
Chapter 1444 Happiness and troubles, the star sword is unsheathed!

Chapter 1444 Happiness and troubles, the star sword is unsheathed!
The Phoenix Heavenly Sword still spewed out flames continuously, but it was obvious that the flames did not pose much threat to these two demon kings, but it was better than nothing.The reason why Tong Yan still stubbornly let the Phoenix Heavenly Sword continue to breathe out fire is actually another reason, that is to buy time for Gao Qian, Xueer, Li Jun and others to withdraw from the "battlefield".

With cultivation bases like Tong Yan and the two great demon kings, not to mention turning their hands into clouds and rain, but if they fight with all their strength, they can still make mountains fall and the ground crack, leaving a cloud of dust.Their battle situation is approaching, unless they are extremely powerful, they will suffer.Just like Tong Yan's move against the red-haired demon king before, it was just a mere move, which knocked Gao Qian and Xue'er to the ground, and rolled several times before stabilizing their bodies.If one trick has such a great impact on the people and things around it, what if ten tricks or a hundred tricks?The destructive power to the surroundings will only be multiplied, and will never be weakened in the slightest.In addition, these two demon kings had already shown their bodies, and their demon aura had doubled. In this way, it was difficult for Tong Yan to concentrate on dealing with them, and it was impossible for Tong Yan to have time to take care of others.

Gao Qian, Xueer, and Li Jun, if the three of them stay here, not only will their lives be in danger, but they will also become a burden to Tong Yan, which is of no benefit at all.

So when the two demon kings were getting closer and closer to Tong Yan, he suddenly turned around and shouted to Gao Qian and Xue'er: "You two quickly back away, you'd better get far away, so as not to be hurt. It spread." After saying this, he said to Li Jun on the other side: "Brother Li, you also retreat with them. If I can't resist, you will take them away from Yingzhou Mountain and protect them. Understand. Yet?"

Of course Gao Qian and Xue'er knew that Tong Yan said this because he planned to fight these two demon kings desperately.But how could they have the heart to let Tong Yan take risks?Especially Xue'er, Tong Yan did this almost for her. If she agreed to these demon kings and followed them to the country of returning to the ruins, so many things wouldn't happen, and Tong Yan didn't have to take risks. This is a big risk.

"No! I won't leave. I have already said that even if I die, I will die with you. Don't try to drive me away unless you kill me!"

Before Xue'er could speak, Gao Qian first revealed her feelings.With such a tone and tone, coupled with such content, no matter how naive Xue Er is, she still knows how much Gao Qian likes Tong Yan.

Why didn't Xue'er want to say Gao Qian's words?But at this moment, she suddenly showed a wry smile.Instead of putting Tong Yan in a dilemma, why not help them?If he agrees to leave here with the Monster King of the Sea Monster Clan, not only Tong Yan and the others will be safe, but Tong Yan doesn't need to be unable to choose between her and Gao Qian.

Xue'er thought so foolishly, neither retreating nor stepping forward.She waited for Tong Yan's last sentence, the last sentence that made her make up her mind.

Tong Yan turned his head to see that Gao Qian and Xue'er were standing still, feeling a little depressed.When is this, are you still talking about sharing life and death, going to the underworld together?
He thought for a while, and finally said: "What are you waiting for? Do you want me to die? Let me tell you the truth, you stay far away. I have a [-]% chance of winning this battle. But if you If I stay here and don't leave, my chances of winning are only [-]%. Do you want me to win or want me to lose? You decide for yourself!"

Having said that, he suddenly turned around and stopped looking at Gao Qian and Xue'er.In many cases, women's obsession is much stronger than that of men, and they will not wake up or be relieved until they figure it out for themselves. On the contrary, the more you force them, it will be counterproductive.

Tong Yan had already said so, but Gao Qian and Xue'er were still hesitating.Of course, Gao Qian hesitated whether to stay or not.What Xue'er hesitated was whether to leave here with these monster kings of the sea monster clan.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Jun, who was once reduced to a drag bottle, played a decisive role.Although he was weak all over, but because he gradually adapted to the suppression of the demon power, he could at least speak clearly.I heard him say to Gao Qian and Nuwa's descendant Xue'er: "You two girls, don't you know how important you are to Brother Tong? He would give up his life for you. If you insist on staying, he While dealing with the two demon kings, he also has to worry about your safety. In this way, he will naturally not be able to exert his full strength. But if you retreat far away, he can avoid any worries and can fight with all his strength. The two demon kings are fighting to the death. Similarly, because you are so important to him, do you say that he would be willing to lose his life and make you feel sad for him? So please listen to my advice, don't make things difficult for Brother Tong anymore, let He will try his best to defeat these two hateful demon kings for you. Only in this way can you see him again and continue to live happily. Okay?"

There is only one theme of Li Jun's remarks, that is, Tong Yan regards Gao Qian and Xue'er as extremely important people.And Tong Yan could live or die for them.But as for life or death, it is all up to Gao Qian and Xue Er to decide.If they also regard Tong Yan as an extremely important person, then they have only one choice, which is to retreat far away, let Tong Yan fight with all his strength, and let Tong Yan win the final victory.

Sure enough, Li Jun's persuasion played a big role.The stubborn Gao Qian and Xue Er suddenly understood after hearing this.

The two hurriedly backed away and cheered for Tong Yan one by one.

"Tong Yan, you must win! I'll wait for you!"

"Big brother, you will definitely win. I will wait for your return!"

Listening to Gao Qian and Xue'er's words, watching them back away, Tong Yan showed a relaxed smile on his face.Indeed, what he needs at this time is not drag and pressure, but encouragement and blessing.

Now he felt a lot more relaxed, and in this way, he could fight these two demon kings with all his heart and soul.

"Hey! Two defeated generals, don't you hurry up and return to the ruins, what are you doing here? You can't let me taste the taste of grilled seafood, right?"

The two demon kings didn't talk to each other, and continued to walk towards Tong Yan.

Tong Yan chuckled lightly and said, "Playing mystery with me, right? Okay! Then I'll see how long you can pretend!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his right hand controlling the Blue Soul Sword and swiping it several times in front of him, a beautiful five-pointed star seal immediately formed in front of him.The moment the seal appeared, his blue soul sword pierced into the seal, and there was a sound of "呯", and the five-pointed star seal suddenly shattered into dots of starlight, while the blue soul sword was radiant, and the sword light soaring.

"Sword of the Stars, lore style! Suffer death for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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