the two demon kings of the Sea-Monster Clan did not dare to make a move, and said again, "What? Could it be that you are afraid? If you are really afraid, what are you doing here? Waiting for your demon king to come to help ?"

The red-haired demon king was gnashing his teeth angrily at this moment. When had he ever suffered such contempt, so what if the person in front of him was Skywalker?With two against one, they might not be able to win.But he was still a little worried about whether the white-faced demon king would help him with all his strength. What if that guy ran away when he saw that something was wrong?Then wouldn't he want to face this unfathomable Skywalker alone?

It was precisely because of the distrust among the "companions" that he was full of hesitation.

In fact, the white-faced demon king has already decided to fight Tong Yan with the red-haired demon king, but the red-haired demon king has been slow to strike first, so he can't be the one who assists him to strike first, right?

He turned his head to look at the red-haired demon king and said, "Brother Hong, what are you waiting for? Do it!"

Hearing this, the red-haired demon king took a deep breath, and finally nodded vigorously.

Because of the slight fear of Tong Yan, the Skywalker, the red-haired demon king didn't dare to hold it up, and immediately waved his hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

This big knife is shaped like a Crescent Moon Knife, so it should be a kind of long-handled knife.Although it is not as exquisite as Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Knife back then, its sharpness should be even better.The whole body of this knife is blood red, with various patterns intertwined on it, the blade is in the shape of a half moon, and there is a protruding triangular spike every inch above the blade, because of these spikes, it makes this long-handled knife look even more terrifying People are more powerful.If you are hit by this knife, even if the cut is not deep, the secondary damage from these sharp thorns is enough to make people feel the heart-piercing pain.

The red-haired demon king held the knife tightly with both hands, and then said loudly: "This knife is called Blood Fang, and it has killed countless enemies with me. If you can die under my blood tooth knife today, it is not in vain. "

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "The knife is a good knife, but you are not a good knife owner. It is a waste of money for such a sharp blade to recognize you as the master. I think so, you offer this knife to me , I let you live, what do you think?"

Hearing this, the red-haired demon king immediately roared angrily: "Young child with a yellow mouth, you are extremely rampant. Today, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Having said that, he strode forward, raised Blood Fang with both hands, and slashed at Tong Yan's head.

The moment the red-haired demon king showed the knife, Tong Yan sensed that there was an extremely powerful evil spirit on the knife, which was born of too much killing.If this kind of evil weapon can go further, it will be a rare magic knife. It's a pity that the red-haired demon king doesn't know how to advance the magic weapon, otherwise Tong Yan wouldn't even dare to block the bloody tooth blocked.

But it was precisely because the red-haired demon king paid too much attention to his own morality and neglected the growth of magic weapons that Tong Yan had the confidence to fight him.

Blood Fang whizzed down, Tong Yan didn't dare to underestimate him, and quickly waved his Blue Soul Sword to meet him.

When the swords and swords collided, a loud bang of "dang" was heard. Immediately afterwards, powerful air fluctuations swayed around in an instant, not only shaking Tong Yan and the red-haired demon king back a few steps, but also directly knocking Gao Qian away. He Xueer and Li Jun fell to the ground, rolling several laps before stopping.

Although it was only a head-to-head contest in the first round, both sides had a certain understanding of each other's true strength.

Tong Yan didn't use his star power or demon power, only relying on his physical strength, he was obviously weaker than the red-haired demon king holding blood teeth.But if he also uses the power of the stars, he still has the ability to fight the red-haired demon king.

On the other hand, the red-haired demon king also has a certain understanding of the strength of Tong Yan, the Skywalker. He doesn't know that Tong Yan still has the power of the stars and the power of the sky demon, but judging from the contest just now, he There are still certain advantages.Even if the white-faced demon king doesn't make a move, he is confident that he can kill Tong Yan here.

He gained the upper hand in the first round, and his self-confidence has also been greatly improved, and his whole body seems to be rejuvenated.

"Skywalker, it seems that I really overestimated you. I didn't expect that your strength is nothing more than this. You are doomed to lose this battle!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "I only used [-]% of my strength, and you still can't hurt me. How can you win this battle? By your mouth?"

As soon as these words came out, the red-haired demon king's heart trembled.The self-confidence that was finally regained was suddenly blown away.

"What did you say? You only used [-]% of your strength? This is impossible. Your cultivation base should only be in the realm of immortals. If you only used [-]% of your strength, wouldn't you have surpassed the realm of immortals?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "A realm of celestial beings? What is a celestial being? Do you think I'm just an ordinary monk? To tell you the truth, I not only have the power of immortals but also powerful powers of heavenly demons in my body. You don't know how Have you ever heard of this statement?"

This time, not only the red-haired demon king was shocked, but also the white-faced demon king who was ready to wait for an opportunity.

"Dual cultivator of magic? You... are you really a dual cultivator of magic?"

Tong Yan smiled contemptuously and said: "Yes or no, you will know immediately." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly released the power of the demon in his body.Not only did the demon armor appear, but his hair, eyes, and lips all turned red all of a sudden.

What also caused great pressure was a group of demon bone wings on his back, plus the blue soul sword changed from blue to red. If this is not a demon, what is it?
(End of this chapter)

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