
Chapter 1596 Covering the head and covering the face, keep back hands!

Chapter 1596 Covering the head and covering the face, keep back hands!
As usual, Tong Yan took care of Tan Yu carefully this day, and didn't care about other things.Of course, Qingming and the descendants of Kuafu were dealing with the affairs of Tiandaomeng, so he was very relieved.

But today, Qing Ming changed his past and came to his residence in person, and as soon as he entered the door, he said in a hurry: "Little boy, something is wrong! That bastard Situ Yuxin, he broke the contract!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, then looked at Qingming and said, "Brother Qing, how do you know? Is the news accurate?"

Qing Ming said solemnly: "This matter is absolutely true! I received a voice transmission from the heavens, asking me to go to Kunlun Mountain two days later, and work together for the heavens to eradicate the holy gate. In addition, according to the spies I planted in the holy gate In return, Situ Yuxin has raised the banner and is about to fight against the heavens and kill all the gods in the heavens on the top of Kunlun. Boy, it is imminent now. Do we have to do something? Do we just let them start a war in the human world? ?"

In the past few days, Tong Yan has been taking care of Tan Yu meticulously, and didn't spend much time thinking about other things.Hearing what Qing Ming said now, he couldn't help being a little surprised, how could he think of a way?

"Brother Qing, I... I haven't thought it through yet, give me some time. I'll give you an answer tomorrow!"

When Qing Ming heard this, his complexion changed immediately, and he said loudly: "Little boy, what's wrong with you? Is this still you? You are a skywalker, and now the human world is in trouble. You still need time to think? Didn't you think about it before?" Will such a thing happen in the future? Why did Situ Yuxin plan to get the Nether Twin Treasures? Why did he treat Tan Yu so kindly? Haven’t you thought about all this? Now that he has the Nether Twin Treasures, it must be Mobilized ghost soldiers and ghost beasts, otherwise, how dare he challenge the heavens? You are really mad at me, you can't go on like this, you must cheer up, you must think about the human world. This is your responsibility, It's my responsibility, and none of us can shrug it off. Do you understand?"

Facing Qing Ming's reprimand, Tong Yan didn't have a single rebuttal, and the only person who could reprimand Tong Yan was Qing Ming.After all, as the elder brother, it is reasonable to reprimand the younger brother.

Seeing Tong Yan showing shame, Qing Ming calmed down a little, and then said earnestly: "Little Tong, I know you have a deep relationship with Miss Yu'er. As an elder brother, why don't I hope that you can live together happily and happily?" But you have to recognize the reality, do you think Miss Yu’er is still the same as before? Didn’t you realize that she has lost her soul? If you continue to be obsessed with obsession, then you are irresponsible to yourself , not responsible for Yu’er’s actions.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan suddenly had a sore nose and shed tears inexplicably.

He didn't know that Tan Yu had lost his soul, only the beast instinct of being a nine-tailed fox remained, but he never let himself think about it, and was always full of hope, hoping that one day Tan Yu would suddenly wake up and suddenly remember him.

Because of this, he would rather deceive himself than believe the truth.

Today when Qing Ming said everything, he finally understood that he could no longer lie to himself.He has to accept the reality and do something for Tan Yu.

Seeing Tong Yan shed tears, Qing Ming couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, he regarded Tong Yan as his own younger brother, and his own younger brother was so sad and painful, how could he be hard-hearted?
"Little Tong, I can understand the pain in your heart, and I know your difficulties. It is precisely because of this that I have never told you the truth. But Xiaotong, you can't just live for yourself, let alone paralyze yourself with illusions. You need to be sober, you need to recognize the reality. You have to become the omnipotent young master of the treacherous door before, and you have to shoulder the burden of being a Skywalker. Even if you are a little tired, you still can't Dodge. Do you really have the heart to watch so many innocent people die? Do you really have the heart to see a piece of scorched earth and corpses everywhere? Boy, come to your senses and do what you should do. I think this is also what Miss Yu'er said Hope, because you are the real hero in her heart, right?"

Tong Yan took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears that slipped down inadvertently, and then showed that charming and confident smile: "Yes, Brother Qing, you are right. I have to wake up from the illusion, I have to Accept the reality. You go to gather everyone, and we discuss the countermeasures together. In any case, we cannot let the tragedy happen, and we cannot put the world in danger."

Upon hearing this, Qing Ming said happily, "Okay, I'll go and inform you right away. You should have done this long ago. Hehe..."

As he spoke, he immediately turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

Seeing Qing Ming leave, Tong Yan stood up directly, looked down at Tan Yu who was already sleeping in his arms, and said softly: "Yu'er, you also want me to change back to my original self, don't you? Don't worry , I won’t go on like this anymore, the human world will be guarded by me!”

After speaking, he hugged Tan Yu and walked out of the room.

After a while, everyone gathered in the hall.

Tong Yan carried Tan Yu into the hall, nodded to everyone, and sat down on the leader's throne.

Seeing this, everyone was a little dazed, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, what are you still doing? Sit down! Let's start discussing right now! Brother Qing, tell us about the current situation so that everyone can understand."

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately told everyone about the upcoming war between the Holy Gate and the Heaven Realm.

After everyone listened, discussions began.

After they discussed, Tong Yan said: "Everyone, the current situation is like this, the human world is in danger. As a member of the human world and the Tiandao League, we all have a duty to defend the human world and protect the human world. Human World. Now, I want to hear your opinions, and then we can discuss the best way. Come on, let’s talk one by one.”

Qing Ming took the lead and said: "If you want me to say, let's attack the holy gate at Qichen tonight. As long as we can severely damage the holy gate, when the heavenly world is heavily attacked, there is no need to go to war, and the loss of the human world can be minimized." What do you guys think of my suggestion?"

Hearing this, the descendants of Kuafu smiled slightly and said, "It's a good suggestion, but if we do this, can we really damage the Holy Gate? We couldn't compete with the Holy Gate before, and now that Situ Yuxin has obtained the Nether Twin Treasures again. The Holy Gate The strength of the gate is already enough to threaten the heavens. It is necessary for us to go here, but it is tantamount to seeking our own death. If there is no possibility of severely injuring the holy gate, we will just make a meaningless sacrifice if we go there!"

Qing Ming was hit with cold water, and said a little depressed: "Then tell me, what should we do now?"

The descendant of Kuafu looked at Tong Yan, smiled mysteriously, "Brother Tong Yan, you should know what to do, right? You gave Situ Yuxin the Nether Twin Treasures, did you really leave nothing behind?"

(End of this chapter)

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