
Chapter 1464 Self-created magical skills, terrifying power!

Chapter 1464 Self-created magical skills, terrifying power!
Tong Yan spread out the power of the stars in his whole body to the greatest extent, trying to force back the black energy that was tightly wrapping him.But these black qi are very powerful, no matter how rampant his star power is, he will not retreat a bit.In this way, Tong Yan seemed to be stuck in a swamp, his body was tightly stuck to the mud, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

And it wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized one thing.That is, this black air is not the breath released by the armored woman, but the powerful magical power of the armored woman.

He has been hit by the trick now, if he doesn't break through the black energy around him quickly, he might lose this battle.

As the saying goes, it's never too late to mend a dead sheep.Fortunately, he found out fairly quickly, if it was later, I really don't know what the consequences would be.

"Girl, what a skill! But do you think you can trap me like this? Today I will let you experience my self-created supernatural power, the stars are broken!"

What exactly is the supernatural power that Tong Yan said about the broken stars?In fact, this supernatural power was created by him in just a moment.The black air around his body is like grains of sand, and when the sand is watered, it will become harder and harder in a very short period of time.And as the air was squeezed out, Tong Yan who was imprisoned was like being placed in a vacuum iron barrel.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how difficult it is to break through this iron wall with one's own strength.But if you don't get rid of it soon, the consequences will be disastrous.Based on this situation, Tong Yan's supernatural power is extremely suitable.

The so-called star breaking can actually be called star explosion, and whether it is explosion or breaking, it is all performed with the power of stars.

What is the power of the stars?It was the light of the stars, and after the light of the stars entered Tong Yan's body, it turned into a gaseous state.And since the power of the stars can be converted into a gaseous state, if it is compressed again, will it be transformed from a gaseous state into a liquid state again?If this idea can be realized, if the liquid star power is compressed, will it be compressed into a solid state?When the solid state continues to be compressed, what will it transform into?The answer is, explosion!
The explosive power of the power of the stars is absolutely powerful, and it is so powerful that it is difficult to control.

Using the explosive power of the power of the stars as a means of attack, unless the bearer is extremely powerful, he will undoubtedly die.

Of course, Tong Yan's Star Breaker was just thought of.He hasn't further turned it into his own attacking supernatural power. Now, he only hopes that when the power of the stars is compressed, it can explode in a gas state.He thinks that he can stop such an explosion with his strong physical body and star energy, but the surrounding black gas will be scattered under the power of the explosion, and as long as this effect is achieved, he has already Out of trouble.

It has to be said that he can create such supernatural powers at such a critical moment, which cannot be said to be a rare event in a thousand years, but he is definitely a first-class person.

He already had an idea in his mind, so he had to put it into action.

Seeing that he was concentrating and calming down, he stabbed the Blue Soul Sword to the side with all his strength, piercing deeply into the black air, the free hands did not delay, and immediately concentrated the power of two stars on the left and right hands respectively .Soon, two balls of light appeared in his hands.

After that, he suddenly slammed the two balls of light together fiercely.

After a while of hand numbness, the two light spheres merged into one, but there was no powerful explosion.

He knew that this was not enough, he needed to compress the combined light sphere, only when this light sphere was compressed to a certain extent, would his Star Breaker burst out with a certain power.

Taking a deep breath, his hands suddenly exerted strength, relying on the combination of the power of the gods and the power of the demon, to compress the light ball in his hands fiercely.

And as he compressed it with all his strength, a form like a cyclone appeared inside the light ball in his hands.But he didn't stop at all, and continued to compress, compress.

Soon, he had already compressed this light sphere for a full minute.And in this 1 minute, the ball of light also changed from the size of a basketball when the two merged into one, to the size of a baseball now.The compression of volume is equal to the compression of strength.So the smaller the volume, the stronger the strength.

But at this point, Tong Yan suddenly stopped.Why did he stop?Because he didn't want to take too many risks.If he continued to compress, he didn't know if he could still control the light ball in his hand. What if the light ball suddenly exploded in his hand?He will be the first victim, which means he has hurt himself.What's more, he didn't know how much power this ball of light contained now, he was using this ball of light to blast away the black air around him.But if even he couldn't resist the power of the explosion, and the black air exploded, he would probably be half dead.

So because of these considerations, he stopped, and suddenly threw the ball of light at the black air in front of him.

But the black air was too close to him, what he called throwing was actually a hard blow from behind.He just wanted to distance himself from the ball of light as much as possible, the farther away he was, the less destructive power the ball of light exploded would be on him.

As the ball of light collided with the black air, a loud "boom" was heard, and the mass of black air that originally covered the entire floating boulder disintegrated in an instant under the explosion of the ball of light.Not only the black air mass exploded, but even the boulder under the feet of Tong Yan and the armored woman was instantly shattered into powder due to the explosion.

Before the explosion, although Tong Yan tried his best to protect his body, after the explosion, his whole body was still blown hundreds of meters away like an arrow from the string.

After these hundreds of meters, his body was stabilized, but his body was already in tatters and bruises all over his body.

"Bah!" He spat out the blood in his mouth, then smiled self-deprecatingly.

He had to admit one thing, that was his mistake.Not only did he underestimate the strength of the armored woman, he also underestimated the power of his star breaker.But he was lucky, he was swallowed by black energy because of the low valley armored woman, and because of being swallowed by black energy, he realized the star break, and because he didn't continue to compress the light ball, he escaped the catastrophe.

Thinking about it now, he was still a little scared.He just kept the power of the stars in a gas state, but if he really compressed the power of the stars into a liquid state or a solid state, how strong would the explosion be?

If he could really improve this star breaker and turn it into his ultimate move, maybe when the power of the star in solid state exploded, even the god-king level figures would not be spared.

Thinking of it this way, a longing smile appeared on his face.He has benefited a lot from this trip to the ruins.

Now, it's time to end this duel and leave this place!
(End of this chapter)

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