
Chapter 1608 Trapped in nothingness again, an unexpected harvest!

Chapter 1608 Trapped in nothingness again, an unexpected harvest!
"Haha...haha... two lifeless things, just because you want to stop me? It's better to just wait in my empty space and wait for the ashes to disappear. Haha...haha..."

Situ Yuxin's laughter became farther and farther away, while Tong Yan and Yaohuang were completely submerged in the endless darkness.

"Brother Tong Yan, can you hear my voice? Brother Tong Yan?"

"Brother Yaohuang, I can hear you, how are you doing now? Are you feeling unwell?"

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me at all. But I'm afraid we're in big trouble now, this should be Situ Yuxin's empty space, we've fallen into his way."

Situ Yuxin was really powerful. The void space was displayed without warning, and it was extremely fast. It was impossible for Tong Yan and Yaohuang to react, so they were included in it.This is really impossible to guard against, even a strong man like the Demon King can't escape it.

Now that he enters here again, he will inevitably face the old problem again. How can he break through Situ Yuxin's empty space?

"Brother Yaohuang, do you have a way to escape? I was trapped here before, and I have never thought of a way. Now that I am here again, I am really helpless."

There are very few things that can make Tong Yan helpless, but this void is definitely the most difficult existence to break through.

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor laughed and said, "Since we're here, why should we rush out? Although I don't know how to break through this empty space, being here can improve my space ability." .Let's be patient!"

When the Yaohuang said this, it was obvious that he had a plan in mind. If not, he might be even more anxious than Tong Yan now.

Although Tong Yan hoped that he could take back the Nether Treasures from Situ Yuxin's hands sooner, but this void space is too powerful, even if he is anxious, it will not help at all, he might as well be like the Demon King, just let it go when it comes.

But he still wanted to remind the Demon Emperor, because after staying in this empty space for a long time, even if he wanted to leave, he might not be able to.

"Brother Yaohuang, do you remember that all the power in my body was exhausted before? We can't stay in this empty space for long, otherwise the power in our body will be completely exhausted before we can figure out a way to escape."

The Demon Emperor laughed and said: "Of course I remember, but Brother Tong Yan, are you sure you can't stay here for long? This empty space can exhaust the power in your body, but can't you regain it? After all, The celestial power in your body is nothing more than qi. Even if this is a void space, isn’t there qi? I don’t know much about the way of Wuji, but I know that Wuji produces Taiji, Taiji produces two forms, and two forms produce four phenomena , Four images produce gossip, and gossip plays all things. If the qi in this empty space is infinite, why don't you try to absorb it and use it for you? Of course, this is just my guess. As for whether it will be successful, Then it depends on your ability."

There is a saying that one word wakes up a dreamer, and the words of the Yaohuang directly awakened Tong Yan.

What nothingness?The air here is probably filled with air similar to the air of chaos. It's not that there is nothing, but that everything is at the very beginning.

Situ Yuxin practiced Wuji Dao, so naturally everything has something to do with Wuji.If the qi here is the qi of chaos, then how can his body shaped by the chaotic god tree fail to absorb it?
Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately smiled and said: "Brother Yaohuang is indeed an expert, thank you for reminding me, I think I know what to do."

As soon as the words fell, he sat cross-legged, held his body and kept his mind, and began to absorb the "Qi" around him.

On his side, he began to try to absorb the surrounding Qi, while on the Yaohuang's side, he carefully studied Situ Yuxin's empty space.Although the Demon Emperor also has the ability to create space, but compared with Situ Yuxin, it is really insignificant.Only by recognizing the gap can there be a direction for improvement.

The Demon Emperor has always suffered from being unable to improve his space ability, but now he can learn from Situ Yuxin's method of creating space.

Outside the empty space, Situ Yuxin continued to summon ghost soldiers and ghost beasts from the Nine Nether Lands. As time went by, the ghost soldiers and ghost beasts crawled out of the passage became more and more powerful.

In the end, those who climbed out were already powerful existences like the Nether Ghost General and the Nether Beastmaster.

With such a powerful subordinate, Situ Yuxin couldn't even mention how proud he was.

Time passed little by little, and he didn't know what kind of powerful guy he would summon from the passage.

Speaking of Tong Yan and Yao Huang, even though it's only been half an hour, both of them have made many new discoveries.

Let's talk about the Demon Emperor first. He found that the void space created by Situ Yuxin is not really without boundaries, but because of the existence of special gas here, the creatures inside cannot touch the boundaries.People here feel that they are surrounded by darkness and can't go to the end, but in fact, it's like a ghost hitting a wall, always circling in circles.Where can you touch the boundary when you go around the circle?

If you want to really touch the edge, you must overcome the effect of the gas in this empty space, and you will be able to find a way to escape from here without being manipulated and confused by these special gases.

But he saw through this point, but he still couldn't overcome the entanglement of the surrounding gas. In desperation, he could only pin this hope on Tong Yan.

Let's talk about Tong Yan, when the Demon Emperor awakened him, he immediately began to absorb the "Qi" around him.Just as he guessed, his body shaped by the chaotic god tree can indeed absorb the special gas in this void space.

But these gases are really difficult to control and mobilize, he just absorbs a little, and it has already stirred up the blood in his body, making him very uncomfortable.

But his greatest strength is tenacity, not easy to compromise and give up, so after nearly half an hour of hard work, he was finally lucky enough to grasp a trace of the "Qi" that belongs to this place.

And with such a trace of "Qi", it seemed easier for him to absorb the "Qi" here.

This is like rolling a snowball, rolling little by little, and eventually it will roll into a big snowball.

Although the Yaohuang couldn't see Tong Yan's expression, he could sense Tong Yan's existence. Tong Yan's breath was steady, and he knew that there was nothing wrong with Tong Yan.

In order not to disturb Tong Yan, he just waited quietly.Waiting for Tong Yan to bring him a surprise, waiting for Tong Yan's harvest.

In the blink of an eye, another hour passed, and during the one and a half hours of training, the "Qi" in Tong Yan's body had changed from a thin thread to a thin ribbon.If you continue to practice here, maybe this thin belt will become a creek, and finally a small river.

But Tong Yan didn't have time to continue to practice steadily here. Although he only got such a small amount of special "Qi", he thought it was enough to deal with Situ Yuxin.

He is by no means arrogant, but because of these special "Qi", he obtained unexpected benefits.It's enough to help him hit Situ Yuxin hard, and it's enough to turn the tide!

(End of this chapter)

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