
Chapter 1510 Inquire about the whereabouts, already dead?

Chapter 1510 Inquire about the whereabouts, already dead?
Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What did you just say? The Holy Emperor? Is that the sound just now?"

General One-Eyed Siren calmed down a little, and then replied: "That's right, the sound just now was the horn of the Holy Emperor. The sound of the horn means that the Holy Emperor has arrived! His Majesty the Holy Emperor should have entered the city."

Hearing what the Siren General said, Tong Yan's mood suddenly became a little heavy.The strength of the Demon Emperor may have surpassed that of Xuan Mo.And even if he joins hands with Xuan Mo, he might not be able to defeat the Demon Emperor.So at this time, it is definitely not a wise move to fight desperately with the Demon Emperor.

And his previous plan to eradicate the demon king and several siren elders seems to be unable to continue.

The top priority is to quickly lead the Sea God Army out of Haitian City. Only in this way can we preserve our strength to the greatest extent.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "You have answered everything I want to know truthfully. In return, I will spare your life today. But for the sake of safety, I can only let you suffer a little bit first."

Upon hearing this, General One-eyed Kraken said with some fear, "My lord, you... If you are afraid that I will reveal your whereabouts, I can make a poisonous oath right now. You don't... ah..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tong Yan had already slapped him on the head heavily.

The palm didn't kill him, but it was enough to put him to sleep for a while.As for the remaining Kraken generals, they were not so lucky.

Tong Yan directly killed them all here, and then quietly left the barracks together with Hong Shan.

It's strange to say that Tong Yan didn't even have a single demon soldier coming. It seemed that the general's mansion was like a forbidden area of ​​the barracks, and even the patrolling demon soldiers didn't dare to approach easily.

In fact, he didn't know that in the country of returning to the ruins, status was extremely important, and the sea monster was very sensitive, and would not let other sea monsters approach easily.Of course, some sea monsters live in groups, which is better.But if it was a sea monster who likes to live alone, if he rushed to disturb him, he would probably die.

It was for this reason that no monster soldiers dared to approach the General's Mansion. Unless there was an emergency, the monster soldiers would just patrol the perimeter.

Tong Yan and Hong Shan moved quickly, and the next moment they had already appeared in front of the east gate of Haitian City.

However, the difference at this moment is that this place is no longer deserted, but has become a bit bustling.Looking sideways, good guy, these sea monsters are not low in cultivation, and they are all around the level of 2000 years.

Although these guys were not wearing armor, Tong Yan could still see through their identities. These sea monsters pretending to be ordinary residents here were probably the ace elites that the one-eyed sea monster general said.

No need to guess, it was the Demon Emperor who placed them here on purpose.It was to wait for the Sea God Army to enter the city, so that they could quickly regain the city gate and seal the Sea God Army's retreat.In this way, the Sea God Army is the turtle in the urn, and it is difficult to escape from birth.

It has to be said that this demon emperor is indeed a bit tricky.If Tong Yan hadn't found out all this in advance, I'm afraid the Sea God Army would really be caught.

Tong Yan was not in the mood to continue staying in the city for a long time, and immediately ordered Hongshan to deliver an order, ordering all the Sea God Army in the city to withdraw from Haitian City immediately.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Hongshan hurried to send an order.

Tong Yan was left alone. After hesitating for a while, he still did not choose to leave the city by himself.Since the soldiers of the Sea God Army in the city followed him, he was obliged to ensure that they could leave the city safely.

He looked around and chose a corner to monitor every move of the guards at the city gate.

The efficiency of Hongshan's work is still good, and soon some soldiers of the Sea God Army withdrew from the gate of the city.Seeing the soldiers of the Sea God Army leaving the city smoothly, Tong Yan felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, it was just when he was planning to leave the city.Unexpectedly, at this time, a large group of people rushed from the city and rushed straight to the outside of the city.

Of course Tong Yan is not familiar with this team, but he is very familiar with the leader.Who is the leader?It was none other than the great elder of the top ten elders of the Sea Clan.

And Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword was actually the Great Elder's saber.

Not only that, but this great elder was also the one who took Nuwa's descendant Xue'er away from Yingzhou Mountain.

It is said that when enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.Seeing this Great Elder again today, and it is still in a hostile situation, how can Tong Yan turn a blind eye?

So the Great Elder led the brigade out of the city gate, and Tong Yan followed quietly.

Xuan Mo and the soldiers of the Sea God Army who had been waiting outside the city already guessed that something was wrong when they saw a large group of people rushing out of the city gate.Xuan Mo made a decisive decision, and immediately ordered the Vanguard Army to stay behind to stop the attack, while the other soldiers of the Sea God Army retreated to Turtle City.

His command is very correct. How to protect the brigade headquarters when it is not certain to escape?Only a part of the people can be sacrificed to stay and fight to buy time for the transfer of large troops.

Since they stayed, it was inevitable that they would have to fight to the death.

Xuan Mo held Xuan Mingren tightly in his hands, and stood at the forefront of the team.Seeing the soldiers and horses rushing out of Haitian City getting closer, he finally ordered loudly: "All the soldiers of the vanguard army obey the order and follow me to wipe out the incoming enemies. Kill!"

As soon as the word "kill" came out, he was the first to rush forward.With one swing of the sword, more than a dozen enemy monster soldiers were killed in an instant.

In fact, the leader of this team is not only the top ten elders of the sea clan, but also the second and third elders, as well as several priests.

The purpose of their going out of the city was not to annihilate the enemy, but to lure the enemy.

If it was for the purpose of annihilating the enemy, why would they only send out these few 3000 demon soldiers, and the leader could not be the Great Elder, but the Demon Emperor.

Because the purpose was to lure the enemy, the team led by the Great Elder didn't really want to fight to the death. They just wanted to fight for a while before pretending to be defeated and fleeing into the city.

As for those with lofty status like the First Elder, naturally they would not fight in person, but just hid behind the team and waited and watched the development of the situation.

But in this way, it provided an opportunity for Tong Yan who came after him.

Tong Yan used shapeshifting continuously, and within a few breaths, he had already arrived at the side of the Great Elder.

The Great Elder was still focused on watching the fight ahead, planning when to retreat into the city.Now that someone suddenly appeared beside him, he was really shocked.

"You... who are you?"

He didn't yell, but asked Tong Yan nervously.

Because Tong Yan still maintained the appearance of a sea monster, the elder did not recognize him.

But at this time, Tong Yan didn't need to hide anything anymore, and immediately changed, back to his true colors.

"Great Elder, stay safe! Do you remember me?"

The Great Elder took a closer look, and his expression changed drastically. " are Skywalker Tongyan? What are you going to do? Are you going to kill me?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "If I want to kill you, do you think you still have a chance to talk to me here? I just want to ask you about someone, and I think you should tell me, right?"

This Great Elder is a smart sea monster, he replied directly: "If you ask, I will tell you the truth!"

"Where is the descendant of Nuwa? How is she doing now?"

Hearing this, the Great Elder couldn't help but tremble all over, and then said timidly: "She...she's dead!"

What?Nuwa descendant Cher died?What the hell is going on here?

(End of this chapter)

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