
Chapter 1501 Don't give face, Sea Dragon Tribe!

Chapter 1501 Don't give face, Sea Dragon Tribe!
Later, Xuan Mo's wedding went smoothly.Over the years, Tong Yan has never really relaxed.But now seeing Xuan Mo marrying the bride, he felt very happy and relaxed from the bottom of his heart.

But he knew very well in his heart that this kind of stability would not last long, maybe a month, or a week, or even three or two days.

But now, he still only wants to be drunk today.

liquor?That's right, it's wine!It stands to reason that there should be no alcohol in this country of returning to the ruins, but the lord of the tortoise shell city used to be a turtle god after all, and he would often leave the country of returning to the ruins, and even go for a walk on the land of the world.In this way, he brought back a lot of things from the human world, and even the construction of the Turtle Shell City borrowed largely from human buildings.

Sea monsters may not like to drink, so the Turtle Castle City Lord's wine has been kept for hundreds of years, and no one drinks it.As for himself, he only drank a sip in a year or two, so he should be considered a "taste".

Of course, it is actually very difficult to drink at the bottom of the sea.Just imagine, as soon as the seal of the wine jar is opened, seawater has to pour in. Can wine mixed with seawater still drink?That smell, thinking about it, is probably enough to make people intoxicated.

However, Tong Yan couldn't be bothered, especially after incorporating the golden tortoise shell presented by the lord of the Turtle Shell City.

He only needs to expand the invisible hood that surrounds him outward, and he can easily create a waterless space of his own.In this space, without the existence of sea water, he can naturally enjoy fine wine leisurely.

After Xuan Mo and the city lord of Turtle Shell paid their respects to the daughter, of course they were busy with the bridal chamber.

The Turtle Shell City Lord knew that his death was approaching, so he went to deal with his funeral in advance, and sent people to the four major tribes to say hello to them in advance.

So in this way, Tong Yan was left alone.He really couldn't chat with other sea monsters, so he simply hid in an empty house in the city with the wine jar in his arms.While drinking a small wine, while thinking about something on his mind, the time is not slow.

Naturally, one can't help but drink a jar of wine, but Tong Yan did not indulge in alcohol, but started the second form of cultivation and comprehension.

And this way, time passed faster.He didn't even realize it, it was already three days later.

At the door of the room, Xuan Mo was looking at him with a wry smile. "I said Brother Tong, you are really easy for me to find. You said you were hiding here drinking, why didn't you tell me? If I hadn't used my power of perception, it would not have been so easy to find you. Three days Alright, those sea monsters have almost absorbed the Seagod's Light. Shouldn't we proceed to the next step?"

Tong Yan stood up, turned his body, and turned into his true colors, then smiled slightly: "It is indeed time for the next step, let's go, let's go and see those sea monsters."

Saying that, the two left the house and rushed straight to the mansion where the Lord of the Turtle Shell City was.

When they arrived, the entrance of the mansion was already full of monsters (humans), and it was almost blocked.

Seeing this, Xuan Mo chuckled, then grabbed Tong Yan, and disappeared in the same place almost instantly.

This ability is very similar to Tong Yan's shape shifting, but this is not a shape shifting, but a water escape method.

In a few seconds, with Xuan Mo's help, Tong Yan successfully entered the City Lord's Mansion.

The reason why he came here first was because the city lord of Turtle Shell City had sent someone to contact the four major tribes before. Tong Yan needed to know the reactions of the four major tribes before he could decide how to proceed with the next plan.

As soon as the two of them showed up, the daughter of the city lord greeted them with a smile.Of course, it is inappropriate to call her the daughter of the city lord now, it may be more appropriate to call her Xuanmo's wife, but well, she also has her own name, Hei Ling.

Hei Ling has never seen Tong Yan's true face, and now Tong Yan's original face has been restored, so that she can't recognize it for a while.

"Brother Mo, didn't you go to find your brother? Who is this?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo laughed and said: "This is my brother. What you saw before was not his real appearance, but I helped him change a little. This appearance is his true face."

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "Sister-in-law, everything is just as Xuan Mo said. I am Tong Yan, not a creature in the water, but a human being."

When Hei Ling heard this, he suddenly realized: "So that's the case. Let me just say, why did you have a fish's head before? I didn't believe my father said that you were human. Now I believe it completely. Let's go Come on, let's go in, father is waiting for you. And, just now, a guest sent by the four major tribes came. I think you should really want to meet."

Tong Yan and Xuan Mo were overjoyed to hear that the four major tribes had sent people here.The fact that the four major tribes are willing to send people here means that they still attach great importance to Seagod.But how did they know that the four major tribes only sent one sea monster, which in fact meant that only one tribe cared about the sea god, while the other three tribes didn't give face at all.

Following Hei Ling into the house, the lord of the Turtle Shell City who was sitting on the throne inside immediately said to an old man in black who was sitting in the guest seat: "Brother Snake, these two are the special people I told you about. They are one It is Sea God, and the other is Skywalker. This Sea God is still my son-in-law. Speaking of which, they are all family members. Come on, Xuan Mo, Xiaoyou, let me introduce you too. This is the Great Elder of the Sea Dragon Tribe. The old man's best friend. His name is Dragon King Snake, you can call him Senior Snake!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan and Xuan Mo said, "This junior has seen Senior Snake!"

When the Dragon King Snake heard this, he quickly smiled and waved his hands and said: "Don't dare, you two are of high status. In front of you, how dare I call myself a senior, so please don't bully me. Old turtle, you are not tall! Did you lift me up?"

Hearing this, the lord of the Turtle Shell City laughed and said, "What's so high, you guys have more than 5000 years of Taoism. You are only one step away from becoming a god. Why not be their predecessors? Besides, you Be worthy of my brother, no matter where you come from, you are a senior."

Tong Yan echoed: "What Senior Turtle God said is very true. Senior Snake, you are a senior. If this junior calls you senior, you will not only be able to bear it, but it is also a kind of recognition for us. Are you right?"

Hearing this, Dragon King Snake said with a little embarrassment: "Okay, since that's the case, then I will be called the senior."

The polite words have been said, so naturally it is time to talk about something serious.After everyone was seated, Tong Yan asked bluntly: "Senior Snake, the four major tribes specially sent you here alone, what did you bring back?"

Upon hearing this, Dragon King Snake immediately snorted coldly and said, "Four major tribes? I only represent our Hailong clan. As for the other three tribes, no one was sent here at all."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan already understood.

It seems that it is not an easy task to unite the four major tribes.Maybe, we have to clean up the three big tribes that don't give face!
(End of this chapter)

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