
Chapter 1472 Who Can Survive Not Weak God King?

Chapter 1472 Who Can Survive Not Weak God King?
Tong Yan never expected that the first sentence that the black beauty uttered would be this.escape?Where are you going to escape?

"Sister Beauty, what are you talking about? Where do you want me to escape? Tell me, what happened? What happened to you, Kuafu, Qiangliang and the others?"

Hearing this, the black beauty turned her head and looked fiercely at the two saintly disciples and said, "Their holy gates have invaded the human world on a large scale, not only that, they have also arrested a lot of people with advanced cultivation, even some Demons, strange beasts, and divine beasts with good morals will not be spared. Even an ancient monster like me is no match for their sect master. As for Kuafu and Brother, they are all captured at this time. Tong Yan, are you If you can't beat them, you can only truly rescue us by escaping from here and improving your strength. Don't hesitate any longer, you can go now! I will deal with these two elders of the Holy Gate!"

Speaking of this, black light appeared in her eyes, and black air appeared on her body.

Seeing this, the two elders of the Holy Gate, the elder with the gray beard spoke first: "Demon girl, do you think you can stop us? Even if you can stop us, how can you stop our sect master and deputy sect master?" Is it? Don’t waste your efforts, if you fight against our Holy Gate, there will be no good end!”

The black beauty wanted to speak, but Tong Yan directly preempted her and said: "Sister beauty, I appreciate your kindness. But you have all fallen into the hands of the Holy Gate, and I can't guarantee your safety. What kind of friend am I? You don't need Advise me, this is my home, I have nowhere to escape. You should understand what I mean, right?"

Hearing this, the black beauty could only sigh helplessly after thinking about it.

That's right, even if Tong Yan wants to escape at this moment, where can he escape?There are so many members of the Wu family in the old house of the Wu family. He escaped alone. What should the Wu family do?In addition to the Wu family members, there are also Kuafu, Qiangliang, and Yitian. Could he disregard their safety?

Tong Yan is a person who values ​​friendship, for the sake of friendship, he can even risk his life.Besides, since the Holy Gate already knew where the Wu family was, and could still exercise restraint, it meant that the leader of the Holy Gate, Situ Yuxin, was sure of him.

He reached out and patted the black beauty on the shoulder, and then smiled slightly: "Sister beauty, you have done enough for me. If I guessed correctly, you don't actually need to be enemies of the Holy Gate, right? You challenged the Holy Gate for me, just to buy me time to wake up from my deep sleep and solve my own problems. Is that so? You don’t need to speak, from your eyes I have already got the answer. So it is precisely because of this that I cannot escape at this moment. I have to stand up and face it with you. Don't worry, Situ Yuxin, the master of the Holy Gate, is also my old friend. I have known him since the time of Ashura. He will not do anything to me. You can stay here with peace of mind and protect our Wu family for me. That’s enough. Please!”

Hearing this, the black beauty said firmly: "No, even if you don't escape, then I will go to the Holy Gate with you. You don't even know how strong the Holy Gate is now, and the owner of the Holy Gate is not good. The strength is weaker than that of the god king. I know you are good at fighting, but how can the gap in cultivation be so easily overcome? You are only in the realm of the gods now, right? Even if you are in the realm of the gods, you can never be that saint The opponent of the sect master. In short, no matter what you do, I must be by your side."

Not weaker than the strength of the God King?So Situ Yuxin's strength has really reached such a terrifying level?How could things have turned out like this in just a few short years?
At this moment, Tong Yan's heart was full of shock. Although he had never confronted a god king head-on, he still remembered the enormous pressure that the Eastern god king put on him on Mount Yingzhou.

Contesting with the God King, he has no possibility of winning at all, maybe he can't even catch a move from the God King.This is the gap, and this is why God Kings are so rare.With his current strength, he is [-]% sure of dealing with a god in the realm of immortality, but there is an insurmountable gap between the gods in the realm of immortality and the king of gods. He wants to cross two realms to challenge the king of gods , there is only one dead end.

But even so, so what?It's not that he's not afraid of death, it's just that there are some things that are more important than life.

"Sister Beauty, thank you for telling me this. Even though Situ Yuxin's strength has reached the level of a god king, I am not afraid of him. Maybe he is also afraid of me. If not, why would he use you to blackmail me? What? Are you right? Well, I think you are a little weak, so you can stay at our Wu family. I can go with them alone, maybe I can come back soon, and bring Kuafu and Brother with them. "

Tong Yan was smiling at this moment, his eyes were full of determination, he seemed to be full of confidence, but in fact, he showed it like this on purpose, because he didn't want the black beauty to accompany him in the danger again.

The black beauty hesitated for a while, and finally chose to compromise.Yes, her cultivation has been imprisoned for a long time, and now she is really weak.Even if I go to the Holy Gate with Tong Yan, I'm afraid it won't help Tong Yan too much, but it will drag Tong Yan down.Instead of this, it's better to cultivate well here, and at the same time protect the Wu family for Tong Yan, which can be regarded as helping Tong Yan in disguise.

"Okay, then I'll stay here and wait for you. Be careful yourself and don't try to be brave. Remember?"

Looking at the black beauty, Tong Yan nodded and smiled.For some reason, he suddenly felt that the black beauty was becoming more and more like a real sister. From the time he got along in Yingzhou Mountain, the nature of this black beauty should not be too bad.Although he almost died under the curse of the black beauty back then, but now, the black beauty is willing to take risks for him, which can be regarded as offsetting the grievances.

Tong Yan didn't say anything more to the black beauty, but said to the two saintly disciples: "Master Situ should have been waiting for a long time, right? Lead the way ahead!"

The two members of the Holy Gate nodded, turned around and galloped away into the distance.

Seeing this, Tong Yan took a deep breath and immediately rushed to catch up.But after a while, the group of three disappeared from the sight of the black beauty.

Seeing the direction in which Tong Yan left, the black beauty said to herself: "I hope God will bless him, and may he survive this calamity!"

Recently, the human world is very unstable. Although the world of ordinary people is still harmonious, bloody storms have already blown up in the world of comprehension and demons.Many well-known great monks, even the loose immortals in the world, as well as the old monsters with deep Taoism, were not spared from the disaster.

For a time, rumors spread everywhere, and people panicked.Who knows if the next unlucky person will be himself?

The holy door finally showed its ferocious fangs. With this holy door master who is not weak as a god king sitting in command, who can stop the holy door from continuing to commit evil deeds?
(End of this chapter)

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