
Chapter 1606 The cultivation level is further advanced, the ending is unpredictable!

Chapter 1606 The cultivation level is further advanced, the ending is unpredictable!

Tong Yan slept for more than three hours before slowly opening his eyes.Although he has woken up, his body is obviously still very weak, even sitting up seems a bit reluctant.

When everyone saw him wake up, they immediately surrounded him.

"How are you, boy? How do you feel now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Qingming frowned, and said in a critical tone: "You are like this, and you still say it's okay? Do you know how long you have been in a coma? For more than three hours, you are still stubborn here. Say, how could you Suddenly fainted? What's going on here?"

Of course Tong Yan knew that Qing Ming cared about him, if he didn't tell the truth now, Qing Ming would definitely not give up.

Thinking of this, he could only sigh softly: "The reason why I fainted is because I used up all the power in my body. I was locked up by Situ Yuxin in his empty space before, and I have been trying to go Break through the space and come out from inside. But his space is obviously different from Brother Yaohuang’s, and there is no limit in his space. I have tried many methods, but none of them worked. Then, for some reason, I suddenly became sleepy. I couldn't do it, so I fell asleep for no reason. I don't know how long I slept this time. If my magic weapon didn't wake me up in time, the consequences would be unimaginable. During the time I was sleeping, the power in my body was actually Slowly passing away. When I woke up, two-thirds of the strength in my body had been lost. Later, I understood one thing, in Situ Yuxin's void space, even if I didn't do anything, I The power in my body will also disappear bit by bit. Instead of watching my power slowly flow away like this, it is better to try again with all my strength. When Situ Yuxin opened the door of space, the power in my body was already less than [-]% .I directly merged with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and after fighting Situ Yuxin, I have used up all my last strength. It is precisely because of this that I suddenly fainted."

After hearing Tong Yan's words, the Yaohuang frowned deeply.He heard the incredible from Tong Yan's words, and also heard the strength of Situ Yuxin.

He can only create a small space, but what Situ Yuxin created is a void space without boundaries. In his space, people can move normally, but they cannot easily escape; but in Situ Yuxin's void space , it will slowly force the essence of the trapped person out of the body, fortunately, Tong Yan's cultivation is not bad, if the person imprisoned is a person with a lower cultivation, I am afraid that after the essence in the body is exhausted, life will come to an end .

Although he is unwilling to convince others, he must admit that there is indeed a big gap between him and Situ Yuxin.

Qing Ming didn't think about this, but asked Tong Yan: "Then the power in your body is exhausted, will it affect your cultivation?"

Tong Yan said with a mysterious smile: "I can't tell right now, but give me another two hours, and I can give you an answer. I need to retreat for two hours, firstly to restore my celestial power, and secondly to restore my spirit I have to trouble you to protect me for these two hours, so that no one else can disturb me. After two hours, we can go to Situ Yuxin to settle the score."

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately responded: "Little boy, you can rest assured to retreat. We will protect you, not to mention people, even a fly or a mosquito will never disturb you."

Tong Yan smiled and nodded. After taking a deep breath, he sat cross-legged and began a short retreat.

Everyone was worried about disturbing his retreat, so they all retreated a little far away, and protected him in a circle.

Time passed bit by bit, and Tong Yan's cultivation was progressing in an orderly manner.

Soon, the two hours were coming to an end, and Tong Yan's training had temporarily come to an end.

In fact, he should have practiced for a few more days, because through the complete exhaustion of the power in his body this time, his cultivation base has improved a lot.He used to be close to the late stage of the Immortal Realm, but now his cultivation base has completely entered the late stage of the Immortal Realm. If he practiced for a while longer, he would be able to reach the peak of the Immortal Realm, which is only [-] meters away from the Celestial Realm. One step away.

In addition, the power of the stars, which was also exhausted, has also been fully recovered, and the only thing that has not recovered is his power of the sky demon.But he doesn't have time to think about it now, the dawn is getting closer and closer, and he must snatch the Nether Treasures back from Situ Yuxin's hands before dawn.

It seemed that there was only two hours of retreat, but Tong Yan's whole body felt as if he had been completely reborn. That extraordinary temperament really felt a bit like a fairy.

Seeing Tong Yan standing up with a rosy complexion, Qing Ming immediately smiled and said, "Little Tong, your cultivation will not improve again, will it?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "That's right, my cultivation level has indeed improved a bit. Speaking of which, it's a blessing in disguise for me. If I don't exhaust the strength in my body, how would I know that I have such a big room for improvement? Thank you, brothers and guardians, I It's completely fine now."

The Yaohuang laughed and said: "Brother Tong Yan, you are not a blessing in disguise, but a profound blessing. Just imagine, this seems to be a small step of improvement, but many people will spend decades, or even hundreds of years. You have improved so much in just one hour, this is not due to luck, what is it?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "It is said that surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings. I'm afraid that's the case. Well, let's not talk about this. The sky will be dawn soon, and we have to get it out of Situ Yuxin's hands before dawn." Take back the Nether Twin Treasures. Everyone, please give me another helping hand."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

The group of eight people no longer hesitated, immediately flew up, and flew towards the main altar of the Holy Gate again.

Situ Yuxin had been wounded by Tong Yan in one hand and one arm before, and after such a short period of time, his injuries had fully recovered.Presumably the reason why he was able to recover so quickly must have something to do with the "Tianzi" he has mastered.

He knew that Tong Yan would definitely not let it go like this, so in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, he had activated the Nether Twin Treasures on the built altar.

A few ghost soldiers and ghost beasts have come from the Land of Nine Nethers under the call of the ghost treasures. As long as there is enough time, an army composed of ghost soldiers and ghost beasts can be formed before dawn. Finish.

What Situ Yuxin needs is time, and Tong Yan and the others are also racing against time.

In addition to their two forces, the heavenly realm has also summoned heavenly soldiers and generals, who will soon land on Kunlun Mountain.

What will happen next?

(End of this chapter)

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