
Chapter 1515 Breaking through the magic weapon, a fierce decisive battle!

Chapter 1515 Breaking through the magic weapon, a fierce decisive battle!
There was a cold light in the demon emperor's eyes. At this moment, he was no longer that noble emperor, but a cold-blooded killer who made people feel chills in his heart.

He stared at Tong Yan firmly, not only had a deep killing intent, but also a killing intent.

In contrast, Tong Yan at this time was very calm and calm. Even though his body was covered with bruises, he was full of energy, not at all weak and decadent like an injured person.

The Demon Emperor stopped attacking, but walked towards Tong Yan slowly, and said fiercely as he walked: "Do you really think you can pose a threat to the widow? The widow will let you know today what super god strength is. "

Hearing this, Tong Yan moved some of his injured arms, and then responded coldly: "If you really have such a great ability, how can I survive until now? If you can really kill me, why bother procrastinating? Damn, finally So that you can show your true ability, otherwise, you may never have this opportunity in your life."

The Demon Emperor didn't say much anymore, he stepped forward and came to Tong Yan, and then he saw him holding up the God-killing Sword in his hand, and slashed at Tong Yan's head.

Some people may think that Tong Yan can be avoided and there is no need to force it.But in fact, as the demon emperor approached, the pressure on Tong Yan became greater, and this pressure was not only the confinement of the sea water on his body, but also the coercion on him psychologically.

So it's not that Tong Yan doesn't want to hide at this moment, but that his body feels like being crushed by a huge boulder, and there is nowhere to hide.

But will Tong Yan give up?of course not!The Demon Emperor wanted to give him a fatal blow, but why didn't he long for this close combat.Not for anything else, just for the plan he had made long ago.

Seeing the Demon King's Sword of Punishing God swung down vigorously, Tong Yan immediately swung the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Ksitigarbha break, destroy demons and demons!"

Only a loud "bang" was heard, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle collided heavily with the God Execution Sword hacked down by the Demon Emperor, and the unparalleled terrifying impact immediately oscillated to the surroundings.

Under the violent impact, Tong Yan was like a small boat in the wind and waves, his body was already shaking backwards uncontrollably.And the demon emperor retreated more than ten steps in a row under the impact before stabilizing his figure.

It must be admitted that the power of the demon emperor's sword is too strong. Tong Yan has already hit the wall behind him heavily at this time, and the wall is even sunken, as if swallowing him whole. .

Embedded in the wall, his whole body was so numb that he couldn't even move.Thankfully, though, he's still alive and sane.

Although he lost this head-to-head contest, there was a satisfied smile on his face.This smile is not for anything else, just because he has done all the things he can do.And the most important thing is that the Demon Emperor's Sword of Punishing God is now completely broken, only one-third of the sword body is still connected to the hilt, which is held by the Demon Emperor.

Obviously, the Yaohuang had already won, if he made at least one more move, Tong Yan would definitely die.

But he is also being hit hard now, on the one hand from the body, on the other hand from the heart.

He looked down at the dagger in his hand, and wept sadly.This Zhushen Sword is his most valued sharp weapon, his most proud work, and his natal magic weapon.But now?His Exorcism Sword actually broke, and it was broken by an unknown "stick".

Such a blow made him go crazy, and even nearly collapsed.He has some regrets, more frustration and pain.

He stared at the dagger for a while, stopped his tears, and then looked at Tong Yan again.

" dare to ruin my hard work, should die! I must kill you today, and use your blood to pay homage to my God-killing Sword! Ah...ah..."

Probably because of his madness, he no longer called himself "the widow" but replaced it with "I".As he roared furiously, the sea water around him boiled again, as if it was boiled, rolling endlessly.

His hair was also loose at this moment, and the loose hair looked like a female ghost at night.

Tong Yan was powerless to change anything, but he was still smiling, smiling contentedly.He believes that his hard work will bring good results.He hoped even more so that he could avenge Xue'er.

"Xue'er, there is only so much big brother can do. If you have a spirit in heaven, rest in peace!"

He thought so in his heart, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The Demon Emperor continued to roar and growl, he was still tightly holding the two-thirds broken Sword of Punishing God, his eyes had turned blood red, as if he had completely become another person.

At this moment, he suddenly punched Tong Yan hard.Although the distance was tens of meters, the punch was like a water dragon, biting Tong Yan fiercely.

But at this critical moment, Seagod Xuan Mo, who had never made a move, finally moved his body.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Tong Yan, and also punched the biting "water dragon".

He heard a loud "boom", and the "water dragon" directly shattered into water droplets under his iron fist.

And his figure also became extremely tall and mighty at this moment.

"Demon King, your doomsday is here. If you want to kill my brother, it depends on whether you have the ability. Today, I will definitely get rid of your scourge for the country of returning to the ruins, and seek justice for those suffering creatures in the sea." !"

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor was no longer angry, but laughed out loud.

"My doomsday? Isn't my doomsday your doomsday? Poseidon boy, it's not that easy to kill me. Even if I'm destined to die, you have to be buried with me! Besides, you're not the real Seagod, I can kill you!" Other gods can naturally kill you too."

Xuan Mo said coldly: "You really take yourself too seriously. If I'm not wrong, your God-killing Sword should be your talisman, right? The natal talisman has been destroyed, and your strength is probably too weak." You have to make a big discount, right? Still want to die with me? What a dream, do you think you have this ability? Now, you can suffer to death."

Having said that, he directly called out the Xuanming Blade and held it in his hand.The Xuanming Blade appeared in his hand. Not only did it become a giant blade, but its color changed from black to sky blue, and it also glowed with a dazzling blue light.Coupled with the blue armor on his body, at this moment he has transformed into the god of war in the sea.

On the contrary, the Demon Emperor is now completely insane. He has abandoned all noble images and has completely fallen from the sky to hell. At least in terms of momentum, he is no match for Xuan Mo.

The eyes of the two collided, and finally rushed towards each other frantically.

The second battle between Sea God Xuan Mo and the Demon Emperor has just begun!There was no winner last time, who will win this time?
(End of this chapter)

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