
Chapter 1580 Powerful Meat Ball, Rolling All the Way!

Chapter 1580 The powerful meat ball, rolling all the way!
Strange to say, Tong Yan didn't feel any pain when he woke up this time.The unbearable pain before has disappeared, replaced by a numb feeling.

Not only that, he couldn't even feel the strong pressure around him. He even wondered if Situ Yuxin had stopped.But how did he know that instead of stopping, Situ Yuxin increased the pressure, but for some reason, this pressure could no longer do him any harm.

At this moment, Situ Yuxin, who became angry from embarrassment, spoke.

"Skywalker, you... what the hell did you do? How did you become like this?"

Hearing what Situ Yuxin said, Tong Yan took a look at himself.After checking in this way, he was stunned for a while.

"How did I become a big meatball? What's going on?"

Logically speaking, Tong Yan's eyes were on top of this big meat ball, so he couldn't see what was going on below.However, he has already opened his spiritual eyes and can look inside, so he can easily see his current physical condition.

It's just that he himself doesn't understand why his body has become like this.

Seeing that Tong Yan did not respond, Situ Yuxin said again: "Do you think that if you don't speak, this seat can't do anything to you? Skywalker, this seat said that today is your death day, and you will never survive." possible."

This time Tong Yan was no longer silent, but responded with great interest: "Situ Yuxin, you have said a lot of such cruel words. Am I right here? Are you killing me? There are so many nonsense What? Embolden yourself?"

Situ Yuxin heard this, and said with an angry face: "Okay, I really think I can't do anything to you. I want to see, is this meat ball of yours really the indestructible body of King Kong? It's a treasure!"

As soon as the words fell, Situ Yuxin, who had never used a magic weapon, finally showed a dark red ring.

The ring was floating in his hand, and it turned rapidly, making a "buzzing" sound.

One look at the ring, and you can tell that this magic weapon is unusual. On the ring, you can vaguely see the red phantom of a giant beast. It can be seen that this magic weapon has killed many creatures, and the red phantom is Tai Tai. It takes a lot to become this color.

Situ Yuxin had already sacrificed the magic weapon, Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, and then his mind moved.Fortunately, as he moved his mind, the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle obeyed and floated directly in front of him.

A cold light flashed in Situ Yuxin's eyes, and the rapidly spinning ring in his hand immediately roared towards Tong Yan with a "whoosh".

Tong Yan saw it, and immediately manipulated the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to meet him directly.

The two magical artifacts, one red and one gold, were facing each other, and they collided firmly in the blink of an eye.

There was a sound of "Dang", and the red and gold instruments bounced off respectively.But something surprising happened at this moment.

The Vajra Pestle is said to be indestructible, what kind of magic weapon is that?However, the so-called nothing is indestructible, but today it failed to break Situ Yuxin's ring.

However, the ring was also uncomfortable. After being hit head-on by the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, it was directly returned to Situ Yuxin's hands, obviously not daring to fight anymore.

This is the first time this has happened.Tong Yan used the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and there is no magic weapon that cannot be broken. Today is an eye-opener, and it failed for the first time.

But is this really a failure of the indestructible property of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle?That's not the case, but Tong Yan's naked eyes didn't see the scars on the ring. There were cracks inside the ring, but the outside was intact, which made it feel like the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle failed to break the ring.And it was precisely because of this that the ring didn't dare to fight any more, and obediently retreated to its owner.

Situ Yuxin is even more shocked now. His ring is called the life-suspecting ring, and it can be called the number one magic weapon in the Asura Way.The weapon spirit in the life-killing ring is an ancient monster, making the life-killing ring invincible and invincible.

But today, the death ring was repelled by Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.In such a situation, how could Situ Yuxin not be surprised?And it was precisely because of this that Situ Yuxin wanted to get rid of Tong Yan more and more.

Otherwise, leaving Tongyan behind will eventually become a serious problem for him.

"I didn't expect you to have such a magical weapon. It seems that I really can't underestimate you. Skywalker, you are worthy of being my opponent. If you are alive, maybe one day you can really defeat me. But It's a pity that this seat will never give you this opportunity. This seat created a supernatural power some time ago, and I will take you today!"

Having said that, his hands moved quickly, and he was quickly forming the seal.

Logically speaking, Tong Yan should take this opportunity to hide quickly.After all, he doesn't want to be a target here, but the question is, can he still move in his current appearance?
Although it was a ball, he still decided to give it a try, what if it was possible?
Thinking of this, he immediately turned back with all his strength, not to mention, when he turned like this, his body turned back like a ball.

He continued to exert force, but he didn't expect the ball to rotate faster and faster, and in the end, it turned out to be extremely fast.

Situ Yuxin obviously didn't expect Tong Yan to escape so quickly with such a body. By the time he realized it, Tong Yan had already escaped thousands of meters away.

When he saw it, he hurried to catch up.

But after Tong Yan's ball fell to the ground, it suddenly disappeared.

He tried to find Tong Yan with the mark he left on Tong Yan's body, but after Tong Yan's body changed, the mark he put on was completely eliminated.If he wanted to find Tong Yan again, it would not be so easy.

Looking around, Situ Yuxin's face showed anger.He knew that if he failed to get rid of Tong Yan today, it might be even more difficult in the future.It is a pity to miss such a good opportunity.

But this is the fate of people. It can only be said that Tong Yan's fate should not be terminated, it can only be said that Tong Yan's fate is great.

But what made Situ Yuxin even more depressed than Tong Yan's escape was that after Tong Yan became a ball, he was no longer controlled by his Wuji domain.what does that mean?This means that his Promise Domain is ineffective against Tong Yan, just like Tong Yan's golden power is ineffective against him.

It can only be said that after Tong Yan's cultivation has been further improved, and he has obtained more powerful domain abilities, he will not have any advantage against Tong Yan.

But the matter has come to this point, no matter how angry or depressed he is, it will be useless.

"Skywalker, we will definitely meet again. When we meet again, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

It's a good sentence, Tong Yan couldn't break his body into pieces like this today, is it possible for him to succeed in the future?
What is just puzzling is why Tong Yan's body turned into a meat ball?And how did he break through the shackles of the Wuji realm?

The answer will be revealed in the next chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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