
Chapter 1610 Complete madness, the belief in victory!

Chapter 1610 Complete madness, the belief in victory!
It seems that Situ Yuxin's arrogance still has something to rely on.His life-killing ring, which is known as the number one magic weapon in Asura Dao, is already a rare treasure, but now, he unexpectedly took out the blood-breaking axe, which is also famous as the world's number one killer.

With these two notorious magic weapons in hand, there are really very few people who can match him.

But this can't scare the Yaohuang at all, let alone Tong Yan.

Because the Demon Emperor is obsessed with the art of refining weapons, he knows many famous magic weapons and killer weapons.In this regard, Tong Yan is about to appear ignorant.

Tong Yan had never heard of the number one killer in the world.But seeing the fanaticism in the demon emperor's eyes, it is estimated that this blood-breaking ax does have a lot of background.

Now is not the time to ask this, so even though Tong Yan didn't know the "brilliant deeds" of the Blood Axe, he didn't intend to ask clearly.

The soldiers came to cover the water and the soil, since Situ Yuxin showed his strongest weapon, there was only one thing he should do, and that was to do it!

The Demon Emperor quickly woke up from his enthusiasm for the magic weapon, and then he took out the Overlord Spear gracefully and held it in his hand.

Although the Yaohuang's weapons are famous, Tong Yan's and Yaohuang's weapons are also not ordinary. In a real fight, it is not necessarily who will have the upper hand.

Both sides showed their weapons, so naturally they couldn't just watch.

So I saw Tong Yan and Yaohuang's eyes met, and immediately attacked Situ Yuxin at the same time.

The demon emperor shot out like a dragon with one move, stabbing Situ Yuxin's head fiercely.And Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was also vigorously swung by him, and it hit Situ Yuxin's body directly.

The two of them were on the left and the right, and they were attacking from left to right. It depends on how Situ Yuxin responds.

Soon, Situ Yuxin gave the answer.

He suddenly flickered, and then his body split into two, turning into two heads and four arms.In this way, he can calmly deal with Tong Yan and Yaohuang's flanking attack.

One inch long, one inch strong.Yaohuang's Overlord Spear approached Situ Yuxin first, and Situ Yuxin's left body immediately waved the death ring to meet the Overlord Spear, and when he heard a "Dang", the Overlord Spear was immediately shaken away by the death ring.But the Demon Emperor would not just let it go so easily, he picked up the tip of the gun and slashed at Situ Yuxin's throat in an instant.

But Situ Yuxin reacted very quickly, and the life-killing ring pressed down, and hit the Overlord Spear firmly again, making the Demon Emperor's two consecutive moves come to nothing.

Looking at Tong Yan again, he was facing Situ Yuxin's right body.And the weapon used on the right side of the body is the blood-breaking axe, the so-called number one killer weapon in the world.

Because the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle is short, Tong Yan had to get close to Situ Yuxin in order to exert the strongest power of the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

But this time, Situ Yuxin can be regarded as gaining wisdom by eating a ditch. He knows Tong Yan's vajra subduing pestle is powerful, so he didn't let the blood-breaking ax and the vajra subduing pestle head-to-head. Eight hundred ways of playing.

Instead of using the blood-breaking ax to meet Tong Yan's Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, he slashed across Tong Yan's neck with the ax instead.

If this was hit by him with an axe, Tong Yan would probably have to split his head on the spot.

But he forgot Tong Yan's talent for fighting. In the flash, Tong Yan quickly completed his transformation, from his original tall body to a child's figure.As a result, Situ Yuxin wanted to slash Tong Yan's neck, but now he couldn't even touch Tong Yan's scalp.

And Tong Yan?Taking advantage of his short stature, a vajra subduing magic pestle hit Situ Yuxin firmly on the waist.

This pestle was quite powerful, and Situ Yuxin not only heard the sound of his hip bones breaking, but also felt the piercing pain.

And just as he was swinging his ax down, Tong Yan had already resorted to shifting his shape, and went directly to the other side of him.Together with the Demon Emperor, attack his left side of the body.

As a result, Situ Yuxin immediately changed from being evenly matched to being passively beaten.

The Yaohuang attacked Situ Yuxin's upper three lanes with the Overlord Spear in his hand, while Tong Yan directly attacked Situ Yuxin's lower three lanes by virtue of his short stature.

How could Situ Yuxin be able to parry such a frenzied attack up and down? After only a short while, he was already seriously injured.

But as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.Even though Situ Yuxin was completely passive, he didn't give up because of it.

Finally, he showed his crazy side.

He heard him suddenly raise his head and let out a roar, and his body immediately crackled.

His body is getting bigger, and the huge breath is also spreading outward.Not only that, he also used his own domain ability, which is the Wuji domain.

Although the Promise Domain is ineffective against Tong Yan, it has a great influence on the Demon Emperor.

The demon emperor, who was in the realm of infinity, obviously slowed down, and the spear he stabbed seemed to be playing in slow motion, and he was no longer a threat to Situ Yuxin.

Although Tong Yan was not afraid of Situ Yuxin's Infinity Domain, he was still a little powerless against the impact of Situ Yuxin's powerful aura.

In desperation, he chose to retreat temporarily, and immediately pulled the Demon Emperor back quickly.

They backed away so that they could more intuitively see the changes in Situ Yuxin's body.

I saw that his figure became taller and stronger, and a red carapace appeared on his body, like a set of red armor.In addition, the wounds on his body were also healing rapidly, and when his body changes were over, he no longer had any injuries.

He abandoned his previous two-headed and four-armed appearance, and became a head with two arms again, but he doesn't look like a human anymore.Although he has limbs and a head, he is more like a humanoid monster.

Being attacked by Tong Yan and Yaohuang, he was completely enraged, he stared at Tong Yan and Yaohuang firmly, even without words, the full killing intent could already be clearly felt.

Tong Yan glanced at Situ Yuxin who had completed his transformation, and he knew that the real fight had just begun.But under such circumstances, the Demon Emperor might not be able to help him any more, and if he stayed here, it would become a burden for him instead.

After seeing this clearly, he immediately said to the Demon Emperor: "Brother Demon Emperor, you have already done a lot for me. Leave the rest to me!"

When the Demon Emperor heard this, he just wanted to refute a few words, but when he thought of his physical condition, he could only nod in shame.

The gap in strength and the restraint in the field have already hit the Yaohuang. Although his cultivation level is not much different from Situ Yuxin's, Situ Yuxin's Wuji field is too powerful.In this field, he only had to be beaten, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.Although he was unwilling to accept this reality, he still had to grit his teeth and admit it.

"Brother Tong Yan, I will withdraw from his domain right now, and the rest is up to you. I firmly believe that you will win. Don't let us down!"

Tong Yan said with a cool smile: "Don't worry, I will win and he will lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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