
Chapter 1599 The battle to win the treasure, each show their magical powers!

Chapter 1599 The battle to win the treasure, each show their magical powers!
Hearing this, Tong Yan took another sip of the wine, and then replied with a smile: "This beheading wine is indeed delicious, and this Hongmen Banquet is also delicious. Situ Yuxin, I really appreciate your help."

Not only did he not get up, he even put his legs on the table, not to mention how annoying it was.

Situ Yuxin saw it, and smiled instead of anger: "Your demeanor is really admirable. You are not afraid of danger, and you are not afraid of death. If it weren't for your unwillingness to be used by me, I would really be willing to have a different surname with you. Brother. What a pity, what a pity."

When Tong Yan heard this, he laughed loudly and said, "What a pity? What's the pity? As the saying goes, different ways don't conspire with each other. Besides, if you and I are brothers with different surnames , don’t you have to abandon evil and do good? This is not like you. A villain like you has to continue to be evil. Only in this way can you die. Are you right? Haha..."

As soon as this remark came out, one of the law enforcement elders immediately reprimanded: "Presumptuous, how dare you talk to our master like this. I think you really don't want to live."

Tong Yan glanced at the elder who was speaking, and said with a disdainful smile: "You are a bastard, are you worthy of talking to me? If you want to kill me, you are probably still far away. Why don't you do it together, maybe you can do it together." Take a few tricks on my hands."

"Big words! I want to see what you are capable of today!"

Having said that, the angry law enforcement elder immediately rushed forward.

But before he got close to Tong Yan, he was shot into his eyes by Tong Yan's gold star power. Immediately afterwards, that guy seemed to be fixed in place, and he was fixed halfway, no longer moving forward.

This method of fixing the body was thought up by Tong Yan himself.Different from the fixed body that he used the power of Venus before, the single fixed body only needs a little power of Venus to complete. Compared with the large-area fixed body, it is more practical and less consuming.

Seeing that his subordinates were fixed on the spot, Situ Yuxin laughed and said: "I didn't expect to see you for a few days, and Brother Skywalker's skills have improved a lot!"

Tong Yan replied with a smile: "I have no choice. If I don't improve my strength, how can I do justice for the sky and get rid of you, a villain?"

When Situ Yuxin heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "Interesting, it's really interesting. It seems that today you and I must fight to the death. But the army of the heavens will come soon, so why do you sacrifice your life in vain? Just because I didn't lead the Holy Gate back to Asura? But your Nine-Tailed Fox has been cured, and our previous transaction is considered complete. What else can you hold on to?"

Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "Really? You really cured my Yu'er? Situ Yuxin, do you really think I'm a three-year-old child? Say, where did you get Yu'er's ghost? "

Speaking of this, Tong Yan's eyes shone coldly, full of killing intent.

Hearing this, Situ Yuxin laughed loudly and said, "Skywalker, you have wronged me. How would I know where the demon soul of the nine-tailed fox went? And you said she has no demon soul, Do you think it is right? If there is no demon soul, how can she live? She is not a zombie, nor a living corpse, but a serious nine-tailed fox."

Hearing what Situ Yuxin said, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.Indeed, if Tan Yu's ghost is indeed gone, then Tan Yu is a zombie, but she is not a zombie.Does that mean that her demon soul is still in her body?No, absolutely not.

According to human beings, people have three souls and seven souls.Does the Nine-Tailed Fox have a demon soul similar to this?Could it be that Tan Yu's demon soul is incomplete, which is why it became what it is now?

This possibility is very high, because if one of the three souls and seven souls of a person is missing, problems will arise.It is often said that a person loses his soul, which means that a certain soul has temporarily left the body.

Tan Yu might be like this now, and as long as all the demon souls are gathered for her, she will be able to regain her sanity and regain her consciousness.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

He should still have a chance to help Tan Yu collect all the demon souls, but the first thing he has to do is to take back the Nether Twin Treasures.

"Situ Yuxin, Ming people don't speak dark words. I don't care about what you did to my Yu'er. I just want to get back my things today. You refuse to take the Holy Gate out of the human world. Instead, I enraged the Heaven Realm and planned to start a war in the Human Realm. This is completely different from my original intention, and our previous transactions naturally cannot be counted. If you are sensible, return the Nether Twin Treasures to me quickly. Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret it."

As soon as this remark came out, Situ Yuxin couldn't help laughing out loud as if he had heard some joke.

"Haha...haha... Skywalker, you are really ridiculous. You are in the holy gate of this seat, and you are surrounded by many, and you still want this seat to regret it? Do you think you have this ability? Come on, set up the formation , Take him down immediately!"

Situ Yuxin knew very well that although his strength was indeed higher than that of Tong Yan, it would not be easy for him to kill Tong Yan.He needs to cast a spell to force Tong Yan's soul out of his body, and then use a heaven-defying method to completely crush Tong Yan's soul.

And in order to be able to do this, he had to trap Tong Yan and not let Tong Yan escape.That's why he prepared food and drinks, and invited Tong Yan to come in.The purpose is to trap Tong Yan on the spot, so that Tong Yan has nowhere to escape.

Before coming here, Tong Yan had already thought of various possibilities.And being trapped here had long been expected by him.

But he didn't plan to escape because he had clearly sensed the Nether Twin Treasures.Now the Nether Twin Treasures are on Situ Yuxin's body, so close to him.

Escaping now means that all previous efforts have been in vain, so the only thing he has to do is to fight Situ Yuxin in close quarters, and then find a way to get back the Nether Twin Treasures.

Seeing the law enforcement elders in the hall rushing towards him, he ignored it, and did not use the immobilization method. Instead, he turned into a spear and stabbed Situ Yuxin not far away.

Seeing Tong Yan attacking, Situ Yuxin immediately slapped Tong Yan, hoping to repel Tong Yan.

But even though Tong Yan's strength is not as good as him, it is not so easy to deal with such a full blow.

Hearing a "bang", Tong Yan's spear directly pierced Situ Yuxin's palm.But because Situ Yuxin's palm was extremely hard, he couldn't penetrate a single bit.

However, due to the powerful impact, Situ Yuxin couldn't help but took two steps back, and slapped another palm before slapping Tong Yan's spear aside.

But is Tong Yan such a person who gives up so easily?The spear he turned into was photographed aside, but he completed his second transformation almost instantly.

But this time the transformation was different from the previous ones, he actually turned himself into an octopus.

What is the biggest characteristic of octopus?That is, there are eight tentacles.In the blink of an eye, all eight of his tentacles grabbed Situ Yuxin, not to attack, but to retrieve the Nether Twin Treasures.

But at this moment, Situ Yuxin showed his tough side.

It is unbelievable that he... actually transformed himself!
(End of this chapter)

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