
Chapter 1490 Shi Ji fights against the sky, two strongs meet!

Chapter 1490 Shi Ji fights against the sky, two strongs meet!
Tong Yan sneered and said, "Zhan Tian, ​​do you really think I'm afraid of you? If you want to fight, I'll fight you to the end. But, do you dare to bet against me?"

Hearing this, Zhan Tian said angrily, "Gambling? What do you want to bet on?"

Tong Yan stood up and said with his hands behind his back: "It's very simple. If I win, you will obediently obey my orders in the future. But if I lose, after I leave the country of returning to the ruins, I will return the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle with my own hands. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and recite Buddhist scriptures for three days and three nights. How about it?"

Zhan Tian said disdainfully: "Do you think you have a chance to beat me?"

Tong Yan said relaxedly: "Winning or losing is not important, what matters is the fighting spirit. Why, are you afraid?"

When Zhan Tian heard this, he immediately said angrily: "Afraid? How could I be afraid? You are doomed!"

Tong Yan said with satisfaction: "Okay, as long as you don't be afraid. Then let's start."

Hearing this, Zhan Tian immediately punched Tong Yan first.

Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't panic, but retreated lightly, dodging Zhan Tian's fist very easily.But Zhan Tian has three heads and six arms, this punch was missed, and there are still five fists coming in a row, Tong Yan can dodge one punch, but it is not so easy to dodge all the punches.

But Tong Yan can use teleportation to change positions, and it is also very difficult for Zhan Tian to defeat him by virtue of teleportation.

So I saw Tong Yan's body disappearing and appearing in this Buddhist hall, while Zhan Tian's body was spinning like a top, but he still couldn't hit Tong Yan at all.

Time passed bit by bit, and Zhan Tian gradually calmed down.

He stopped immediately, and then said angrily, "Are you still fighting or not? What do you mean by hiding all this time?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan appeared again, and said proudly, "If you can't beat me, you lose, and if you can't beat me, you lose too. Why don't you admit defeat now, how about it?"

Zhan Tian gritted his teeth and said, "Is this still a competition? Are you considered a man like this?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "A man can bend and stretch, why am I not a man? Of course, if you think this kind of competition is meaningless, how about we change the method of competition?"

Hearing this, Zhan Tian immediately said: "As long as you don't jump up and down, you can do anything."

Tong Yan laughed and said, "Okay, then let's have a tough duel. What do you think? You punch me three times. If I don't fall after three punches, I will win. How about it?"

When Zhan Tian heard this, he said contemptuously: "You are looking for your own death. If I punch you three times, even if you don't lose your soul, you may lose your soul. You have to think about it carefully!"

Tong Yan said confidently: "As long as you keep your word, I'll take three punches from you!"

Seeing that Tong Yan was full of confidence, Zhan Tian finally responded: "Okay, I promise you. As long as you can still stand after receiving three punches from me, I will count you as the winner. If you want to die, can I stop you?"

Tong Yan snorted softly and said, "I don't need to bother you, life and death are up to you, and wealth is in the sky. I choose the path myself, and I have no complaints or regrets! Come on, please make a move!"

Having said that, he took a step forward and deliberately puffed up his chest.

Everything he did before was actually for the three punches now. If he really fights with this battle, it is impossible for him to win.This is Zhan Tian's territory, he just entered here with his soul.Compared with Zhan Tian, ​​he is much worse.

But he is confident that he can withstand Zhan Tian's three punches. The reason is very simple, because his soul has the ability to heal itself, and there is no such thing as soul flying away.Of course, all this is due to the green pearl bestowed by the Nuwa Empress in the realm of illusion.

After merging with the green beads, his soul can be said to be immortal.In this way, what is he afraid of?Even though Zhan Tian is powerful, but his soul is immortal, so he can remain invincible.

The competition between him and Zhan Tian is still going on, but the atmosphere outside has become extremely tense now.

Xuan Mo has already noticed that a large number of sea monsters with advanced skills are coming nearby, and one of the sea monsters has even surpassed 5000 years of skills.Of course, these did not pose too much threat to him.But apart from this 5000-year-old giant monster, he also sensed an extremely powerful aura.This powerful aura actually made him feel a little cold, which shows how terrifying the owner of this powerful aura is.

Xuan Mo looked at Tong Yan, and said anxiously: "Brother Tong, why don't you wake up. We have encountered a problem this time, maybe it's the demon emperor you mentioned who came in person. I I am not afraid, but if they endanger you, it will be troublesome. You wake up quickly, so that we can discuss what to do next."

Of course Xuan Mo is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, nor is he a cowardly person, but he is still worried that he will not be able to stop these sea monsters, and even more worried that these sea monsters will hurt Tong Yan when he is not prepared.

Not only that, but the powerful aura made him uneasy. It would be easy for him to get out of his body, but it would be quite difficult to take Tong Yan away with him.

He didn't dare to move Tong Yan rashly, if Tong Yan was at a critical moment of cultivation, if he made such a move, it would probably make Tong Yan go mad, and it would be even more troublesome.So what he can do now is to wait, while waiting for Tong Yan to wake up, while waiting for a sea monster to break through his barrier, and then go to fight.

Fortunately, the barrier he set up was quite strong, and only a few sea monsters broke through the barrier and came here.But if this is the case, it means that he has to leave Tong Yan temporarily and go to deal with the enemy.

It was the double-headed shark king who took the lead in breaking through the barrier, and three elders from the top ten Sea Clan came in with him, that is to say, the four sea monsters that are visible at the moment.But in fact, apart from the four of them, there is another one hiding in the dark, which only Xuan Mo can detect.

Seeing the four sea monsters getting closer, Xuan Mo shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to leave the hut to meet them.

Xuan Mo exuded a sacred aura, so just as he came in front of the four sea monsters, the four sea monsters had already guessed that he was the legendary sea god.

The double-headed shark king has lived for thousands of years and is smarter than monkeys. Seeing that Xuan Mo in front of him has an extraordinary bearing and a sacred aura, he immediately smiled and asked quite politely: "Your Majesty must be the rumored sea god." Right? When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary. In the country of Return to the Ruins, the Demon King Double-Headed Shark, I have seen you!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect my name as Sea God to spread so quickly. That's right, I am the Sea God you are looking for. How many of you are here, what is your business?"

The double-headed shark king laughed and said, "We are ordered by His Majesty the Demon Emperor to come here to respectfully invite the Sea God to be our guest. I wonder if the Sea God will show us his face?"

Xuan Mo heard this, and said with a disdainful smile: "Why is it so troublesome? The Demon Emperor is clearly here, what else do you want me to do? Your Excellency has been watching for so long, shouldn't it be time to show up?"

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at the empty space on the right.

In the next second, a human figure slowly appeared in the space on the right.It's not someone else, it's the high and mighty Demon Emperor!

The Sea God and the Demon Emperor did not expect to meet so soon, who is stronger and who is weaker?

(End of this chapter)

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