
Chapter 1582 Concerned about her heart, set off to find her!

Chapter 1582 Concerned about her heart, set off to find her!
Although Tong Yan has mastered the art of transformation, his art of transformation does not change everything.There are many things he can become, but there are limits.What restrictions?He can only become something about the same size as his own body, the upper limit is 20.00% larger than the current volume, and the lower limit is 20.00% smaller than the current volume.

Metaphorically speaking, he can turn into a mouse, but is a big mouse.He can also become a tree, but only a small tree that is not tall.

Although there are such restrictions, but with this technique of transformation, he still benefits a lot.In addition, his body has become very special.It can be as hard as steel or as soft as a sponge.It can be said that it can be hard or soft, steel or soft.

For the next three days, he has been studying the art of transformation, and only after he has fully mastered it, he left this small cave.

He wants to go to two places now, one is the old house of the Wu family, after all, he doesn't know whether the great immortal from heaven is still in the Wu family, and whether he has saved Gao Qian's life; the other place he wants to go is the habitat of the White Tiger Clan , Nine-tailed Fox Tan Yu is there, and he doesn't know what's going on now, he really misses it very much.

But after much deliberation, he still decided to go back to Wu's house first.Situ Yuxin failed to get rid of him this time, and would definitely attack the Wu family.

If the Wu family hides in the ruins, there is no need to worry.But I'm afraid that the Wu family is not prepared. In that case, the consequences will be disastrous.

In addition, Tong Yan didn't know how the White Tiger Clan would go. Only when he got to Wu's house and knew Qing Ming's whereabouts and joined them, could Kunpeng's White Tiger subordinate take him to the White Tiger Clan's land.

After thinking about everything, he didn't delay any longer, and immediately rushed to the old house of the Wu family as if flying.

During the few days he was in the cave, Situ Yuxin did make some moves.But for some unknown reason, Situ Yuxin didn't do anything to the Wu family's old house, but ordered people to sweep up the righteous sects, big and small.

Those who follow others prosper and those who oppose others perish. Many righteous monks died at the hands of Situ Yuxin's Holy Gate.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and more and more righteous monks united and joined the Heavenly Dao League one after another, which made the Heavenly Dao League significantly improved and stronger than before.The disciples are not only spread all over the world, but the number has also risen in a straight line. All in all, there are hundreds of thousands of people.

But it's a pity that although there are a lot of people, there are very few people with high cultivation bases. The hundred thousand people are probably not the opponents of the thousands of heaven-defying beasts.

But no matter what, everything is developing in a good direction. As long as we work together, as long as we are united, we will defeat the Holy Gate sooner or later.

Although Tong Yan's cultivation hadn't improved, the improvement of his physical body made his speed reach an unprecedented height.He can change shape at will, like an arrow flying from the string, he can fly for several miles in an instant.

In less than half a day, he returned to the Wu family's old house smoothly.

Fortunately, everything is fine in the Wu family, which made Tong Yan really relieved.

Although Qingming and the others did not stay in Wu's house, Qingming had already handed over the blood of the four spirits to the visiting immortal.

The Great Immortal was also very generous, and immediately extended Gao Qian's life. In this way, Gao Qian gained another year of life.

However, after the great immortal helped Gao Qian complete her life extension, she left, but the elder of the Wu family sent word to Tong Yan that he had to return to the heavenly realm, and said that he looked forward to reuniting with Tongyan in the heavenly realm.

Tong Yan listened to the elder's narration, and smiled wryly in his heart.When we meet again in the heaven, we don't know that it is the year of the monkey.But sooner or later, there will be a day when he will seek justice from the heavens, so that the god king who secretly wanted to kill him will get the punishment he deserves.

After learning about Qingming's current whereabouts from the Great Elder, Tong Yan went to see Xue'er and Gao Qian.

Xue'er and Gao Qian have a very good relationship now. They not only ate and slept together, but also went to the ruins to chat with the girl who was transformed by the spirit of XingXiu.

It is said that three women play a drama, they will not be lonely when they are together, and they can have more fun.

Seeing Tong Yan's safe return, Xue'er throws herself into Tong Yan's arms regardless.When Tong Yan and Situ Yuxin fought desperately, if it wasn't for Xueer's encouragement and support, Tong Yan didn't know if he would give up on himself.

Tong Yan likes Xue'er as a younger sister from the bottom of his heart, but this kind of liking is just a liking between family members, and there is no other affection in it.

As for whether Xueer thinks so, only she knows.

Gao Qian was also very happy to see Tong Yan, and specially cooked a table of meals.Several people had a good meal and chatted happily.

The next day just after dawn, Tong Yan set off again.

He really can't stay in the Wu family's old house for too long, he still has a lot of things to do.He missed Tan Yu so much, he wished he could fly in front of Tan Yu right now.

But he had to meet up with Qing Ming and the others first, and only after meeting up could he go to the habitat of the White Tiger Clan.

The foothold chosen by Qingming and the others is Duantianjian, a hidden cave under a cliff.This cave is so big that it can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Not only that, but the Duantianjian was shrouded in clouds and mist, and it was impossible to see the situation below clearly from above.It is not easy for the Holy Gate to find out the exact location.

Tong Yan found Duan Tianjian very smoothly this time, and reunited with Qing Ming and the others without much trouble.

Seeing Tong Yan's safe return, everyone was naturally overjoyed, so they couldn't help changing their cups and drinking heavily.

During the banquet, Tong Yan looked around but saw no sign of Kunpeng, so he could only ask, "Brother Qing, where is Kunpeng? He didn't come here?"

When Qing Ming heard this, he immediately said angrily: "You still mention him? After that guy left with us again, he took the opportunity to slip away. We don't have time to find him, so we simply let him go. That is, he ran away Hurry up, or I will never spare him."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked again: "Then what about the white tiger who was with him? Where is the white tiger? Could it be that he slipped away too?"

Qingming heard this, and immediately replied: "The white tiger didn't slip away, but I was worried that he would tell the holy gate of our foothold, so I arranged him to be stationed on another mountain. What? You want to find him? "

Tong Yan nodded and replied: "Yes, I really want to find him. I have to go after we finish drinking. Tan Yu is in the White Tiger Clan's life and death. How can I feel at ease if I don't see her? No matter what , I have to wake her up to help her escape her fate!"

Qing Ming didn't ask further, but he knew how important Tan Yu was to Tong Yan, so he comforted Tong Yan and said, "Little Tong, don't worry, Miss Yu'er will be fine. You don't want to drink anymore, I am I will send someone to take you to find that white tiger. The sooner you get on the road, the sooner you can see Miss Yu'er."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately got up and said, "Okay, then I'll take a step first. Brother Qing, after I see Yu'er, if everything goes well, I will definitely come back sooner. If you are in a hurry, please send me a voice transmission from thousands of miles away. me."

Having said that, he directly scratched his fingertips, dripping two drops of blood onto the table.

Tong Yan has set off, and he will finally meet Tan Yu again.But can he wake up Tan Yu?What will happen to him in the White Tiger Clan?

(End of this chapter)

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