
Chapter 1499 The tortoise god bestows a treasure, a real surprise!

Chapter 1499 The tortoise god bestows a treasure, a real surprise!
"Senior, your god position has been taken away? Can you still snatch the god position?"

The lord of the Turtle Shell City smiled bitterly and said: "In this world, nothing is impossible. Isn't it often said in the world that people cannot be resurrected after death? But hasn't the resurrection of death happened before? The same is true for gods, they are not absolute. , and it’s not impossible to be taken away. Just like your Seagod friend, he should have just inherited the Seagod’s position not long ago, right? Isn’t his godship granted by the previous Seagod through treasures? Since God’s power can be delegated , is it impossible for someone to take it away?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded slightly.Indeed, as the lord of the Turtle Shell City said, nothing is impossible in this world.His name of Skywalker was bestowed by God, wasn't he almost taken away by Kunpeng?To this day, hasn't he also obtained the divine light of baptism that belongs to Skywalker?

But who has such a great ability to take away the position of the city lord of the Turtle Shell City?Could it be the Demon Emperor?
"Senior, was your god position taken away by the Demon Emperor? How did he do it?"

The lord of Turtle Shell City sighed again, but still answered these two questions for Tong Yan.

"That's right, you guessed right, it was indeed the vicious Demon Emperor who took away my god position. As for how he took my god position, it was actually through a very simple method. That is to absorb gods! It sucked away my divine power, my divine bones, and even my divine soul."

It stands to reason that the answer of the City Lord of Turtle Shell City was actually quite specific, but it made Tong Yan even more confused.

"Senior, is absorbing the gods a skill? Or some special supernatural power? I can understand taking away your divine power, but how does he suck away your divine bones and soul?"

Although the lord of the Turtle Shell City did not want to mention sad things, he patiently answered Tong Yan: "We sea creatures are very different from land creatures. Because different species have different abilities. For example, you humans eat with your mouth. However, some creatures in the sea don’t need to use mouths, such as tentacles, suckers, etc. It is precisely because of this difference that many sea creatures have a special ability, that is, Suck God! And the old man, I was taken away by the demon god through Suck God. As for how you said he sucked my god bone and soul, it may be because you still don’t know what is god bone and what is god soul for the sake of

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Then what is a divine bone and what is a divine soul?"

The Lord of the Turtle Shell City laughed and said: "The bones of the gods are not real bones, and the soul of the gods is not a real soul. It is a special thing possessed after becoming a god, and it is more like something added to one's own bones and soul. In short , when a god is absorbed by other people's power, bone and soul, that god is no longer a god. And the person who absorbs him can replace him and become a new god. So to say ,Do you understand it?"

Tong Yan seemed to understand a little bit, but he still couldn't understand everything.But it's nothing, one day, if he can become a god by himself, maybe he will understand everything.

"That... Senior, can you tell me what kind of god you were before? You are a sea creature, why didn't you become a sea god?"

The lord of the Turtle Shell City shook his head and smiled, "The sea god is the main god of the sea. How can it be so easy to become one? But my previous god status was not low, and my name was the turtle god. But all turtles in the sea must obey my orders. This Turtle Shell City is actually the divine mansion bestowed by the sea god of the previous generation when this old man became a god."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly saluted again: "It turns out that senior is a turtle god, this junior is really rude."

The lord of the Turtle Shell City smiled wryly and said: "What kind of turtle god, the old man is just a big turtle that is about to die now. But my friend, the old man can still give you some help. Don't you want to unite the four major tribes? The old man and that The four tribes have a long history of friendship. This is the old man's token, and it is also an artifact. Why don't I give it to you! You are human, and I think you must not be used to it in this sea. After you have this treasure, you can Walk freely in the sea, and hide your human breath."

While speaking, the City Lord of Turtle Shell City took out something from his sleeve and handed it to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan glanced at his hands, unavoidably showing surprise.What is this thing?It looked like a turtle shell, but the shell was golden in color, and although it was only the size of a ping-pong ball, it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Tong Yan looked at the tortoise shell, and hurriedly refused: "Senior, you also said that this is a divine weapon. How can this junior accept it? You will not be rewarded for no merit, so please take it back!"

The city lord of Turtle Shell City laughed and said: "Don't you people often say a word? The gift from the elders is irresistible. The old man is your elder, right? What do you have to refuse what is given to you? Besides, the old man has something else to do. I'm begging you, you won't be rewarded for nothing. How about it?"

The city lord of Turtle Shell City has said so, if Tong Yan refuses again, he just doesn't know how to flatter him.

So he took the gift from the lord of the Turtle Shell City with both hands, and said solemnly: "If you have something to do, you can tell me, but the younger generation can't refuse."

The Lord of the Turtle Shell City said with satisfaction: "Okay, okay, the old man really saw the right person. In fact, what the old man wants you to do, maybe you have already guessed the general idea."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked directly: "But it's related to Ling'ai?"

The Lord of Turtle Shell City nodded and said: "Yes, it is my daughter. I know that my time is approaching, and the only thing I can't let go of is my daughter. The old man had a child in his later years and loved her very much. But because of this, she didn't I have endured hardships and haven't had a good experience. The old man is worried that after the deadline, no one will take care of her. So I hope you can help the old man match up a marriage so that your sea god friend can marry my daughter. What do you think?"

When Tong Yan heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "Senior, you can rest assured. Even if you don't ask, the junior will try our best to match. Besides, I think they seem to like each other. Just push the boat along the way, maybe the marriage can be done in a few days. "

The Lord of the Turtle Shell City was in a good mood when he heard this, and immediately said with a happy smile: "If so, it would be great. In this way, even if the old man dies, he can rest in peace. Little friend, I'm begging you .”

Tong Yan nodded with a smile, then looked at Xuan Mo above, and said with a secret smile in his heart: "Xuan Mo, Xuan Mo, this is not my brother who neglects his righteousness. It's that you are really lonely alone, and you can marry the Turtle God." Senior's daughter, you are considered to be very lucky, and I can just have a few glasses of wedding wine. Hehe..."

He secretly smiled in his heart, never thought that the turtle shell given by the lord of the Turtle Shell City would automatically merge into his body.

Then, he clearly felt a special change in his body.After working for a long time, it turned out that this was the real surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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