
Chapter 1593 Long-awaited, Tan Yu wakes up!

Chapter 1593 Long-awaited, Tan Yu wakes up!
Tong Yan knew that he had to agree, because this might be the only way to save Tan Yu.No matter what Situ Yuxin would do after getting the Nether Treasures, it was not as important as rescuing Tan Yu.

He really wants to see Tan Yu wake up, and he really wants to hear Tan Yu's voice. It is precisely because of this expectation that he puts everything in his mind, makes him irrational, and even a little " madness".

Arriving in the Azure Dragon Hall in a hurry, he told everyone about his plan.After hearing this, everyone fell into silence for a while.

Maybe the descendants of Kuafu didn't know how deep the relationship between Tong Yan and Tan Yu was, but when they saw the burning gaze in Tong Yan's eyes, they all knew that Tong Yan had lost his mind.

As Tong Yan's closest person, Qing Ming hesitated for a while before he said, "Little Tong, are you sure that Situ Yuxin can really cure Miss Yu'er? Are you not worried that he will lie to you?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled: "No, he said that he would help Yu'er break away from the five elements and surpass the five elements. In this way, Yu'er's life can be extended indefinitely, and he will no longer be bound by the law of heaven. This is to save Yu'er The best way, I think it is very suitable. Brother Qing, do you know how much I want to see Yu'er open his eyes? I really don't want to miss such a good opportunity."

Qing Ming let out a soft sigh, and then said: "Will that have any other impact? If it is not in the five elements, there is no hidden danger?"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "How could it be? Look at that Situ Yuxin, isn't he living a good life? If Yu'er can be like him, how is it different from normal people?"

Qingming let out another light, then forced a smile and said: "Okay, since you have already made a decision, then I won't say anything more, Miss Yu'er's life is hard, if you can really change your life, why not make a decision?" Is it a good thing?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "That's right, I thought so too. My Yu'er will wake up soon, it's like a dream. Haha..."

Qing Ming turned to look at the offspring of Kuafu, who just sighed softly, but didn't say anything in the end.

Tong Yan didn't want to delay, so after saying a few words, he left Azure Dragon Hall.

As soon as he left, Kuafu's descendants couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect the majestic Qilin talent to be so enthusiastic today. I hope the result will be good, bless them! Sigh..."

Qingming smiled wryly and said: "What else? Miss Yu'er is really important to him, not to mention the twin treasures of the Netherworld, even his life, he can also exchange it. Brother Kuafu, I think we should Go back to Duantianjian earlier, I don't know what will happen later, so I have to prepare earlier."

Kuafu's descendants nodded and smiled, "What the Azure Dragon King said is true, but I don't know where the black beauty went. She actually left behind my back. I really don't know what kind of medicine is in her gourd."

After talking for a few more words, everyone decided to leave for Duantianjian.

At this moment, Tong Yan had met Situ Yuxin again, and set off for Kunlun Mountain, where the Holy Gate is located.

No one knew what the result would be, but Tong Yan's heart was full of excitement and excitement.

Both he and Situ Yuxin moved quickly, and in just a few hours, they rushed back to the main altar of the Holy Gate in Kunlun Mountain.

Situ Yuxin also took Tong Yan into his secret room in order to get the Nether Twin Treasures earlier.

This secret room was where Situ Yuxin practiced on a daily basis, but on the ground of this secret room, Tong Yan saw many special and somewhat familiar "words".

Tong Yan searched in his mind for a while, and suddenly found that these words were very similar to "Tianzi".However, they are also very different from Tianzi, and the biggest difference is the way they are written, as if they were written in reverse.

If there is a mirror now, looking at the characters in the mirror, it will be roughly the same as the "Tian Zi" that Tong Yan knows.

The "Tianzi" in reverse is really special enough.

Tong Yan was not in the mood to continue studying these reversed "heaven characters", but continued to eagerly hope to see Tan Yu wake up sooner.

"Come on, give it to this seat, you just need to stand aside and watch, and leave the rest to this seat."

Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, but in order to save Tan Yu, he had to hand Tan Yu over to Situ Yuxin.

Situ Yuxin did not pick up Tan Yu with his hands, but gently lifted Tan Yu with an invisible force, and brought her to the center of the secret room.

In the middle of the secret room is a futon on the ground, and Tan Yu just landed on the futon.

Situ Yuxin waved to Tong Yan, signaling him to step aside.Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately backed away, and then fixed his eyes on Tan Yu, refusing to move away for a moment.

Situ Yuxin ignored Tong Yan and sat cross-legged in front of Tan Yu.

Immediately afterwards, watching his fingers connect the dots, those reversed "Heaven characters" engraved on the ground immediately seemed to have life, not only glowing with gray air, but also turned into gray air masses gathered from everywhere. around his body.

He manipulated these air masses to wrap Tan Yu up, and then wriggled quickly in his mouth, chanting incomprehensible spells.

For some reason, Tong Yan suddenly felt a splitting headache when he heard these spells. These spells were like magic spells, hitting his spirit again and again, making him very uncomfortable.

But even so, he still refused to take his eyes away from Tan Yu's body, and still insisted on watching.

Time passed little by little, and the gray air mass that wrapped Tan Yu had merged into one, like a silkworm cocoon, completely wrapped Tan Yu in it.

Tong Yan tried to look at Tan Yu from the outside again, but he couldn't see it at all.

He didn't know what Tan Yu was going through in the air mass, but he was very eager for the air mass to disperse and Tan Yu opened his eyes.

"Yu'er, you must wake up, you must wake up!"

He prayed in his heart, expecting something magical to happen.

Situ Yuxin had stopped chanting the mantra, but he was still holding spells with both hands. Seeing the magic spells enter the air mass surrounding Tan Yu, he guessed that Tan Yu's fate was changing.

After that, the gray air mass surrounding Tan Yu suddenly changed its color, from gray to gold, from gold to green, from green to blue, from blue to red, and finally From red to brown.

After the color changed here, the color of the air mass changed again until it returned to the original gray.

After the air mass turned gray, it didn't change again, but Situ Yuxin whispered softly at this moment.

I don't know what he said, but the air mass surrounding Tan Yu began to squirm.

Until he finally shouted "Break", the air mass exploded with a "Poof".

Then, a gray nine-tailed fox emerged from the air mass.

Tong Yan looked at it intently, and couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart.

"My Yu'er, you finally woke up!"

It's just that Tan Yu's fur in front of him, how could it become this color?And her eyes seemed a little strange!
(End of this chapter)

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