
Chapter 1512 Breaking through the wall, blood debt paid in blood!

Chapter 1512 Breaking through the wall, blood debt paid in blood!
Tong Yan and Xuan Mo have made up their minds to return to Haitian City and fight to the death with the Demon Emperor.

At this time, the Demon Emperor is also considering whether to lead the army out of the city to wipe out the enemy, but he is also somewhat worried. After all, his injuries and demon power have not fully recovered, and he left the customs early to preside over the overall situation and save Haitian City. To rush out of the city to fight to the death with the sea god Xuanmo, you have to take a lot of risks.

Tong Yan, Xuan Mo, and the vanguard of the Sea God Army killed countless monster soldiers in the Demon Emperor's Palace, but some of the fish that slipped through the net escaped, and quickly reported the latest situation to the Demon Emperor at this moment. develop.

The Demon Emperor is in the City Lord's Mansion of Haitian City. Although he is sitting on the throne, his mood is not calm.Except for him sitting alone, all the other demon kings, elders, and priests stood respectfully, with no status at all.

Soon, an elder who had escaped hurriedly rushed to the City Lord's Mansion, and shouted directly outside the City Lord's hall: "I have something important to report to His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

As soon as the Holy Emperor heard this, he immediately said, "Bring him in!"

The guard at the door listened to the order, and immediately called the sea monster elder who escaped by chance.

As soon as the elder saw the Demon Emperor, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said anxiously, "Your Majesty, something is wrong. The Great Elder, several other elders, and priests were all... killed by the enemy. "

As soon as these words came out, all the sea monsters in the hall turned pale with shock.

Although the Demon Emperor still maintained that haughty look, there was already a cold light in his eyes.

"You bunch of trash, the opponent only has two thousand soldiers, and you have three thousand. How could you lose your troops? Who killed the Great Elder? But that guy who claims to be the God of the Sea?"

Hearing this, the sea monster elder shook his head and said, "No, it's not! It seems to be another person, and I don't know who that person is. But he...he killed the great elder with one move."

"What? Killed the Great Elder with one move? Are you sure you read it right?"

The knelt sea monster elder hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, I dare not talk nonsense, the Great Elder was indeed killed by one move, this matter is absolutely true!"

The Demon Emperor originally had a calm expression on his face, but now, he couldn't help showing a dignified expression.

"One move ended the Great Elder? Who could it be? Could it be a certain patriarch of the four major tribes? But those four old guys have long been hidden from the world, and they don't care about common things. How could they come to make enemies of the widow again? Woolen cloth?"

The Demon Emperor frowned tightly, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became heavier.

At this time, the double-headed shark demon king said: "Your Majesty, you said that the murderer who killed the Great Elder was the person who passed through the Tianshui Seal some time ago? Didn't that guy always hang out with the Sea God? The spies reported back, that guy has also served as a military advisor for the Sea God Army, and his strength may not be weak."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor said coldly: "It's really a life-and-death thing. When you come to the country of the ruins of the widow, is it possible that you still want to overwhelm the river? Immediately send an order to the widow, and all the elite in the city will be sent out, and the rebel army will be wiped out." Annihilation. Even if they escape back to Turtle Shell City, they cannot let it go, or they will destroy Turtle Shell City together."

Hearing this, the sea monster in charge of delivering the order responded with a "receive the order" and hurriedly went to deliver the order.

But as soon as the messenger siren walked out of the hall, his head was cut off by a cold light, and he didn't even have time to make a pitiful scream.

When the other sea monsters in charge of guarding outside the hall saw that the messenger was killed, they immediately shouted loudly: "There are assassins, there are assassins breaking in!"

"Come and catch the assassin!"

Hearing the shouts outside the hall, all the powerful sea monsters in the hall took out their weapons one after another, and were about to go out to chase the assassin.

But at this moment, only a loud "boom" was heard, and one wall of the hall exploded directly, and a huge hole as tall as a person appeared out of thin air.

The sea monsters in the hall were all shocked, and immediately looked towards the big hole in the wall.

Then, I saw two rather handsome young men approaching slowly, with a strong momentum, like gods descending from the earth.

It was none other than Tong Yan and Xuan Mo who came.

They really returned to Haitian City, found the City Lord's Mansion, and killed them directly.

Looking at the two, the Kraken in the hall was a little flustered.

Maybe they are not familiar with Xuan Mo, but many sea monsters among them know Tong Yan very well.

At that time in Ying and Zhoushan, Tong Yan fought bravely with two demon kings, one against two. One of the two demon kings died tragically, and the other sacrificed his body to save his life.Such a feat is rare in the country of returning to the ruins.So Tong Yan had already left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

It's just that I didn't expect that this evil star actually came to the country of returning to the ruins. How could the sea monsters in the hall not be terrified and terrified?
Different from these Yaohuang elders, the Yaohuang knew little about Tong Yan, but he was deeply impressed by Sea God Xuanmo.After all, not long ago, they had fought a fierce battle. Although the outcome was not decided, the Demon Emperor had already recognized the strong opponent of Sea God Xuan Mo.

Tong Yan and Xuan Mo moved forward slowly, and soon entered the hall.

Although the Demon Emperor was still sitting on the throne, the expression on his face was not so relaxed.

"Haha... This is really a rare visitor! I didn't expect the majestic Sea God to come here. If I knew you were coming, I should go out to greet you! If there is any negligence, please forgive me!"

It's ridiculous to say that he has always disapproved of Xuan Mo's identity as the Sea God, but now, he openly calls Xuan Mo the Sea God, which shows that he seems a little disturbed at the moment.

Xuan Mo heard this, and said coldly: "Yaohuang, you should expect me to come. Don't you want to get rid of my Sea God Army? If you can defeat me today, the Sea God Army will naturally cease to exist. .But if you lose, from today onwards, this country of returning to the ruins will have to change. What do you think?"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor smiled contemptuously and said: "So you mean, you came prepared this time? But do you think you will really be the opponent of the widow? The widow loves talent and can't bear to kill you. But if you If you have to fight against the widow, then don't blame the widow for being ruthless."

When Xuan Mo heard this, he immediately burst out laughing, and then said: "You can't bear to kill me? I think you have hated me to the bone, right? You don't hesitate to explode yourself with your clone, hoping to get rid of me. This is You can't bear it? It's ridiculous!"

The Demon Emperor snorted coldly and said: "Yes or no, so what? You brought yourself to your door today, do you think the widow will let you leave alive?"

Xuan Mo shouted angrily: "Then stop talking nonsense and do it!"

Seeing that Xuan Mo was about to make a move, Tong Yan suddenly stepped forward and said, "Yaohuang, I just want to ask you one thing, are the descendants of Nuwa dead?"

The Demon Emperor was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed loudly: "It seems that the reason why you came to the Kingdom of Ruins is because of the little girl from the Nuwa clan. Since you want to know, I will tell you. That's right, daughter The descendant of Wa is dead. You will never see her again in this life. Haha...haha..."

Tong Yan glared at his eyes angrily, and said through gritted teeth: "Nie Zhan, you have done all kinds of bad things, today I will definitely demand your blood—debt—blood—pay!"

(End of this chapter)

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